Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Koš v zadnji sekundi
Basket in the last second
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Najbrž ni mladega košarkarja, ki ne bi sanjal teh sanj: vznemirjeni navijači odštevajo zadnje sekunde na najpomembnejši tekmi v karieri, tvoje moštvo izgublja za točko ali dve, žoga prileti v tvoje roke, stečeš, zajameš sapo, vržeš in zadeneš odločilni koš.
There’s probably no young basketball player who wouldn’t dream these dreams: excited fans count down the last seconds of the most important game of your career, your team is losing by a point or two, the ball lands in your hands, you run, catch your breath, throw and score the deciding basket.
Iz takih sanj so narejeni filmi.
Movies are made from such dreams.
In take sanje so uresničile enemu najboljših slovenskih košarkarjev vseh časov, enaindvajsetletnemu Luki Dončiću, na četrti tekmi spopada med moštvom Dallas Mavericks in nasprotnikom LA Clippers.
And such a dream came true for one of the best Slovenian basketball players of all time, twenty-one-year-old Luka Dončić, in the fourth game of the clash between the Dallas Mavericks and the LA Clippers.
Luka je svoje moštvo, ki je med tekmo zaostajalo že za 21 točk, z odločilnim metom v zadnji sekundi podaljška popeljal do druge zmage v uvodnem krogu končnice lige NBA.
Luka led his team, which was already 21 points behind during the game, with a decisive throw in the last second of extra time to the second victory in the opening round of the NBA playoffs.
Žoga je njegove roke zapustila tik pred koncem tekme in padla v koš, ko je bila tabla že rdeča.
The ball left his hands just before the end of the match and fell into the basket when the board was already red.
Izid med obema moštvoma je sedaj izenačen, obe ekipi sta nanizali dve zmagi.
The result between the two teams is now equal, both teams have scored two wins.
Luka Dončić je tako odigral najboljšo tekmo v ligi NBA in to kljub temu, da si je slaba dva dni pred nastopom zvil levi gleženj.
Luka Dončić thus played the best game in the NBA league, despite the fact that less than two days before the performance he twisted his left ankle.
Zaradi zvina je predčasno končal tretjo tekmo uvodnega kroga končnice lige NBA. Pred vrnitvijo na igrišče je menil, da najbrž ne bo mogel igrati na vso moč. A nato je vendarle dosegel 43 točk, nanizal 17 skokov in 13 podaj. Dallas je tako premagal moštvo iz Los Angelesa z rezultatom 135:133.
Due to the sprain, he ended the third game of the opening round of the NBA playoffs prematurely. Before returning to the field, he felt that he would probably not be able to play at full strength. But then he still scored 43 points, scored 17 rebounds and 13 assists. Dallas thus defeated the team from Los Angeles with a score of 135: 133.
»Ko sem zadel za zmago in so vsi fantje poleteli proti meni, sem se počutil kot v nebesih,« je dejal Luka Dončić.
"When I scored for the victory and all the guys flew towards me, I felt like in heaven," said Luka Dončić.
Njegov met je drugi najdaljši v končnici lige, ki je v zadnjem trenutku odločil izid tekme.
His throw is the second longest in the league playoffs, deciding the outcome of the match at the last moment.
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