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Za TikTok v Ameriki še iščejo rešitev
They are still looking for a solution for TikTok in America
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Iztekel se je rok za spremembo lastništva priljubljene aplikacije TikTok.
The deadline to change ownership of the popular TikTok app has expired.
V kitajskem podjetju ByteDance, ki jo je ustvaril, iščejo rešitve, kako se izogniti prepovedi njene uporabe v Združenih državah Amerike.
The Chinese company ByteDance, which created it, is looking for solutions to avoid a ban on its use in the United States.
Za zdaj kaže, da ameriškega dela podjetja ne bo kupil Microsoft, kot se je sprva govorilo. Namesto tega naj bi v Kaliforniji ustanovili novo samostojno globalno podjetje.
For now, it appears that Microsoft will not buy the American part of the company, as was initially said. Instead, a new independent global company is to be set up in California.
V Beli hiši v Washingtonu, kjer živi in dela ameriški predsednik Donald Trump, so se popoldne pogovarjali, ali lahko Kitajci ohranijo večinski delež lastništva v novem podjetju. Manjšinski lastnik bi postal ameriško podjetje Oracle. Ta bi prevzel tudi upravljanje s podatki in tako poskrbel za njihovo varnost.
The White House in Washington, where US President Donald Trump lives and works, discussed in the afternoon whether the Chinese could retain a majority stake in the new company. The minority owner would be the American company Oracle. It would also take over the management of the data and thus ensure its security.
Po prvih podatkih še ni znano, ali se Trump s tem predlogom strinja.
According to initial reports, it is not yet known whether Trump agrees with this proposal.
Predsednik Trump je sicer avgusta napovedal, da bo TikTok prepovedal že 20. septembra, če Kitajci aplikacije ne bodo prodali Američanom.
President Trump announced in August that he would ban TikTok as early as September 20 if the Chinese did not sell the app to Americans.
Prepričan je namreč, da Kitajska prek aplikacije dostopa do podatkov o ameriških državljanih.
He is convinced that China has access to data on American citizens through the application.
Kitajsko podjetje je ves čas zatrjevalo, da podatkov ne zlorablja.
The Chinese company has always claimed that it does not misuse the data.
TikTok je zelo priljubljen predvsem med otroki in najstniki. Po svetu naj bi si ga naložila več kot milijarda uporabnikov.
TikTok is very popular, especially among children and teenagers. It is estimated to have been downloaded by more than a billion users worldwide.
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Po Trumpovih besedah je podjetje Oracle blizu tega, da sklenejo dogovor. Tega morajo nato potrditi še pristojni ameriški uradniki.
According to Trump, Oracle is close to reaching an agreement. This must then be confirmed by the relevant US officials.
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