Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Je branje še vrednota?
Is reading still a value?
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Koliko knjig se drenja na knjižnih policah tvojega doma?
How many books are on the bookshelves of your home?
Raziskave kažejo, da otroci, ki imajo doma veliko knjig, več berejo.
Research shows that children who have a lot of books at home read more.
Kaj pa drugega! Če ti je kdaj dolgčas in imaš v bližini množico knjig, ki te lahko popeljejo novim pustolovščinam naproti, lažje posežeš po njih.
What else! If you’re ever bored and have a lot of books nearby that can take you on new adventures, it’s easier to reach for them.
Včasih pa otroci potrebujete tudi malo spodbude. Še posebej v teh časih, ko dolgčas marsikdo raje preganja tako, da brska po TikToku in Instagramu ali pa igra Roblox in Minecraft.
But sometimes kids also need a little encouragement. Especially in these times when many people prefer to escape boredom by browsing TikTok and Instagram or playing Roblox and Minecraft.
Kaj lahko odrasli, učitelji in starši, naredijo, da otroci raje vzeli v roke knjige kot telefon ali računalnik?
What can adults, teachers and parents do that children would rather pick up a book than a phone or a computer?
O tem so se strokovnjaki pogovarjali na posvetu Branje kot vrednota, ki so ga pripravili ob mednarodnem dnevu pismenosti. Namenjen je bil razmisleku o ozaveščanju širše javnosti o pomenu branja, bralne pismenosti in bralne kulture.
Experts discussed this at the conference Reading as a Value, which was prepared on the occasion of International Literacy Day. It was intended to reflect on raising awareness among the general public about the importance of reading, reading literacy and reading culture.
Na žalost tudi odrasli dobro vedo, da je tiste, ki ne berejo radi, težko pripraviti do tega, da posežejo po knjigi.
Unfortunately, even adults are well aware that it’s difficult to get those who don’t like to read to reach for a book.
»Glede na raziskavo Knjiga in bralci VI je izziv v tem, kako doseči tiste, ki ne berejo, in kako jih prepričati, zakaj je pametno brati. Izziv pa so tudi poti za dosego tega,« je na posvetu dejala Renata Zamida, direktorica Javne agencije za knjigo.
“According to the Book and Readers VI survey, the challenge is how to reach those who don’t read and how to convince them why it’s wise to read. The way to achieve this is also a challenge, "said Renata Zamida, director of the Public Book Agency, at the conference.
Eden od načinov spodbujanja branja je nacionalni mesec skupnega branja, ki bo trajal do 11. oktobra. V tem času te organizatorji med drugim vabijo bereš vsaj petnajst minut na dan.
One way to encourage reading is National Reading Month, which runs through October 11th. During this time, the organizers invite you, among other things, to read for at least fifteen minutes a day.
Bo šlo?
Will it work?
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