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Še en teden počitnic
Another week of vacation
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Vlada Janeza Janše je ukrepe za preprečevanje širitve novega koronavirusa podaljšala za teden dni.
The government of Janez Janša has extended the measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus for a week.
Vladni govorec Jelko Kacin je za Televizijo Slovenija že potrdil, da bodo osnovnošolci imeli še en teden počitnic, srednješolci pa se bodo prihodnji teden šolali na daljavo.
Government spokesman Jelko Kacin has already confirmed for Televizija Slovenija that primary school students will have another week off, while secondary school students will study at a distance next week.
Po Evropi so ukrepi ponekod še strožji kot v Sloveniji. A v večini držav so se odločili, da šole ostanejo odprte.
In Europe, some places have measures that are even stricter than in Slovenia. But in most countries, they have decided to keep schools open.
Le na Češkem so šole zaprli 14. oktobra, predvidoma do 3. novembra.
Only in the Czech Republic were schools closed on October 14, probably until November 3.
V Nemčiji, Franciji, na Nizozemskem, v Veliki Britaniji in na Irskem ostajajo vrtci in šole odprti.
In Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland, kindergartens and schools remain open.
Tudi v Avstriji so šole še vedno odprte. V soboto bo vlada predvidoma odločala o tem, ali se bodo začeli šolati na daljavo srednješolci.
In Austria, schools are also still open. On Saturday, the government is expected to decide whether high school students will start distance learning.
Na Hrvaškem je minister za izobraževanje Radovan Fuchs poudaril, da šole niso žarišča okužb in da zato ni potrebe po šolanju na daljavo. Meni, da je varneje, da so otroci v šoli: »Če otroke pošljemo domov, tam ne bodo v samoizolaciji.«
In Croatia, Education Minister Radovan Fuchs emphasized that schools are not hotbeds of infections and that there is therefore no need for distance learning. He believes it is safer for children to be in school: "If we send children home, they will not be in isolation there."
Unicef, Unesco in Svetovna banka pozivajo države, naj šole tudi v času pandemije ostanejo odprte. Opozarjajo na škodo, ki jo je zapiranje izobraževalnih ustanov po svetu povzročilo zlasti v revnih državah.
UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank are urging countries to keep schools open even during a pandemic. They draw attention to the damage caused by the closure of educational institutions around the world, especially in poor countries.
Otroci v revnih državah so bili od začetka pandemije prikrajšani za skoraj štiri mesece šolanja, učenci v bogatejših državah, ki so se učili na daljavo, pa so izgubili šest tednov, so organizacije opozorile v poročilu, v katerem so analizirali razmere v 150 državah.
Children in poor countries have been deprived of nearly four months of schooling since the start of the pandemic, and students in richer countries who have studied at a distance have lost six weeks, the organizations warned in a report analysing the situation in 150 countries.
Ključno je ponovno odprtje šol in zagotavljanje prepotrebnih ur pouka, da bi nadomestili zamujeno, pravi vodja izobraževanja pri Unicefu Robert Jenkins.
The key is to reopen schools and provide much-needed lessons to make up for lost time, says UNICEF Education Manager Robert Jenkins.
»Ni nam treba iti daleč, da bi videli, kakšno opustošenje je pandemija povzročila pri izobraževanju otrok po vsem svetu.« V državah z nizkimi in srednjimi dohodki je to še večje, saj je dostop do učenja na daljavo omejen.
“We don’t have to go far to see what devastation the pandemic has caused in the education of children around the world.” In low- and middle-income countries this is even greater, as access to distance learning is limited.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
V soboto se zaprejo trgovski centri, v ponedeljek vrtci
Shopping malls close on Saturday, kindergartens on Monday
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Vlada uvaja nove ukrepe za zaustavitev širjenja novega koronavirusa. Od sobote dalje bodo med drugim zaprti trgovski centri, v ponedeljek bodo ostali zaprti tudi vrtci. V javnem potniškem prometu bo vozila le še tretjina avtobusov.
The government is introducing new measures to stop the spread of the new coronavirus. From Saturday onwards, shopping centres will be closed, and kindergartens will be closed on Monday. With regard to public transport, only a third of the buses will be running.
»Ta teden bo izjemnega pomena, da širjenje epidemije zajezimo,« je na popoldanski tiskovni konferenci dejal predsednik vlade Janez Janša.
"This week will be extremely important to curb the spread of the epidemic," said Prime Minister Janez Janša at an afternoon press conference.
Zaprti bodo tudi dijaški in študentski domovi, razen za tiste dijake oziroma študente, ki nimajo drugih možnosti bivanja.
Dormitories will also be closed, except for those pupils or students who have no other accommodation options.
Naslednji teden se zaprejo tudi vrtci, z izjemo za otroke staršev, ki delajo in ne morejo zagotoviti varstva za otroke.
Kindergartens will also close next week, with the exception of for those children whose parents work and are unable to provide childcare.
Od danes dalje je celotno območje Slovenije rdeče, saj je bila tudi obalno-notranjska regija razglašena za rdeče območje. Gibanje med regijami je prepovedano, gibanje med občinami pa je še dovoljeno.
As of today, the entire area of Slovenia is red, as the Coastal-Notranjska region has also been declared a red area. Movement between regions is prohibited, but movement between municipalities is still allowed.
Odloki, ki bodo začeli veljati v soboto, bodo sprejeti za teden dni. Vlada bo na seji prihodnji četrtek odločala, kako naprej.
The decrees, which take effect on Saturday, will be last for a week. The government will decide at a session next Thursday how to proceed.
Šele konec prihodnjega tedna bo znano, kako bo potekalo šolanje po koncu počitnic.
It will not be known until the end of next week how schooling will take place after the holidays.
Število okuženih z novim koronavirusom še vedno raste, in vse več obolelih za covidom-19 potrebuje bolnišnično oskrbo. Okuženih je tudi vse več zdravstvenih delavcev – samo v UKC Ljubljana več kot sto. Po oceni strokovnjakov je aktivno okuženih od 15.000 do 20.000 ljudi.
The number of people infected with the new coronavirus is still growing, and more and more people suffering from covid-19 need hospital care. More and more health workers are also infected - more than a hundred in the University Medical Center Ljubljana alone. According to experts, between 15,000 and 20,000 people are actively infected.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Voda in milo, nedosegljivo razkošje
Water and soap, unattainable luxury
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Umivanje rok je skupaj z vzdrževanjem varne razdalje in kihanjem in kašljanjem v robček ali rokav najbolj učinkovit ukrep proti širjenju novega koronavirusa. Toda za milijone otrok po vsem svetu sta voda in milo nedosegljivo razkošje, na svetovni dan umivanja rok opozarja Unicef.
Washing hands, along with maintaining a safe distance and sneezing and coughing into a handkerchief or sleeve, is the most effective measure against the spread of the new coronavirus. But for millions of children around the world, water and soap are unattainable luxuries, warns UNICEF on World Handwashing Day.
Če si temeljito umijemo roke z milom, se s tem zaščitimo pred številnimi nalezljivimi boleznimi, ne samo pred covidom-19. Preprosto, kajne? Žal ne. Mi, ki imamo čisto tekočo vodo na voljo na vsakem koraku, težko razumemo, da si milijoni ljudi po svetu nimajo možnosti umiti rok.
If we wash our hands thoroughly with soap, we protect ourselves from many infectious diseases, not just covid-19. Simple, right? Unfortunately, no. We, who have clean running water available at every turn, find it hard to understand that millions of people around the world do not have the opportunity to wash their hands.
»Pandemija koronavirusa je znova osvetlila ključno vlogo higiene rok pri preprečevanju širjenja bolezni. Obenem je izpostavila globalni izziv – umivanje rok z milom ostaja nedosegljivo milijonom otrok po svetu, tako v domačem okolju, v šoli, na begu,« je dejala Kelly Ann Naylor, namestnica vodje Unicefovih programov za vodo, higieno in sanitarije.
“The coronavirus pandemic has once again highlighted the key role of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease. At the same time, it highlighted a global challenge - washing hands with soap remains out of reach for millions of children around the world, at home, at school, on the go, ”said Kelly Ann Naylor, Deputy Head of UNICEF's Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programs.
»Nesprejemljivo je, da najbolj ranljive skupnosti ne morejo uporabiti najpreprostejših in hkrati najučinkovitejših ukrepov za zaščito sebe in svojih najdražjih pred boleznimi. Potrebno je takojšnje ukrepanje, da omogočimo umivanje rok z milom vsem in vsepovsod.«
“It is unacceptable that the most vulnerable communities cannot use the simplest and at the same time most effective measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from disease. Immediate action is needed to enable everyone to wash their hands with soap. "
Umivanje rok ni le prva obramba pred novim koronavirusom, temveč tudi pred pljučnico, kolero, drisko, grižo, tifusom, hepatitisom A ter številnimi drugimi nevarnimi boleznimi.
Hand washing is not only the first defence against the new coronavirus, but also against pneumonia, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhus, hepatitis A and many other dangerous diseases.
Le trije od petih ljudi na svetu imajo možnost za umivanje rok. To pomeni, da kar tri milijarde Zemljanov doma nima pogojev za umivanje rok z vodo in milom.
Only three out of five people in the world have the option to wash their hands. This means that as many as three billion people on Earth do not have the conditions to wash their hands with soap and water at home.
Skoraj 75 % prebivalcev najmanj razvitih držav doma nima osnovnih pogojev za umivanje rok. Skoraj polovica šol na svetu nima ustreznih prostorov za umivanje rok z vodo in milom.
Almost 75% of the population of the least developed countries do not have the basic conditions for washing their hands at home. Nearlt half of the schools in the world do not have adequate facilities for washing hands with soap and water.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Z novimi ukrepi nad novi koronavirus
With new measures for the novel coronavirus
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Novi koronavirus se vse bolj širi. Vlada je zato pripravila nov nabor ukrepov, s katerimi želi preprečiti, da v bolnišnicah ne bi mogli pomagati vsem, ki potrebujejo zdravljenje.
The new coronavirus is spreading more and more. The government has therefore come up with a new set of measures to prevent hospitals from not being able to helping everyone in need of treatment.
Premier Janez Janša pravi, da bodo še naprej iskali načine, kako zajeziti širjenje virusa tako, da bo to čim manj prizadelo naše vsakdanje življenje.
Prime Minister Janez Janša says that they will continue to look for ways to curb the spread of the virus so that it will affect our daily lives as little as possible.
A takih ukrepov ni več veliko na voljo, saj že sedaj uporabljajo skoraj vse.
But such measures are no longer available, as they are already used by almost everyone.
A če se bo število okužb še povečevalo, bo vlada morala razglasiti epidemijo. To bi znova pomenilo strožje ukrepe.
But if the number of infections continues to rise, the government will have to declare an epidemic. This would again mean stricter measures.
Napovedal je, da bo vlada v prihodnjih dneh omejila strežbo v gostinskih lokalih, omejila število oseb v zaprtih javnih prostorih glede na velikost prostora (denimo v trgovinah, bankah in podobno) ter omejila zbiranje ljudi na največ deset. Predvidena je tudi prepoved obiskov v domovih za starejše in bolnišnicah, ponekod ta sicer že velja. Ukrepi naj bi začeli veljati v četrtek.
He announced that in the coming days the government will limit the service in restaurants, limit the number of people in enclosed public spaces according to the size of the space (for example in shops, banks and the like) and limit the gathering of people to a maximum of ten. A ban on visits to homes for the elderly and hospitals is also envisaged, but in some places it is already in force. The measures are expected to take effect on Thursday.
Če to ne bo dovolj, bi na voljo ostali le še ukrepi, kot so zapora posameznih občin, zaprtje gostinskih lokalov in športnih dvoran ter ustavitev nenujnih zdravstvenih storitev.
If this is not enough, only measures such as the closure of individual municipalities, the closure of restaurants and sports halls and the cessation of non-essential health services would remain available.
»Če bi število okuženih preseglo 140 na 100 tisoč prebivalcev v štirinajstih dneh ter bi bilo v bolnišnicah več kot 250 bolnikov, od teh več kot 50 na intenzivni negi, bi morali razglasiti epidemijo in sprejeti podobne ukrepe, ki smo jih sprejemali spomladi,« je posvaril.
"If the number of infected people exceeded 140 per 100,000 population in fourteen days and there were more than 250 patients in hospitals, of which more than 50 were in intensive care, we should declare an epidemic and take similar measures that we took in the spring," he said. warned.
Še vedno pa velja, da širjenje virusa lahko pomagamo zaustavljati, če se odgovorno obnašamo. Med najbolj učinkovitimi ukrepi, ki jih že vsi dobro poznamo, so še vedno vzdrževanje razdalje, redno umivanje rok ter kihanje in kašljanje v rokav.
However, it is still true that we can help stop the spread of the virus by behaving responsibly. Among the most effective measures we all already know well are still maintaining distance, washing your hands regularly, and sneezing and coughing into your sleeve.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Ne meči hrane v smeti
Don't throw food in the trash
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Na mednarodni dan ozaveščanja o izgubah hrane in odpadni hrani so mediji poročali o tem, koliko hrane vržemo v smeti, in opozarjali, kako narobe je to. Vendar en dan na leto ni dovolj! O tej temi bi morali govoriti in razmišljati vsak dan.
On International Food Loss and Food Waste Awareness Day, the media reported on how much food we throw in the trash and warned how wrong it was. But one day a year is not enough! We should talk and think about this topic every day.
Vsak Slovenec na leto zavrže kar 68 kilogramov hrane v smeti. Preračunajmo: to je 20 dekagramov ali skoraj štiri žemljice na dan. Ogromno hrane se izgubi že na poti do potrošnika, nato pa konča v smeti, skupaj z neprodano hrano iz trgovin in ostanki hrane iz gostiln, šol in družinskih miz.
Every Slovene throws as much as 68 kilograms of food a year in the trash. Let’s recalculate: that’s 20 decagrams, or almost four buns a day. A huge amount of food is lost already on the way to the consumer, it then ends up in the trash, along with unsold food from stores and leftover food from restaurant, school and family tables.
Združeni narodi so si zastavili cilj, da v desetih letih zmanjšamo količino odpadne hrane za polovico in hkrati odpravimo lakoto v svetu. Kako lahko to dosežemo?
The United Nations has set itself the goal of halving the amount of food waste in ten years while eliminating world hunger. How can we achieve this?
Viške hrane podarimo tistim, ki so še lačni. Nekateri živilski trgovci vsak večer ostanke sveže neprodane hrane predajo predstavnikom različnih človekoljubnih organizacij, da jih razdelijo tistim, ki hrane ne morejo kupiti. To je lep zgled. Toda iz trgovin pride samo deset odstotkov ostankov hrane. Najbolj potratno s hrano ravnamo v gospodinjstvih. Mi sami smo krivi za več kot polovico vse zavržene hrane, opozarja novinarka Dela Maja Prijatelj Videmšek.
We give surplus food to those who are still hungry. Some food retailers hand over leftovers of fresh unsold food to representatives of various humanitarian organisations every night to distribute to those who cannot buy food. This is a good example. But only ten percent of leftover food comes from stores. The most food waste is in households. We ourselves are to blame for more than half of all discarded food, warns Delo journalist Maja Prijatelj Videmšek.
Zato si moramo prizadevati, da kupimo in si pripravimo le toliko hrane, kolikor jo lahko pojemo. Ostanke shranimo in pojemo kasneje. Viške hrane pa lahko podarimo naprej. Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije vsako leto razpiše natečaj Evropa v šoli. Naslov letošnjega se glasi Če kruhek pade ti na tla, poberi in poljubi ga.
Therefore, we should strive to buy and prepare only as much food as we can eat. The leftovers are stored and eaten later. Surplus food can be donated. Every year, the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia announces the Europe at School competition. This year's title is If the bread falls to the ground, pick it up and kiss it.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Tadej Pogačar veliki zmagovalec dirke po Franciji
Tadej Pogačar is the big winner of the Tour de France
Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
V nedeljo se je s formalno parado šampionov do Elizejskih poljan v Parizu sklenila peklenska tritedenska kolesarska dirka po Franciji.
On Sunday, the three-week Tour de France cycling race concluded with a formal parade of champions to the Champs-Elysées in Paris.
Za Slovenijo je bila zgodovinska. Dvojno zmagoslavje sta na njej dosegla Slovenca Tadej Pogačar in Primož Roglič.
It was historic for Slovenia. The Slovenians Tadej Pogačar and Primož Roglič achieved a double victory.
Primož je kar 11 etap vozil v rumeni majici vodilnega na dirki po Franciji. Na predzadnji, odločilni etapi, pa se je zgodil neverjeten preobrat. Na kronometru so mu pošle moči.
Primož rode as many as 11 stages in the yellow jersey of the leader of the Tour de France. On the penultimate, decisive stage, however, an incredible turnaround occurred. On the time trial his strength ran out.
Tadej, ki je danes dopolnil 22 let, je v 36,2 kilometra dolgi vožnji na čas kolo poganjal kot stroj, prehitel Primoža za skoraj dve minuti in oblekel rumeno majico.
Tadej, who turned 22 today, rode his bike like a machine in a 36.2-kilometer time trial, overtook Primož by almost two minutes and wore the yellow jersey.
»Šel sem na polno. Moje sanje so bile, da bi le nastopil na Touru, zdaj pa sem zmagal. To je neverjetno,« je po izjemni predstavi v kronometru 20. etape Toura dejal Tadej.
“I went full throttle. My dream was to just perform on the Tour, and now I’ve won. This is amazing," said Tadej after the exceptional performance in the time trial of the 20th stage of the Tour.
Primož je priznal, da je bil Tadej boljši in da preprosto v nogah ni imel dovolj moči.
Primož admitted that Tadej was better, and that he simply did not have enough strength in his legs.
Mnogi so Tadejevo vožnjo označili za eno izmed najboljših kolesarskih predstav posameznika vseh časov. Poleg rumene je osvojil tudi pikčasto majico za najboljšega na gorskih vzponih in belo majico za najboljšega mladega kolesarja.
Many have described Tadej's ride as one of the best individual cycling performances of all time. In addition to the yellow, he also won a polka dot jersey for the best on mountain climbs and a white jersey for the best young cyclist.
Njegov uspeh je še toliko večji, ker ob sebi ni imel tako močne ekipe kot Primož.
His success is even greater because he did not have such a strong team with him as Primož.
»Vsak dan v treh tednih smo naredili vse popolno. Vse smo natančno načrtovali. Pripravljeni smo bili na praznovanje,« je bil razočaran eden od kolesarjev v Primoževi ekipi Jumbo Visma.
“Every day for three weeks, we did everything perfectly. We planned everything carefully. We were ready for the celebration," said one of the riders in Primož's team, Jumbo Visma, who was disappointed.
Razplet prinaša lepo sporočilo: življenja ne gre načrtovati do podrobnosti; del življenja so presenečenja in za uspeh je treba vztrajati in dati vse od sebe.
This unfolding [of events] brings a nice message: life is not about planning down to the last detail, surprises are a part of life and for success you have to persevere and give your best.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Za TikTok v Ameriki še iščejo rešitev
They are still looking for a solution for TikTok in America
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Iztekel se je rok za spremembo lastništva priljubljene aplikacije TikTok.
The deadline to change ownership of the popular TikTok app has expired.
V kitajskem podjetju ByteDance, ki jo je ustvaril, iščejo rešitve, kako se izogniti prepovedi njene uporabe v Združenih državah Amerike.
The Chinese company ByteDance, which created it, is looking for solutions to avoid a ban on its use in the United States.
Za zdaj kaže, da ameriškega dela podjetja ne bo kupil Microsoft, kot se je sprva govorilo. Namesto tega naj bi v Kaliforniji ustanovili novo samostojno globalno podjetje.
For now, it appears that Microsoft will not buy the American part of the company, as was initially said. Instead, a new independent global company is to be set up in California.
V Beli hiši v Washingtonu, kjer živi in dela ameriški predsednik Donald Trump, so se popoldne pogovarjali, ali lahko Kitajci ohranijo večinski delež lastništva v novem podjetju. Manjšinski lastnik bi postal ameriško podjetje Oracle. Ta bi prevzel tudi upravljanje s podatki in tako poskrbel za njihovo varnost.
The White House in Washington, where US President Donald Trump lives and works, discussed in the afternoon whether the Chinese could retain a majority stake in the new company. The minority owner would be the American company Oracle. It would also take over the management of the data and thus ensure its security.
Po prvih podatkih še ni znano, ali se Trump s tem predlogom strinja.
According to initial reports, it is not yet known whether Trump agrees with this proposal.
Predsednik Trump je sicer avgusta napovedal, da bo TikTok prepovedal že 20. septembra, če Kitajci aplikacije ne bodo prodali Američanom.
President Trump announced in August that he would ban TikTok as early as September 20 if the Chinese did not sell the app to Americans.
Prepričan je namreč, da Kitajska prek aplikacije dostopa do podatkov o ameriških državljanih.
He is convinced that China has access to data on American citizens through the application.
Kitajsko podjetje je ves čas zatrjevalo, da podatkov ne zlorablja.
The Chinese company has always claimed that it does not misuse the data.
TikTok je zelo priljubljen predvsem med otroki in najstniki. Po svetu naj bi si ga naložila več kot milijarda uporabnikov.
TikTok is very popular, especially among children and teenagers. It is estimated to have been downloaded by more than a billion users worldwide.
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Po Trumpovih besedah je podjetje Oracle blizu tega, da sklenejo dogovor. Tega morajo nato potrditi še pristojni ameriški uradniki.
According to Trump, Oracle is close to reaching an agreement. This must then be confirmed by the relevant US officials.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Je branje še vrednota?
Is reading still a value?
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Koliko knjig se drenja na knjižnih policah tvojega doma?
How many books are on the bookshelves of your home?
Raziskave kažejo, da otroci, ki imajo doma veliko knjig, več berejo.
Research shows that children who have a lot of books at home read more.
Kaj pa drugega! Če ti je kdaj dolgčas in imaš v bližini množico knjig, ki te lahko popeljejo novim pustolovščinam naproti, lažje posežeš po njih.
What else! If you’re ever bored and have a lot of books nearby that can take you on new adventures, it’s easier to reach for them.
Včasih pa otroci potrebujete tudi malo spodbude. Še posebej v teh časih, ko dolgčas marsikdo raje preganja tako, da brska po TikToku in Instagramu ali pa igra Roblox in Minecraft.
But sometimes kids also need a little encouragement. Especially in these times when many people prefer to escape boredom by browsing TikTok and Instagram or playing Roblox and Minecraft.
Kaj lahko odrasli, učitelji in starši, naredijo, da otroci raje vzeli v roke knjige kot telefon ali računalnik?
What can adults, teachers and parents do that children would rather pick up a book than a phone or a computer?
O tem so se strokovnjaki pogovarjali na posvetu Branje kot vrednota, ki so ga pripravili ob mednarodnem dnevu pismenosti. Namenjen je bil razmisleku o ozaveščanju širše javnosti o pomenu branja, bralne pismenosti in bralne kulture.
Experts discussed this at the conference Reading as a Value, which was prepared on the occasion of International Literacy Day. It was intended to reflect on raising awareness among the general public about the importance of reading, reading literacy and reading culture.
Na žalost tudi odrasli dobro vedo, da je tiste, ki ne berejo radi, težko pripraviti do tega, da posežejo po knjigi.
Unfortunately, even adults are well aware that it’s difficult to get those who don’t like to read to reach for a book.
»Glede na raziskavo Knjiga in bralci VI je izziv v tem, kako doseči tiste, ki ne berejo, in kako jih prepričati, zakaj je pametno brati. Izziv pa so tudi poti za dosego tega,« je na posvetu dejala Renata Zamida, direktorica Javne agencije za knjigo.
“According to the Book and Readers VI survey, the challenge is how to reach those who don’t read and how to convince them why it’s wise to read. The way to achieve this is also a challenge, "said Renata Zamida, director of the Public Book Agency, at the conference.
Eden od načinov spodbujanja branja je nacionalni mesec skupnega branja, ki bo trajal do 11. oktobra. V tem času te organizatorji med drugim vabijo bereš vsaj petnajst minut na dan.
One way to encourage reading is National Reading Month, which runs through October 11th. During this time, the organizers invite you, among other things, to read for at least fifteen minutes a day.
Bo šlo?
Will it work?
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Računalnik Razkril Notranjost Živalskih Mumij
Computer Reveals Inside of Animal Mummies
Written by Urša Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Poznaš mumije iz starega Egipta? Seveda, le kdo jih ne?! A malokdo ve, da stari Egipčani niso mumificirali le ljudi, pač pa tudi živali.
Do you know mummies from Ancient Egypt? Of course, who doesn’t?! But few know that the Ancient Egyptians not only mummified humans but also animals.
Skupini znanstvenikov je uspelo s posebno metodo računalniške simulacije združiti na tisoče rentgenskih slik in tako pogledati v notranjost treh mumificiranih živali.
A group of scientists managed to combine thousands of X-ray images with a special method of computer simulation and thus look inside three mummified animals.
Na računalniškem zaslonu so zagledali okostje mačke, kače in ptice. Ob natančnejši analizi kosti so opazili številne podrobnosti, ki govorijo zgodbo o življenju in smrti teh živali pa tudi ljudi, ki so jih mumificirali.
They saw the skeletons of a cat, snake and bird on the computer screen. Upon closer analysis of the bones, many details were noticed that tell the story of the life and death of these animals as well as the people who mummified them.
Na podlagi mlečnih zob mačke so sklepali, da je šlo za mladiča, mlajšega od petih mesecev. Lega hrbtenice nakazuje, da je imela zlomljen vrat.
Based on the cat's milk teeth, it was concluded that it was a kitten younger than five months. The position of her spine indicates that she had a broken neck.
Po obliki okostja ptice in kače so lahko določili živalsko vrsto. Ptico so uvrstili med postovke, kača pa je mlada egipčanska kobra.
They were able to determine the species by the shape of the skeleton of the bird and snake. The bird has been classified as a kestrel, and the snake is a young Egyptian cobra.
Egipčanska kobra je imela zelo poškodovane ledvice, kar kaže, da ji je v času življenja primanjkovalo vode. Prav tako je imela vidne znake žrtvovanja v verskem obredu.
The Egyptian cobra had severely damaged kidneys, indicating that it lacked water during its lifetime. She also had visible signs of sacrifice in a religious ceremony.
Pogled v notranjost mumificiranih živali razkriva nove podatke o življenju in verovanju starih Egipčanov. Verjeli so, da s tem, ko truplo živali ali človeka spremenijo v mumijo, omogočijo prehod v posmrtno življenje.
A look inside the mummified animals reveals new information about the life and beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians. They believed that by turning the corpse of an animal or human into a mummy, they made the transition to the afterlife possible.
Mumificirane živali so na ta način pošiljali bogovom, omogočili so jim prehod v večnost. Premožni faraoni so mumificirali tudi svoje domače živali, da bi jim delale družbo tudi v posmrtnem življenju.
Mummified animals were sent to the gods in this way, allowing them to pass into eternity. Wealthy pharaohs also mummified their domestic animals to keep them company even in the afterlife.
»Uporabili smo najsodobnejšo znanstveno tehnologijo,« je rezultate komentiral vodja raziskave Richard Johnston. »S temi novimi orodji lahko na drugačen način pogledamo v življenje in smrt živali pred 2000 leti.«
“We used state-of-the-art scientific technology,” commented research leader Richard Johnston. "With these new tools, we can look at the life and death of animals 2,000 years ago in a different way."
Razvoj novih tehnologij in možnost pogleda v notranjost mumij na nek način že dokazujeta njihovo uspešno pot v večnost.
The development of new technologies and the possibility of looking inside mummies in a way already proves their successful path to eternity.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Koš v zadnji sekundi
Basket in the last second
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Najbrž ni mladega košarkarja, ki ne bi sanjal teh sanj: vznemirjeni navijači odštevajo zadnje sekunde na najpomembnejši tekmi v karieri, tvoje moštvo izgublja za točko ali dve, žoga prileti v tvoje roke, stečeš, zajameš sapo, vržeš in zadeneš odločilni koš.
There’s probably no young basketball player who wouldn’t dream these dreams: excited fans count down the last seconds of the most important game of your career, your team is losing by a point or two, the ball lands in your hands, you run, catch your breath, throw and score the deciding basket.
Iz takih sanj so narejeni filmi.
Movies are made from such dreams.
In take sanje so uresničile enemu najboljših slovenskih košarkarjev vseh časov, enaindvajsetletnemu Luki Dončiću, na četrti tekmi spopada med moštvom Dallas Mavericks in nasprotnikom LA Clippers.
And such a dream came true for one of the best Slovenian basketball players of all time, twenty-one-year-old Luka Dončić, in the fourth game of the clash between the Dallas Mavericks and the LA Clippers.
Luka je svoje moštvo, ki je med tekmo zaostajalo že za 21 točk, z odločilnim metom v zadnji sekundi podaljška popeljal do druge zmage v uvodnem krogu končnice lige NBA.
Luka led his team, which was already 21 points behind during the game, with a decisive throw in the last second of extra time to the second victory in the opening round of the NBA playoffs.
Žoga je njegove roke zapustila tik pred koncem tekme in padla v koš, ko je bila tabla že rdeča.
The ball left his hands just before the end of the match and fell into the basket when the board was already red.
Izid med obema moštvoma je sedaj izenačen, obe ekipi sta nanizali dve zmagi.
The result between the two teams is now equal, both teams have scored two wins.
Luka Dončić je tako odigral najboljšo tekmo v ligi NBA in to kljub temu, da si je slaba dva dni pred nastopom zvil levi gleženj.
Luka Dončić thus played the best game in the NBA league, despite the fact that less than two days before the performance he twisted his left ankle.
Zaradi zvina je predčasno končal tretjo tekmo uvodnega kroga končnice lige NBA. Pred vrnitvijo na igrišče je menil, da najbrž ne bo mogel igrati na vso moč. A nato je vendarle dosegel 43 točk, nanizal 17 skokov in 13 podaj. Dallas je tako premagal moštvo iz Los Angelesa z rezultatom 135:133.
Due to the sprain, he ended the third game of the opening round of the NBA playoffs prematurely. Before returning to the field, he felt that he would probably not be able to play at full strength. But then he still scored 43 points, scored 17 rebounds and 13 assists. Dallas thus defeated the team from Los Angeles with a score of 135: 133.
»Ko sem zadel za zmago in so vsi fantje poleteli proti meni, sem se počutil kot v nebesih,« je dejal Luka Dončić.
"When I scored for the victory and all the guys flew towards me, I felt like in heaven," said Luka Dončić.
Njegov met je drugi najdaljši v končnici lige, ki je v zadnjem trenutku odločil izid tekme.
His throw is the second longest in the league playoffs, deciding the outcome of the match at the last moment.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Zbogom, ledena plošča!
Goodbye, ice sheet!
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Še zadnja nedotaknjena ledena plošča na kanadskem severu je izgubila skoraj polovico svoje površine in se zrušila v morje.
The last untouched ice sheet in the Canadian north lost almost half of its surface and crashed into the sea.
»Nadpovprečne temperature zraka, vetrovi blizu obale in učinki odprtega morja so recept za odlom ledene plošče,« je dogodek na Twitterju komentirala kanadska služba za spremljanje stanja ledu (Canadian Ice Service).
"Above-average air temperatures, winds near the coast and the effects of the open sea are the recipe for breaking the ice sheet," the Canadian Ice Service commented on the event on Twitter.
Satellite animation, from July 30 to August 4, shows the collapse of the last fully intact #iceshelf in #Canada. The Milne Ice Shelf, located on #EllesmereIsland in #Nunavut, has now reduced in area by ~43%. #MilneIceIsland #seaice #Arctic #earthrightnow #glacier pic.twitter.com/jjs1gawoxA
— ECCC Canadian Ice Service (@ECCC_CIS) August 4, 2020
Novica žal ni nepričakovana. Arktiko, območje med severnim tečajem in severnim tečajnikom, je tudi to poletje zajel vročinski val in po njej pustošijo številni gozdni požari. V sibirskem mestu Verhojansk so leta 1892 namerili najnižjo temperaturo na severni polobli, minus 68 stopinj Celzija. 20. junija letos pa so v do zdaj najhladnejšem naseljenem kraju na svetu zabeležili rekordno temperaturo: 38 stopinj Celzija. To je kar 18 stopinj več, kot je najvišja povprečna junijska dnevna temperatura.
Unfortunately, the news is not unexpected. The Arctic, the area between the North Pole and the North Circle, has also been hit by a heatwave this summer and is ravaged by numerous forest fires. In the Siberian city of Verkhoyansk, the lowest temperature in the northern hemisphere, -68° Celsius, was measured in 1892. On June 20 this year, a record temperature was recorded in the coldest inhabited place in the world so far: 38° Celsius. That’s as much as 18 degrees more than the highest average June daily temperature.
Julija je bilo arktičnega morskega ledu najmanj v zadnjih 40 letih. Območje večnega ledu se zadnjih 30 let segreva dvakrat hitreje od globalnega povprečja. Naraščajoče temperature talijo arktični morski led. Odprta voda, ki pri tem nastane, pa vpije še več sončnih žarkov, kar še bolj ogreje Arktiko. In začaran krog je sklenjen.
In July there was the smallest amount of Artic sea ice for the last 40 years. The permafrost has been warming twice as fast as the global average for the past 30 years. Rising temperatures are melting Arctic sea ice. The resulting open water absorbs even more sunlight, further warming the Arctic. And the vicious cycle is closed.
A ne talijo se samo mogočne ledene plošče in ledeniki, topi se permafrost, trajno zamrznjena tla, v katerih se skrivajo tudi do sto tisoč let stari virusi in bakterije. Kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi se odmrznili povzročitelji kakšnih starih nalezljivih bolezni? Temu problemu v času pandemije novega koronavirusa znanstveniki namenjajo veliko pozornosti.
But it's not just mighty ice sheets and glaciers that are melting, permafrost is melting – permanently frozen soils that contain viruses and bacteria that are up to a hundred thousand years old. What would happen if the causes of some old infectious diseases thawed? Scientists are paying close attention to this problem during the new coronavirus pandemic.
»Bakterije lahko preživijo dolgo časa, to je v znanstvenih krogih sprejeto dejstvo. Vprašanje je le, kako dolgo. Milijon let? Petsto tisoč let? Petdeset tisoč let?« se za Unearthed sprašuje virolog Jean Michel Claverie.
“Bacteria can survive for a long time, this is a fact accepted in scientific circles. The question is just how long. A million years? Five hundred thousand years? Fifty thousand years? ”Asks virologist Jean Michel Claverie for Unearthed.
Če bo šlo tako naprej, na Arktiki leta 2050 ne bo več ledu.
If it goes on like this, there will be no more ice in the Arctic in 2050.
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