Slovene-English Dual Text: Kaj Je Ragbi In Kje Vse Je Priljubljen?

By , 08 Aug 2022, 17:23 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Kaj Je Ragbi In Kje Vse Je Priljubljen? Photo: 江戸村のとくぞう CC-by-SA-4.0 International

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kaj je ragbi in kje vse je priljubljen?

What is rugby and where is it popular?

Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ragbi je poleg kriketa še en šport, ki izvira iz Anglije, a je danes veliko bolj priljubljen drugod po svetu.

Along with cricket, rugby is another sport that originated in England but is now much more popular in other parts of the world.

V Veliki Britaniji pa ga imajo radi predvsem v Walesu.

In Great Britain, they love it especially in Wales.

V nasprotju s kriketom pa ragbi igramo tudi v Sloveniji. V Ljubljani sta dva kluba, eden pa je v Mariboru.

In contrast to cricket, rugby is also played in Slovenia. There are two clubs in Ljubljana and one in Maribor.

Slovenska ragbijska državna reprezentanca nastopa tudi na mednarodnih tekmovanjih.

The Slovenian national rugby team also competes in international competitions.

Poznamo dve vrsti ragbija. Razlikujeta se po tem, koliko igralcev je naenkrat na igrišču.

We know two types of rugby. They differ in how many players are on the field at once.

Pri ragbiju, ki ga igrajo tudi na olimpijskih igrah, je na igrišču sedem igralcev iz obeh ekip, ki sta na igrišču hkrati. To je njegova manj znana različica.

In rugby, which is also played at the Olympic Games, there are seven players from both teams on the field at the same time. This is its lesser known version.

Pogosteje pa je mogoče videti igro, ko je na igrišču naenkrat 15 igralcev iz ene ekipe. Takšen ragbi igrajo tudi v Sloveniji.

More often, however, it is possible to see a game when 15 players from one team are on the field at the same time. This kind of rugby is also played in Slovenia.

Med tekmo, ki traja dvakrat po 40 minut, se moštvi trudita doseči čim več točk.

During a match, which lasts for two halves of 40 minutes, the two teams try to score as many points as possible.

Te zbirajo s polaganjem žoge v končni coni ali s strelom skozi gol na obeh koncih igrišča.

These are won by placing the ball in the end zone or by shooting through the goal at both ends of the field.

Ragbi sicer velja za šport, v katerem je veliko poškodb. Igralci namreč nimajo zaščitne opreme, dovoljeno pa je veliko telesnega stika.

Rugby is considered a sport in which there are many injuries. The players do not have protective equipment, but a lot of physical contact is allowed.

Ragbi poznajo tudi denimo v Franciji in v Južni Ameriki, a najbolj priljubljen je v Avstraliji, Južni Afriki in predvsem na Novi Zelandiji.

Rugby is also known, for example, in France and South America, but it is most popular in Australia, South Africa and especially in New Zealand.

Najbolj znana ragbijska reprezentanca je novozelandska. Imenuje se All Blacks.

The most famous rugby team is New Zealand’s. It's called the All Blacks.

Morda jih poznaš tudi ti!

Maybe you know them too!

Reprezentanti namreč pred vsako tekmo zaplešejo hako. To je poseben ples Maorov, prvotnih prebivalcev Nove Zelandije.

The national team dances the haka before every match. This is a special dance of the Māori, the original inhabitants of New Zealand.

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