Slovene-English Dual Text: Nasa Po Pol Stoletja Načrtuje Polet Na Luno

By , 22 Aug 2022, 14:33 PM How to Slovenia
Liftoff of NASA's Space Launch System rocket and integrated Orion spacecraft is targeted for 8:33 a.m. EDT on Monday, Aug. 29, 2022, from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Liftoff of NASA's Space Launch System rocket and integrated Orion spacecraft is targeted for 8:33 a.m. EDT on Monday, Aug. 29, 2022, from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo: Liftoff of NASA's Space Launch System rocket and integrated Orion spacecraft is targeted for 8:33 a.m. EDT on Monday, Aug. 29, 2022, from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nasa po pol stoletja načrtuje polet na Luno

After half a century, NASA plans to fly to the moon

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Gotovo poznaš ameriško vesoljsko agencijo Nasa?

Surely you know the American space agency NASA?

Ta nikoli ne miruje.

It never rests.

V teh dneh načrtuje nov polet na Luno, ki se bo predvidoma zgodil konec meseca.

These days, it’s planning a new flight to the Moon, which is expected to take place at the end of the month.

Prvi možni datum je 29. avgust. Če bodo imeli tehnične težave, se lahko zamakne na 2. oziroma 5. september.

The first possible date is August 29. If they have technical problems, it can be postponed to September 2 or 5.

Tokrat na izstrelitev pripravljajo raketo Space Launch System, ki v višino meri skoraj 100 metrov.

At this time the Space Launch System rocket, which measures almost 100 meters in height, is being prepared for launch.

Svojo pot bo začela iz Kennedyjevega vesoljskega središča v ameriški zvezni državi Florida.

It will begin its journey from the Kennedy Space Center in the US state of Florida.

Njeno prvo potovanje bo testno, zato na njej ne bo posadke. Trajalo bo 42 dni, cilj misije pa je preveriti, kako dobro se z vročino spopada raketni toplotni ščit.

Her maiden voyage will be a test, so she will not be crewed. It will last 42 days, and the aim of the mission is to test how well the rocket's heat shield copes with the heat.

Raketa se od predhodnic razlikuje po tem, da lahko nosi več opreme in tovora. To pomeni, da bodo astronavti lahko v vesolju dalj časa, kot so bili vajeni doslej.

The rocket differs from its predecessors in that it can carry more equipment and cargo. This means that astronauts will be able to stay in space for longer periods of time than they are used to.

Za prihodnja leta imajo še mnogo večje načrte: na Luno nameravajo poslati tudi človeško posadko.

They have even bigger plans for the coming years: they also plan to send a human crew to the Moon.

To se bo zgodilo prvič po letu 1972, ko je po Luninem površju v misiji Apollo 17 hodil zadnji človek.

This will happen for the first time since 1972, when the last man walked on the lunar surface during the Apollo 17 mission.

Vsem, ki strmijo v Luno in sanjajo o dnevu, ko se bo človeštvo vrnilo na njeno površje, sporočam – ljudje, tukaj smo! Vračamo se. In to potovanje se začenja s projektom Artemis 1. - Bill Nelson, Nasin predstavnik

To all those who stare at the moon and dream of the day when humanity returns to its surface, I say - here we are, people! We're coming back. And that journey begins with Project Artemis 1. - Bill Nelson, NASA spokesman

Čez dve leti nameravajo tja s posadko poslati Artemis 2, še leto kasneje pa Artemis 3. Nasa obljublja, da bo takrat na misijo poslala prvo žensko, ki bo lahko hodila po Luni, poroča BBC.

In two years, they plan to send Artemis 2 there with a crew, and Artemis 3 a year later. NASA promises that then it will send the first woman on the mission who will be able to walk on the moon, reports the BBC.

Vsi ti smeli načrti se dogajajo znotraj njenega novega visokotehnološkega programa Artemis.

All of these bold plans take place within its new high-tech Artemis program.

Povratek na Luno bo olajšal priprave na odhod astronavtov na Mars. Tega načrtujejo po letu 2030.

The return to the Moon will facilitate preparations for the departure of astronauts to Mars. This is planned after 2030.

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