Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Sveta Trava Za Najboljše Teniške Igralce In Igralke
Sacred Grass for the Best Tennis Players
Written by Urban Sušnik, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Kaj povezuje šampanjec, jagode in travo?
What connects champagne, strawberries and grass?
Teniški turnir v angleškem Wimbledonu.
The tennis tournament at Wimbledon, England.
Obstajajo štirje turnirji velike četverice teniških tekmovanj: odprto prvenstvo Avstralije, Francije, Anglije in ZDA, a Wimbledon je le eden.
There are four tournaments in the Big Four tennis competitions: the Open Championships of Australia, France, England and the US, but Wimbledon is unique.
Tenisači redko igrajo na travi, čeprav je zgodovinsko gledano ravno trava osnovna podlaga v tem športu. Angleži, ki so znani kot tradicionalen narod, tudi v tenisu cenijo tradicijo.
Tennis players rarely play on the grass, although historically, grass is the basic surface in this sport. The English, known as a traditional nation, also appreciate tradition in tennis.
Odprto prvenstvo Anglije oziroma na kratko Wimbledon je najstarejši teniški turnir vseh časov. Na igriščih kluba All England ga prirejajo že vse od leta 1877.
The English Open, or Wimbledon for short, is the oldest tennis tournament of all time. It has been held on the courts of the All England Club since 1877.
Turnir ima tudi pri igralcih posebno mesto v srcu.
The tournament also has a special place in the hearts of the players.
Gre za največji teniški turnir na svetu, pravijo. Igranje na sveti travi je res nekaj posebnega!, vzklikajo. Najboljši teniški igralci se zato vsako leto z veseljem vračajo v London.
It’s the biggest tennis tournament in the world, they say. Playing on the sacred grass is really something special!, they exclaim. The best tennis players are thus happy to return to London every year.
Turnir je poseben še zaradi nečesa: igralci in igralke nastopajo v čisto beli ali vsaj pretežno beli športni opravi. Navijači pa srkajo šampanjec in zobajo jagode.
The tournament is special because of something else: the players play in pure white or at least predominantly white sportswear. Fans, on the other hand, sip champagne and nibble on strawberries.
Tudi na 135. izvedbi turnirja večinoma nič ne bo drugače, a nekaj se je le spremenilo.
In the 135th edition of the tournament most things will be the same, but something has just changed.
Na osrednjem stadionu, ki praznuje stoletnico, tekmovalci pred začetkom turnirja niso smeli trenirati, da je bila sveta trava, kot ji pravijo, sveža za prve dvoboje.
At the centre court, now celebrating its centenary, competitors were not allowed to train before the start of the tournament so that that the sacred grass, as it is called, was fresh for the first matches.
Ker je v zadnjih letih na njej prišlo do poškodb, so se organizatorji odločili, da bodo omogočili tudi treninge.
But since there have been injuries on it in recent years, the organizers have decided to allow training as well.
Na Wimbledonu ne bo igral trenutno prvi igralec na svetu Danil Medvedjev, saj tekmovalci, ki nastopajo pod rusko zastavo, nimajo pravice do nastopa.
The world's number one, Danil Medvedev, will not play at Wimbledon at the moment, as competitors competing under the Russian flag do not have the right to enter.
Prva favorita za zmago sta tako najboljša igralca zadnjih let, ki podirata številne rekorde v svetu tenisa Novak Đoković in Španec Rafael Nadal.
The favourites to win are the best players of recent years, who are breaking many records in the world of tennis – Novak Đoković and the Spaniard Rafael Nadal.
Slovenske barve pa bodo na turnirju posameznikov branili Aljaž Bedene med moškimi in Kaja Juvan ter Tamara Zidanšek med ženskami.
The Slovenian colours will be defended by Aljaž Bedene among men and Kaja Juvan and Tamara Zidanšek among women in the singles tournament.
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