Ljubljana related

22 Aug 2022, 14:33 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nasa po pol stoletja načrtuje polet na Luno

After half a century, NASA plans to fly to the moon

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Gotovo poznaš ameriško vesoljsko agencijo Nasa?

Surely you know the American space agency NASA?

Ta nikoli ne miruje.

It never rests.

V teh dneh načrtuje nov polet na Luno, ki se bo predvidoma zgodil konec meseca.

These days, it’s planning a new flight to the Moon, which is expected to take place at the end of the month.

Prvi možni datum je 29. avgust. Če bodo imeli tehnične težave, se lahko zamakne na 2. oziroma 5. september.

The first possible date is August 29. If they have technical problems, it can be postponed to September 2 or 5.

Tokrat na izstrelitev pripravljajo raketo Space Launch System, ki v višino meri skoraj 100 metrov.

At this time the Space Launch System rocket, which measures almost 100 meters in height, is being prepared for launch.

Svojo pot bo začela iz Kennedyjevega vesoljskega središča v ameriški zvezni državi Florida.

It will begin its journey from the Kennedy Space Center in the US state of Florida.

Njeno prvo potovanje bo testno, zato na njej ne bo posadke. Trajalo bo 42 dni, cilj misije pa je preveriti, kako dobro se z vročino spopada raketni toplotni ščit.

Her maiden voyage will be a test, so she will not be crewed. It will last 42 days, and the aim of the mission is to test how well the rocket's heat shield copes with the heat.

Raketa se od predhodnic razlikuje po tem, da lahko nosi več opreme in tovora. To pomeni, da bodo astronavti lahko v vesolju dalj časa, kot so bili vajeni doslej.

The rocket differs from its predecessors in that it can carry more equipment and cargo. This means that astronauts will be able to stay in space for longer periods of time than they are used to.

Za prihodnja leta imajo še mnogo večje načrte: na Luno nameravajo poslati tudi človeško posadko.

They have even bigger plans for the coming years: they also plan to send a human crew to the Moon.

To se bo zgodilo prvič po letu 1972, ko je po Luninem površju v misiji Apollo 17 hodil zadnji človek.

This will happen for the first time since 1972, when the last man walked on the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission.

Vsem, ki strmijo v Luno in sanjajo o dnevu, ko se bo človeštvo vrnilo na njeno površje, sporočam – ljudje, tukaj smo! Vračamo se. In to potovanje se začenja s projektom Artemis 1. - Bill Nelson, Nasin predstavnik

To all those who stare at the moon and dream of the day when humanity returns to its surface, I say - here we are, people! We're coming back. And that journey begins with Project Artemis 1. - Bill Nelson, NASA spokesman

Čez dve leti nameravajo tja s posadko poslati Artemis 2, še leto kasneje pa Artemis 3. Nasa obljublja, da bo takrat na misijo poslala prvo žensko, ki bo lahko hodila po Luni, poroča BBC.

In two years, they plan to send Artemis 2 there with a crew, and Artemis 3 a year later. NASA promises that then it will send the first woman on the mission who will be able to walk on the moon, reports the BBC.

Vsi ti smeli načrti se dogajajo znotraj njenega novega visokotehnološkega programa Artemis.

All of these bold plans take place within its new high-tech Artemis program.

Povratek na Luno bo olajšal priprave na odhod astronavtov na Mars. Tega načrtujejo po letu 2030.

The return to the Moon will facilitate preparations for the departure of astronauts to Mars. This is planned after 2030.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Aug 2022, 17:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kaj je ragbi in kje vse je priljubljen?

What is rugby and where is it popular?

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ragbi je poleg kriketa še en šport, ki izvira iz Anglije, a je danes veliko bolj priljubljen drugod po svetu.

Along with cricket, rugby is another sport that originated in England but is now much more popular in other parts of the world.

V Veliki Britaniji pa ga imajo radi predvsem v Walesu.

In Great Britain, they love it especially in Wales.

V nasprotju s kriketom pa ragbi igramo tudi v Sloveniji. V Ljubljani sta dva kluba, eden pa je v Mariboru.

In contrast to cricket, rugby is also played in Slovenia. There are two clubs in Ljubljana and one in Maribor.

Slovenska ragbijska državna reprezentanca nastopa tudi na mednarodnih tekmovanjih.

The Slovenian national rugby team also competes in international competitions.

Poznamo dve vrsti ragbija. Razlikujeta se po tem, koliko igralcev je naenkrat na igrišču.

We know two types of rugby. They differ in how many players are on the field at once.

Pri ragbiju, ki ga igrajo tudi na olimpijskih igrah, je na igrišču sedem igralcev iz obeh ekip, ki sta na igrišču hkrati. To je njegova manj znana različica.

In rugby, which is also played at the Olympic Games, there are seven players from both teams on the field at the same time. This is its lesser known version.

Pogosteje pa je mogoče videti igro, ko je na igrišču naenkrat 15 igralcev iz ene ekipe. Takšen ragbi igrajo tudi v Sloveniji.

More often, however, it is possible to see a game when 15 players from one team are on the field at the same time. This kind of rugby is also played in Slovenia.

Med tekmo, ki traja dvakrat po 40 minut, se moštvi trudita doseči čim več točk.

During a match, which lasts for two halves of 40 minutes, the two teams try to score as many points as possible.

Te zbirajo s polaganjem žoge v končni coni ali s strelom skozi gol na obeh koncih igrišča.

These are won by placing the ball in the end zone or by shooting through the goal at both ends of the field.

Ragbi sicer velja za šport, v katerem je veliko poškodb. Igralci namreč nimajo zaščitne opreme, dovoljeno pa je veliko telesnega stika.

Rugby is considered a sport in which there are many injuries. The players do not have protective equipment, but a lot of physical contact is allowed.

Ragbi poznajo tudi denimo v Franciji in v Južni Ameriki, a najbolj priljubljen je v Avstraliji, Južni Afriki in predvsem na Novi Zelandiji.

Rugby is also known, for example, in France and South America, but it is most popular in Australia, South Africa and especially in New Zealand.

Najbolj znana ragbijska reprezentanca je novozelandska. Imenuje se All Blacks.

The most famous rugby team is New Zealand’s. It's called the All Blacks.

Morda jih poznaš tudi ti!

Maybe you know them too!

Reprezentanti namreč pred vsako tekmo zaplešejo hako. To je poseben ples Maorov, prvotnih prebivalcev Nove Zelandije.

The national team dances the haka before every match. This is a special dance of the Māori, the original inhabitants of New Zealand.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

01 Aug 2022, 16:45 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kaj je kriket in kje vse je priljubljen?

What’s cricket and where is it popular?

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Nekateri športi so razviti po vsem svetu, drugi pa so znani in priljubljeni le ponekod.

Some sports have grown all over the world, while others are known and popular only in a few places.

Za Slovence sta nacionalni šport alpsko smučanje in smučarski skoki.

For Slovenians, the national sports are alpine skiing and ski jumping.

A ta dva športa se sploh ne moreta primerjati s priljubljenostjo kriketa v Indiji in Pakistanu.

But these two sports cannot be compared with the popularity of cricket in India and Pakistan.

Kriket je povprečnemu Slovencu skoraj neznan; njegova pravila le malokdo pozna.

Cricket is almost unknown to the average Slovenian, and few people know its rules.

V Indiji in Pakistanu pa je kriket skoraj kot vera; najboljše igralce pa častijo kot bogove.

In India and Pakistan, however, cricket is almost like a religion; and the best players are worshiped like gods.

V obeh državah je še posebej živahno, ko se pomerita njuni državni reprezentanci. To je eno najhujših rivalstev v svetu športa. Svetovno prvenstvo v kriketu pa je eden od najbolj gledanih športnih dogodkov.

In both countries, it is especially lively when their national teams compete. It is one of the fiercest rivalries in the world of sports. The Cricket World Cup is one of the most watched sporting events.

Kriket sicer izvira iz Anglije.

Cricket originates from England.

Tudi v tej državi prirejajo tekmovanja v kriketu, a najpomembnejša so vendarle tista, ki potekajo v nekdanjih kolonijah v Aziji.

Cricket competitions are also held in this country, but the most important are those held in former colonies in Asia.

Kriket je zelo priljubljen tudi na Novi Zelandiji, v Avstraliji, Južni Afriki in Zimbabveju.

Cricket is also very popular in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

In kako sploh poteka ta igra?

And how does this game work?

Med seboj se merita dve ekipi, ki imata na igrišču po enajst igralcev. Vsaka želi doseči čim večje število zadetkov.

Two teams, each with eleven players on the field, compete against each other. Everyone wants to score as many runs as possible.

Ena tekma lahko traja tudi več dni. V pravila so vključeni premori za spanje in prehrana tekmovalcev.

One match can last several days. The rules include breaks for sleep and food for the competitors.

Morda se ravno zato, ker ni določeno, kako dolgo traja tekma, ta šport ni prijel v državah, v katerih pravijo, da je čas denar.

Perhaps precisely because there’s no fixed length of time for a match, this sport has not caught on in countries where they say time is money.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

18 Jul 2022, 17:48 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Teleskop James Webb je poslal prve posnetke oddaljenih galaksij

The James Webb Telescope has sent the first images of distant galaxies

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Teleskop James Webb je dokazal svoje velike zmogljivosti. Poslal nam je prve fotografije.

The James Webb Telescope has demonstrated its great capabilities. It sent us the first photos.

Ta teleskop je namenjen predvsem preučevanju oddaljenih planetov in galaksij. Skupaj so ga razvile vesoljske agencije ZDA, Evropske unije in Kanade.

This telescope is primarily intended for the study of distant planets and galaxies. It was jointly developed by the space agencies of the United States, the European Union and Canada.

Pri razvoju enega od instrumentov na teleskopu je sodelovala tudi slovenska astrofizičarka, dr. Maruša Bradač.

A Slovenian astrophysicist also participated in the development of one of the instruments on the telescope, Dr. Maruša Bradač.

V torek je prvo težko pričakovano fotografijo predstavil predsednik ZDA Joe Biden. Naslednji dan so pokazali še preostale.

On Tuesday, the first long-awaited photo was presented by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. The next day they showed the rest.

»Teleskop Webb lahko opazuje zelo oddaljene galaksije, ki so tudi več kot 13 milijard svetlobnih let daleč. Vidi jih takšne, kot so bile, ko je bilo vesolje še zelo mlado,« pravi astrofizičarka prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc.

“The Webb Telescope can observe very distant galaxies, even more than 13 billion light-years away. He sees them as they were when the universe was still very young," says astrophysicist prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc.

»Vidi lahko tudi skozi oblake plina in prahu, ki obdajajo zvezde, ki se šele rojevajo.«

"It can also see through the clouds of gas and dust that surround stars that are just being born."

Prva fotografija, ki jo je Nasa delila z javnostjo, je fotografija jate galaksij SMACS 0723. Leži v ozvezdju Leteče ribe na južnem nebu. Od nas je tako oddaljena, da jo vidimo takšno, kakršna je bila pred 4,6 milijarde let.

The first image that NASA shared with the public is that of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. It lies in the constellation of the “Flying Fish” [Piscis Volans] in the southern sky. It is so far away from us that we see it as it was 4.6 billion years ago.

Presenetljiva je tudi fotografija »zvezdne porodnišnice« NGC 3324. Gre za ogromen oblak prahu in plinov. Na nekaterih mestih se seseda vase, pri tem pa nastajajo nove zvezde.

The photo of the "stellar maternity hospital" NGC 3324 is also surprising. It is a huge cloud of dust and gases. In some places it collapses in on itself, and in the process new stars are formed.

Fotografija je tako natančna, da lahko raziskovalci vidijo mehurčke, vdolbine in izbruhe iz novorojenih zvezd.

The photo is so detailed that researchers can see bubbles, indentations and bursts from newborn stars.

“Teleskop s posebnimi instrumenti proučuje tudi sestavo atmosfer na planetih, ki se gibljejo okoli drugih sonc. Odkriva, ali je na njih voda in kisik, za katera vemo, da sta nujno potrebna za življenje na Zemlj,.” prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc

“Using special instruments, the telescope also studies the composition of atmospheres on planets that move around other suns. It detects whether there is water and oxygen on them, which we know are absolutely necessary for life on Earth,” Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

11 Jul 2022, 06:59 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Napotki Unesca: kako prepoznati teorije zarote

UNESCO guidelines: how to identify conspiracy theories

Written by Urban Sušnik, Sonja Merljak Zdovc translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ali lahko opazite teorijo zarote?

Can you spot a conspiracy theory?

Kaj menite na primer o tezi, da vesoljci usmerjajo politike? Ali da je Elvis živ? Da bele črte na modrem nebu zastrupljajo živa bitja?

For example, what do you think about the thesis that aliens direct politicians? Or that Elvis is alive? That the white lines in the blue sky are poisoning living things?

Teorije zarote tako kot lažne novice delijo družbo in povečujejo nezaupanje.

Conspiracy theories, like fake news, divide society and increase distrust.

V Unescu, vodilni organizaciji Združenih narodov, ki spodbuja medijsko pismenost, so pripravili navodila, kako jih prepoznati in kako se pogovarjati s tistimi, ki vanje verjamejo, pravi Barbara Urbanija iz slovenskega urada za Unesco, ki je poskrbela za prevod skupaj z organizacijo Most.

At UNESCO, the leading organization of the United Nations that promotes media literacy, they have prepared instructions on how to recognize them [conspiracy theories] and how to talk to those who believe in them, says Barbara Urbanija from the Slovenian office for UNESCO, who took care of the translation together with the organization Most.

Zakaj ste se odločili za prevod supercoil?

Why did you decide to translate the messages?

Lažne novice in teorije zarote so velika grožnja demokraciji in lahko povzročijo resnično škodo ljudem.

Fake news and conspiracy theories are a major threat to democracy and can cause real harm to people.

Veliko ljudi verjame v teorije zarote. Kar 60 odstotkov Američanov verjame v vsaj eno teorijo zarote; enako kažejo tudi javnomnenjske raziskave v Sloveniji.

Many people believe in conspiracy theories. As many as 60 percent of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory; opinion polls in Slovenia also show the same.

Tisti, ki so bili poučeni, kaj so teorije zarote in kako jih prepoznati, pa so zanje veliko manj dovzetni.

Those who have been taught what conspiracy theories are and how to recognize them are much less susceptible.

UNESCO in Evropska komisija sta se zato povezala s strokovnjaki in skupaj pripravila  izobraževalne plakate (2345), ki so zdaj na voljo tudi v slovenščini.

UNESCO and the European Commission therefore teamed up with experts and jointly prepared educational posters (2, 3, 4, 5), which are now also available in Slovenian.

Kako so teorije zarote povezane z medijsko pismenostjo?

How do conspiracy theories relate to media literacy?

Bolj medijsko pismeni razumejo, kako delujejo mehanizmi teorije zarote, in se redkeje ujamejo v njeno past.

The more media literate understand how the mechanisms of conspiracy theory work and are less likely to fall into its trap.

Mladi se začnejo zanimati za teorije zarote okoli 14. leta, zato jih je treba pravočasno naučiti, kako se nanje odzivati.

Young people become interested in conspiracy theories around the age of 14, so they need to be taught in time how to respond to them.

Kako nagovoriti nekoga, ki verjame v eno od teorij zarote?

How do you address someone who believes in one of the conspiracy theories?

V pogovoru moramo biti predvsem sočutni in nikoli norčevalni.

In conversation, we must above all be sympathetic and never mocking.

Človek, ki verjame v teorijo zarote, je pogosto zelo prestrašen; prepričevanje v nasprotno verjetno ne bo imelo učinka.

A person who believes in a conspiracy theory is often very frightened; persuasion to the contrary is unlikely to have any effect.

Lahko pa ji prisluhnemo in postavimo podrobna vprašanja, da bo sama pomislila, ali so njeni argumenti res smiselni.

But we can listen to her and ask detailed questions so she can think for herself whether her arguments really make sense.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 Jul 2022, 16:51 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Goran Dragić, zlati kapetan, bo morda še nastopil za reprezentanco

Goran Dragić, the golden captain, may still play for the national team

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Goran Dragić je proti Švedski, ki so jo Slovenci dobili z 84 : 81, odigral zadnjo reprezentančno tekmo.

Goran Dragić played his last national team match against Sweden, which the Slovenians won 84:81.

Tudi ob slovesu je pokazal, zakaj je eden najboljših košarkarjev.

Even with his farewell, he showed why he is one of the best basketball players.

Gogiju ni bilo vse položeno v zibelko. Do velikih uspehov je prišel s trdim delom, a ostal je skromen fant, ki je vedno poudarjal, da je le Gogi iz Kosez.

Not everything came easy [was laid in the cradle] for Gogi. He achieved great success through hard work, but he remained a humble boy who always emphasised that he was only Gogi from Kosez.

Ravno tam, kjer je igral košarko z bratom Zoranom, se je vse začelo.

It all started right there, where he played basketball with his brother Zoran.

Prve prave korake je napravil v klubu Slovan.

He took his first real steps in the club Slovan.

Pri dvajsetih pa se je prvič podal v tujino, v Španijo. Trener ni dovolil, da igralci govorijo angleško, zato se je znašel v težki situaciji. Preskočil je tudi to oviro. Ob večerih je v roke jemal knjigo in se naučil španskega jezika.

At the age of twenty, he ventured abroad for the first time, to Spain. The coach did not allow the players to speak English, so he found himself in a difficult situation. He jumped over that hurdle too. In the evenings, he picked up a book and learned the Spanish language.

Po vrnitvi v Olimpijo je navdušil poznavalce športa in svoje ime kmalu ponesel tudi v svet. V ligi NBA so se zanj prvi ogreli v ekipi Phoenix Suns.

After returning to Olympia, he impressed sports fans and soon took his name to the world. The Phoenix Suns were the first to warm up to him in the NBA.

Vse od takrat igra v najprestižnejši košarkarski ligi na svetu, redno pa je igral tudi za slovensko reprezentanco.

Ever since then, he has been playing in the most prestigious basketball league in the world, and he’s also regularly played for the Slovenian national team.

Zgodbo življenja je spisal leta 2017. Bil je kapetan reprezentance, ki je postala evropski prvak. Osvojil je tudi naslov najboljšega igralca prvenstva.

He wrote the story of his life in 2017. He was the captain of the national team that became the European champion. He also won the title of the best player of the championship.

Takrat je sklenil, da za reprezentanco ne bo več igral, a skoraj pet let kasneje se je premislil.

At that time, he decided that he would no longer play for the national team, but almost five years later he changed his mind.

Čeprav je trdil, da so tekme proti Italiji, Hrvaški in Švedski njegove zadnje, se zdi, da je zopet pustil malce priprta vrata za svojo vrnitev.

Although he claimed that the matches against Italy, Croatia and Sweden were his last, it seems that he has again left the door slightly open for his return.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

27 Jun 2022, 17:08 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Sveta Trava Za Najboljše Teniške Igralce In Igralke

Sacred Grass for the Best Tennis Players

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Kaj povezuje šampanjec, jagode in travo?

What connects champagne, strawberries and grass?

Teniški turnir v angleškem Wimbledonu.

The tennis tournament at Wimbledon, England.

Obstajajo štirje turnirji velike četverice teniških tekmovanj: odprto prvenstvo Avstralije, Francije, Anglije in ZDA, a Wimbledon je le eden.

There are four tournaments in the Big Four tennis competitions: the Open Championships of Australia, France, England and the US, but Wimbledon is unique.

Tenisači redko igrajo na travi, čeprav je zgodovinsko gledano ravno trava osnovna podlaga v tem športu. Angleži, ki so znani kot tradicionalen narod, tudi v tenisu cenijo tradicijo.

Tennis players rarely play on the grass, although historically, grass is the basic surface in this sport. The English, known as a traditional nation, also appreciate tradition in tennis.

Odprto prvenstvo Anglije oziroma na kratko Wimbledon je najstarejši teniški turnir vseh časov. Na igriščih kluba All England ga prirejajo že vse od leta 1877.

The English Open, or Wimbledon for short, is the oldest tennis tournament of all time. It has been held on the courts of the All England Club since 1877.

Turnir ima tudi pri igralcih posebno mesto v srcu.

The tournament also has a special place in the hearts of the players.

Gre za največji teniški turnir na svetu, pravijo. Igranje na sveti travi je res nekaj posebnega!, vzklikajo. Najboljši teniški igralci se zato vsako leto z veseljem vračajo v London.

It’s the biggest tennis tournament in the world, they say. Playing on the sacred grass is really something special!, they exclaim. The best tennis players are thus happy to return to London every year.

Turnir je poseben še zaradi nečesa: igralci in igralke nastopajo v čisto beli ali vsaj pretežno beli športni opravi. Navijači pa srkajo šampanjec in zobajo jagode.

The tournament is special because of something else: the players play in pure white or at least predominantly white sportswear. Fans, on the other hand, sip champagne and nibble on strawberries.

Tudi na 135. izvedbi turnirja večinoma nič ne bo drugače, a nekaj se je le spremenilo.

In the 135th edition of the tournament most things will be the same, but something has just changed.

Na osrednjem stadionu, ki praznuje stoletnico, tekmovalci pred začetkom turnirja niso smeli trenirati, da je bila sveta trava, kot ji pravijo, sveža za prve dvoboje.

At the centre court, now celebrating its centenary, competitors were not allowed to train before the start of the tournament so that that the sacred grass, as it is called, was fresh for the first matches.

Ker je v zadnjih letih na njej prišlo do poškodb, so se organizatorji odločili, da bodo omogočili tudi treninge.

But since there have been injuries on it in recent years, the organizers have decided to allow training as well.

Na Wimbledonu ne bo igral trenutno prvi igralec na svetu Danil Medvedjev, saj tekmovalci, ki nastopajo pod rusko zastavo, nimajo pravice do nastopa.

The world's number one, Danil Medvedev, will not play at Wimbledon at the moment, as competitors competing under the Russian flag do not have the right to enter.

Prva favorita za zmago sta tako najboljša igralca zadnjih let, ki podirata številne rekorde v svetu tenisa Novak Đoković in Španec Rafael Nadal.

The favourites to win are the best players of recent years, who are breaking many records in the world of tennis – Novak Đoković and the Spaniard Rafael Nadal.

Slovenske barve pa bodo na turnirju posameznikov branili Aljaž Bedene med moškimi in Kaja Juvan ter Tamara Zidanšek med ženskami.

The Slovenian colours will be defended by Aljaž Bedene among men and Kaja Juvan and Tamara Zidanšek among women in the singles tournament.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

20 Jun 2022, 16:27 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Slonji mladič je takoj po rojstvu pripravljen za potovanje

A baby elephant is ready to travel right after being born

Written by Dora Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Sloni so največje kopenske živali na svetu.

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world.

Živijo v čredah, ki jih vodijo najstarejše samice v skupini, saj jim življenje v skupnosti omogoča lažji dostop do hrane, nudi zavetje in zagotavlja varnost.

They live in herds led by the oldest females in the group, as living in the community gives them easier access to food, shelter and security.

Toda sloni so zelo nepotrpežljivi, ko potujejo v skupinah.

But elephants are very impatient when traveling in groups.

Nedavna raziskava je pokazala, da se čreda ne ustavi niti, ko samica skoti mladiča.

Recent research has shown that the herd does not stop even when the female gives birth to a calf.

Da najdejo dovolj hrane in vode za vse, se morajo namreč ves čas premikati.

In order to find enough food and water for everyone, they have to move all the time.

Na to so se sloni skozi leta prilagodili.

Elephants have adapted to this over the years.

Slonje samice so med vsemi sesalci najdlje breje; kar 22 mesecev. To je skoraj dve leti!

Female elephants have the longest pregancy of all mammals – as much as 22 months. That's almost two years!

Mladič se skoti popolnoma razvit in je takoj sposoben samostojno nadaljevati pot.

The calf is born fully developed and is immediately able to move on its own.

Kako so znanstveniki odkrili, da mati in mladič ostajata s čredo?

How did scientists discover that the mother and calf stay with the herd?

Z ovratnicami so spremljali smer in hitrost njihovega premikanja. Nato so izračunali povprečno hitrost posameznih samic in primerjali, ali se je ta spreminjala pred in med skotitvijo ter po njej.

They used collars to monitor the direction and speed of their movement. They then calculated the average speed of individual females and examined whether it changed before, during, and after giving birth.

Povprečna hitrost črede oziroma breje matere se ni nikoli bistveno spremenila.

The average speed of the herd or pregnant mother never changed significantly.

Tudi najstarejša samica, ki vodi čredo, lahko skoti mladiča. To je še en dokaz, kako močne so slonje samice. – dr. Lucy Taylor, glavna avtorica raziskave

Even the oldest female leading a herd can give birth to a calf. This is further proof of how strong female elephants are. – Dr. Lucy Taylor, lead author of the study

Raziskovalci so meritve izvedli blizu naravnega rezervata, kjer so sloni varnejši in se zato počasneje premikajo.

The researchers performed the measurements near a nature reserve, where elephants are safer and therefore move more slowly.

Če bi se čreda soočila z nevarnostjo, bi bila verjetno hitrejša. Izčrpana mati z mladičem bi ji težje sledila. To bi ju lahko stalo življenja.

If the herd faced danger, it would probably be faster. An exhausted mother with a calf would find it harder to follow her. It could cost them their lives.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

13 Jun 2022, 15:35 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Mikroplastika je povsod

Microplastics are everywhere

Written by Dora Adamič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Onesnaženje s plastiko je eden izmed najbolj perečih problemov današnjega časa.

Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing problems of our time.

Plastiko namreč uporabljamo povsod.

Plastic is used everywhere.

Pomisli: tudi ti prideš vsak dan v stik s plastiko, kajne?

Think about it: you also come in contact with plastic every day, right?

Če ne drugega, ko si nadeneš lahko poletno majico iz poliestra.

If nothing else, when you put on a polyester summer shirt.

Plastika se ne more razgraditi, lahko le razpade na manjše delce, ki jim pravimo mikroplastika.

Plastic cannot decompose, it can only break down into smaller particles called microplastics.

Najdemo jo tudi v najbolj zakotnih kotičkih sveta – na Antarktiki, v jamah in celo na dnu oceanov.

It is also found in the most remote corners of the world – in Antarctica, in caves and even on the ocean floor.

Prav sintetična oblačila so eden izmed največjih virov mikroplastike.

Synthetic clothing is one of the biggest sources of microplastics.

Med pranjem se obrabljajo, ob tem pa se majhni plastični delci spirajo v kanalizacijo.

They wear out during washing, and small plastic particles then enter the sewer.

Ko pride mikroplastika v okolje, hitro vstopi predvsem v morske organizme. Prenaša se po prehranjevalni verigi.

When microplastics enter the environment, they mostly quickly enter marine organisms. They are then transmitted through the food chain.

Najvišje koncentracije najdemo v ribah, ki so na koncu prehranjevalne verige.

The highest concentrations are found in fish that are at the end of the food chain.

Za zdaj še ne vemo veliko o vplivih mikroplastike na zdravje. Vendar veliko raziskav nakazuje, da so lahko ti dolgoročni. Preučevanje dolgoročnih učinkov je veliko zahtevnejše, saj se pojavijo šele po nekajletni izpostavljenosti.

We do not yet know much about the health effects of microplastics. However, much research suggests that these may be long term. The study of long-term effects is much more demanding, as they appear only after several years of exposure.

Plastika prej ali slej pride tudi v naša telesa.

Plastic sooner or later also enters our bodies.

Povprečen človek s hrano in vodo tedensko zaužije pet gramov plastičnih delcev. To je približno v velikosti bančne kartice.

The average person consumes five grams of plastic particles a week with food and water. This is about the size of a bank card.

Največ mikroplastike vdihnemo z zrakom.

Most microplastics are inhaled with air.

Z obrabo različnih sintetičnih oblačil in drugih materialov se v zrak sproščajo mikroplastični delci, ki se lahko kopičijo v naših pljučih.

Wearing various synthetic clothing and other materials releases microplastic particles into the air, which can accumulate in our lungs.

Trenutno še ne poznamo učinkovitih načinov odstranjevanja ali razkrajanja plastike.

We do not yet know any effective ways to remove or decompose plastic.

Zato moramo ugotoviti, kako preprečiti, da bi mikroplastika zašla v okolje in naša telesa.

Therefore, we need to figure out how to prevent microplastics from entering the environment and our bodies.

Najrazličnejša podjetja že razvijajo posebne filtre za pralne stroje in čistilce zraka, ki bi filtrirali mikroplastiko.

A variety of companies are already developing special filters for washing machines and air purifiers to filter microplastics.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

23 May 2022, 12:49 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Čebelice, čebelice, saj moje ste prijateljice …

Bees, bees, you are my friends…

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Te dni lahko opazuješ nepokošene travnike. Ali veš, zakaj je tako?

These days you can notice unmown meadows. Do you know why that is?

Ponekod, denimo v ljubljanskem parku Tivoli, posebne table oznanjajo, da jih bodo pokosili, ko se bodo čebelice najedle.

In some places, such as Ljubljana's Tivoli Park, special signs announce that they will be mowed when the bees have eaten.

Te prav jutri praznujejo tudi svoj dan.

They are also celebrating their day tomorrow.

Leta 2015 so namreč na pobudo slovenskih čebelarjev razglasili 20. maj za svetovni dan čebel. Namenjen je ozaveščanju o njihovi vlogi, spominja pa nas tudi na to, da jih moramo zaščititi.

In 2015, at the initiative of Slovenian beekeepers, May 20 was declared World Bee Day. It is designed to raise awareness of their role, but it also reminds us that we need to protect them.

»Te dni tako razpravljamo o rešitvah za obstoj in krepitev številčnosti čebel ter drugih opraševalcev,« pravi Lidija Senič iz Čebelarske zveze Slovenije.

"These days we are discussing solutions for the survival and strengthening of the number of bees and other pollinators," says Lidija Senič from the Slovenian Beekeepers' Association.

Predvsem mladim želijo predstaviti pomembnost opraševalcev, njihove zaščite in jih naučiti veščin čebelarjenja.

In particular, they want to introduce young people to the importance of pollinators, their protection and teach them beekeeping skills.

»Čebele in drugi opraševalci skrbijo za biotsko raznovrstnost, so kazalniki čistosti okolja, z njihovo pomočjo pa si lahko prizadevamo za zmanjševanje lakote,« dodaja Lidija Senič.

"Bees and other pollinators care about biodiversity, are indicators of environmental cleanliness, and with their help we can work to reduce hunger," adds Lidija Senič

»Skrbijo namreč za opraševanje žužkocvetnih rastlin, kar je povezano s pridelavo hrane.«

"They take care of pollinating flowering plants, which is related to food production."

Čebele so ogrožene, saj globalno segrevanje, onesnaževanje okolja in intenzivno kmetijstvo omejujejo njihove vire hrane in jih spravljajo v stres.

Bees are at risk as global warming, environmental pollution and intensive agriculture limit their food resources and put them under stress.

V Sloveniji imamo tudi avtohtono kranjsko čebelo (Apis mellifera carnica), ki slovi kot delovna in odporna žival z odličnim smislom za orientacijo.

In Slovenia we also have the autochthonous Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica), which is famous as a hard-working and resistant animal, with an excellent sense of orientation.

Na splošno čebele veljajo za izjemno pametne živali. Še posebej značilen je čebelji ples, s katerim si med seboj sporočajo, kje se nahaja vir hrane, pri tem pa se orientirajo glede na položaj Sonca.

In general, bees are considered to be extremely smart animals. Bee dancing is especially characteristic, with which they communicate to each other where the food source is located, while orienting themselves according to the position of the Sun.

Svetovni dan čebel bodo letos obeležili tudi na Prvem programu Radia Slovenija. V oddaji Lahko noč, otroci! med 16. in 22. majem zvočno uprizarjajo nove zgodbe iz knjižne zbirke Čebelica. Cikel bo posvečen Eli Peroci ob 100. obletnici njenega rojstva.

This year, World Bee Day will also be celebrated on the “First Program” of Radio Slovenia. In the show Good Night, Children! between 16 and 22 May, they are presenting new stories from the Čebelica series of books. The cycle will be dedicated to Eli Peroci on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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