
21 Oct 2019, 12:30 PM

STA, 18 October 2019 - Pošta Slovenije, the state-owned postal operator, which has been closing its offices around the country in line with its optimisation plan since 2012, is in the spotlight again after announcing more cuts at the beginning of the month. Facing protest from the public, the operator said on Friday it would somewhat delay the optimisation.

"Pošta Slovenije will not rearrange or shut down any of its postal offices until the middle of next year," the company, which started the optimisation to adjust to the situation on the market, told the STA today.

The decision comes after the announcement of further optimisation was met with discontent around the country.

In the last seven years, 67 post offices have been closed and another hundred were reportedly scheduled to be shut down in the next three years.

The Ljubljana city council expressed its opposition to the planned shutting down of postal offices in the capital in a press release at the beginning of the month, noting that Pošta Slovenije planned to close down at least five offices in the Ljubljana area.

"There are currently 33 post offices in Ljubljana. The planned shutdowns would reduce this number by 15%," the press release said.

Even more affected are local communities. In Griže in the Žalec municipality, a rally was staged at the end of September against the closing of the only post office in the town.

The initiative against the closing down of post offices, formed by the Ljubljana city councillors of seven parties, also turned to the Agency for Communication Networks and Services (AKOS).

"We've called on the agency to look into the plans for closing down offices and stop issuing consents, as the shutdowns are not in the public interest."

Pošta Slovenije said today the procedure of rearranging and shutting down of post offices depended on several factors and could take months. It added that one of them was AKOS's consent.

According to the Economy Ministry, the universal postal services must be available to all citizens, especially to vulnerable groups.

Regardless of the changes on the market in the last years, each municipality must have at least one postal office or a contract postal unit.

"95% of Slovenian citizens must have a contact postal point within a 4.5 kilometre air range and no compromises are acceptable here," Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek said in a reference to a solution introduced in rural areas where postal offices have been shut down.

There are currently 485 contact points in Slovenia, of which 321 are post offices, 138 contract postal units and 26 movable post offices.

Since the optimisation of Pošta Slovenije's network started in 2012, 67 post offices were closed and replaced by 52 postman's cars which operate as post offices.

According to Pošta Slovenije, Slovenia has a quite high share of post offices, 71%, while the share for Germany is only 0.1% and the Netherlands 0.3%, while the rest are contract postal units.

The postal operator also noted that 24 parcel stations had been placed in 16 towns around the country and that a self-service post office was available in Ljubljana as well as in Koper.

Packages can also be picked up at 114 petrol stations around the country.

21 Oct 2019, 11:13 AM

STA, 19 October 2019 - The Maribor-based pharma company Marifarm is gradually implementing its strategy of becoming a drug manufacturer instead of just providing drug packaging as it used to. So far, they have been manufacturing drugs for other pharmas, but Marifarm wants to enter the market with their own drugs.

The company went private to avoid bankruptcy in 2016. It was acquired by Arterium International, a company registered in Amsterdam, which invested over EUR 11 million in three years.

At the end of August, the company got new owners - the Aquer GMBH group, established in Vienna, while Arterium International remains Marifarm's strategic partner.

Marifarm administration adviser Viktor Gryban told the STA that this shift in ownership had been planned and did not change the pharma's long-term strategy of manufacturing own drugs.

The company's drugs have already been developed and are now waiting for approval from relevant authorities to enter the market - a procedure that could take between three and four years.

To follow this goal and boost its business results, Marifarm has started working for other pharmas in drug manufacturing.

The company has been so far without profit and the owners are not expecting it this year either. Last year, Marifarm generated EUR 1.7 million in revenue and over EUR 3 million in net loss.

Although still in the red, the company has been improving its results and boosting its promotion at international pharma events.

Gryban expects the company to generate almost EUR 4 million in income this year and climb out of the red next year due to possible new business contracts.

The EUR 11 million investment has gone into modernising equipment as well as hiring new employees. The company currently employs some 150 workers and is planning to raise this figure to 170 by the end of the year, according to its director Romana Fišer.

Marifarm's current production capacities are the highest ever and will continue to be expanded. The company cooperates with Slovenia's largest drug maker, Krka, as well as pharmas from Switzerland, Germany, Latvia, Ukraine and India.

21 Oct 2019, 09:04 AM

STA, 19 October 2019 - Notary fees in Slovenia went up slightly on Saturday after more than a decade. Some of the notary fees have not been adjusted to inflation since 2002 and have also gone down several times, according to the Notary Chamber.

The adjustments took effect on Saturday and were set in cooperation with the Notary Chamber after intensive talks, the Justice Ministry has told the STA.

Notary Chamber head Sonja Kralj told the STA that the changes do not concern only the notary fees but also allow revaluation of services and introduce new definitions of individual notary services stemming from the class action act and family law.

In Slovenia, people most often turn to notaries for drafting of contracts and verification of signatures, according to Kralj.

Signature verification fees depend on the value of the contract. For example, the fee for verification of signatures on a contract worth up to EUR 4,590 will increase by a euro to EUR 6.

The drafting of a contract worth between EUR 114,750 and EUR 367,200 has so far cost EUR 275 and will from now on cost EUR 314.

Below is an overview of adjustments of some of the other notary fees in EUR.

Service				          old fee     new fee
Verification of document copies (per page)    1.5          2

Written legal opinion (per page)              23           26

Access to the the property register,
cadastre or the company register              23           26

Signature verification based on contract value

value of contract subject                   old fee      new fee
up to EUR 4,590                                5            6
EUR 4,590-20,655                              14           16
EUR 20,655-68,850                             23           26
EUR 68,850-150,000                            46           52

Source: Notary Fee

In contracts exceeding EUR 150,000, fees increase by EUR 11 (EUR 10 before) for every EUR 50,000 in contract value. However, in total, the fee cannot increase by more than EUR 114 (EUR 100 before).

21 Oct 2019, 08:18 AM

Check the date at the top of the page, and you can find all the "morning headlines" stories here. You can also follow us on Facebook and get all the news in your feed.

A schedule of all the main events involving Slovenia this week can be found here

This summary is provided by the STA:

Central bank governor says Slovenia in good economic condition

WASHINGTON, US - Central bank Governor Boštjan Vasle and Finance Ministry State Secretary Metod Dragonja attended this week's autumn meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington where they said that Slovenia's economic condition was currently good despite risks to the global economy.

Pahor to attend Emperor Naruhito's enthronement

TOKYO, Japan - The president's office announced that President Borut Pahor will attend on Tuesday a ceremony celebrating the formal ascension of Japan's Emperor Naruhito in Tokyo. On Wednesday, the Slovenian head of state will also meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Govt sees drop in popularity in October

LJUBLJANA - The October Vox Populi poll commissioned by the public broadcaster TV Slovenija and newspapers Dnevnik and Večer shows that the senior coalition Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) continues to top party rankings; however, the prime minister's party lost some of its popularity in October compared to the month before.

PM highlights importance of Slovenian WWII liberation front

PUCONCI - Prime Minister Marjan Šarec attended a ceremony commemorating the fallen soldiers of the National Liberation Army, the Slovenian anti-Nazi resistance, in Prekmurje on Sunday, highlighting the importance of the resistance movement for Slovenia's existence. He called for the nation's unity, including in politics.

Spa tourism trade show starts in Šmarješke Toplice

ŠMARJEŠKE TOPLICE - A business event focussing on spa and wellness tourism got under way in Šmarješke Toplice, a spa resort in south-eastern Slovenia, on Sunday. The conference, running until Wednesday, will include presentations of 15 Slovenian and seven foreign spa resorts intended for 25 invited guests from European spa tourism agencies.

Cycling star wraps up season in third place

NANTES, France - Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič finished on Sunday this year's cycling tour season with a third place at the 38th Les Herbiers Chrono des Nations time trial in France. Roglič is the first Slovenian to have made it to the podium at the French single-day individual race.

Visiting Ljubljana? Check out what's on this week, while all our stories on Slovenia, from newest to oldest, are here

If you're learning Slovenian then you can find all our dual texts here

20 Oct 2019, 16:25 PM

In 1943 the first overseas brigade was formed in Carbonara, Italy. It consisted of 1886 fighters from the Slovenian 1st and 2nd battalions, 3rd Montenegrin battalion and 4th battalion, which was Croatian in origin. A month later when the brigade was deployed to the island of Hvar two more battalions joined in, mostly comprised of Slovenian soldiers.

In WWII fascist Italy arrested over 60,000 Slovenes from the occupied Western Slovenia and sent them to concentration camps as political prisoners, alongside several thousand Croats and Serbs. Furthermore about 10,000 Slovenes and Croats were mobilised and mostly deployed in penal work units or so-called special battalions as citizens of Italy, and an additional 6,000 antifascist activists from the Littoral and Istria, were sent to jails and special camps in the Italian hinterlands and islands, such as Lipari, Ustica and Ponza.  

Italy capitulated in September 1943 and the internees came under the supervision of the occupying allied forces. Most of the Slovenes and other Yugoslavs located in the north of the country managed to escape to the Littoral and Istria, while the majority, located in the central and Southern Italy, were gathered by the Allies in various local camps and then moved to a single major camp in Carbonara near Bari, Italy.

Right after the capitulation of Italy, the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia (NLAPDY) delegation came to the camp and established its base there in agreement with the occupying Allied forces. The NLAPDY then negotiated to establish the self-organisation of life inside the camp and dismissed the Chetnik guards (mostly from the Serbian nationalist and royalist army, which collaborated with the Nazis on many occasions –- the main military force the Allies collaborated with in the territories of Yugoslavia until 1943). At the same time the camps committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia was established alongside the 1st. Overseas Brigade. In November of the same year the internees were moved to Gravina, which had its own command headquarters and guards, and was also a gathering point for all the subsequent arrivals of Yugoslavian expats, which continued to arrive there in the subsequent year.

The occupying powers and Marshal Badoglio, who was in charge of the Carbonara camp, disagreed on the transfer of former members of the Italian army – mobilized Slovenes and Croats – to the Yugoslav National Liberation Army, causing more of them to flee from Allied assembly camps to NLAPDY assembly points in Taranto, Naples, Foggia, Brindisi and then to Gravina.

About 20,000 of the Littorals and Istrians, who were not in contact with the NLAPDY during the liberation of Italy in Sardinia, were transferred to Corsica in spring 1944 and then to southern France, where they were detained until December 1945.

After being mobilized into the Italian army thousands of Littorals and Istrians were sent to the Italian occupied territories in African Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Libya. They were captured there by Allied troops and imprisoned in prison camps in Kenya, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria and some other countries. From there, after the invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941, they joined the emerging Yugoslav royal army abroad. The latter lost homogeneity as a result of the controversial emigration of the Yugoslav government and the dual policy of General Draza Mihailović, and by that time a large part of these troops had also joined the NLAPDY overseas brigades in Italy.

Nazi Germany also mobilized Slovenes from its occupied territories of the Upper Carniola (Gorenjska), Styria (Štajerska) and Carinthia (Koroška), many of whom crossed over to the Allies after the invasion of Normandy in June 1944. Two thousand eight hundred of them established an overseas brigade in London.

In the years of 1943 and 1944, five overseas brigades were formed, and several other artillery and special units that participated in the fight against the occupying forces in Yugoslavia. In all the overseas units consisted of about 18,000 troops, more than 1,000 of whom fell in battle.

In December 1943, the 1st Overseas Brigade was transferred to the island of Korčula to defend it on December 22- 24, 1943, when the Germans landed on the island. The brigade suffered heavy casualties and retreated to Vis. Subsequently, members of the 1st Overseas Brigade participated in the seventh offensive and landing on Drvar, and then were deployed to Serbia, where they participated in the fight for the liberation of Belgrade. Following this operation, the 1st and 6th Proletarian Divisions, whose members had previously been members of the 1st Overseas Brigade, participated in the Srem front, then advanced through Slovenia towards Trieste.

20 Oct 2019, 12:21 PM

Slovenia’s attempts to get visitors to stay longer, and visit more places than Ljubljana and Bled, are seeing new offers and attractions being launched around the country. One recent opening is the range of “Bike Slovenia Green” tours, which take you from Kranjska Gora to Koper, as detailed here, while another is the 270-km long Juliana Trail. This is a circular route in 16 stages, with the highlights including Triglav National Park, Bled and Bohinj Lakes, Soča River Valley, Radovljica, Kranjska Gora and Pokljuka Plateau.

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As the accompanying press release puts it:

To find, walk, learn and explore the unknown diversity, to offer and use what is unknown to others; this is the Juliana Trail. A trail of a personal pilgrimage to oneself, to pristine nature and its magical beauty, into the diversity of the landscape and biodiversity, to hidden and unknown places with magical power (rivers, lakes, waterfalls, forests, exceptional trees, colourful flowers, rocks of unusual shapes), and last but not least: to culinary, cultural and historical treasures.

The Julian Alps Hiking Trail is planned so it’s possible to spend the night where a stage starts or ends, along with opportunities to buy refreshments. Moreover, where possible stages start at railway stations or bus stops, the  route more accessible to all and encouraging the use of public transport.

All the following images are screenshot from the embedded video

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The average length of the 16 stages is 17.5km, assessed at taking between 4 and 5 hours and rated as non-demanding. The list of stages is shown below, while more details on each stage can be found here, or on the related PDF guide. There’s also an app due to launch in late October, while more information is coming on the Julian Alps webpage in November.

  1. Kranjska Gora–Mojstrana
  2. Mojstrana–Jesenice
  3. Jesenice–Begunje
  4. Begunje–Bled
  5. Bled–Goreljek na Pokljuki
  6. Goreljek na Pokljuki–Stara Fužina
  7. Stara Fužina–Bohinjska Bistrica
  8. Bohinjska Bistrica–Podbrdo
  9. Podbrdo–Grahovo ob Bači
  10. Grahovo ob Bači–Most na Soči
  11. Most na Soči–Tolmin
  12. Tolmin–Kobarid
  13. Kobarid–Bovec
  14. Bovec–Log pod Mangartom
  15. Log pod Mangartom–Trbiž Tarvisio
  16. Trbiž Tarvisio–Kranjska Gora
20 Oct 2019, 09:54 AM

Keep up with the daily news in Slovenia by checking the morning headlines here. What to find out what happened last week in Slovenia? Look no further.

The following schedule was prepared by the STA:

MONDAY, 21 October

        LJUBLJANA - PM Marjan Šarec will take questions from MPs at the outset of a regular session of the National Assembly, which will continue until 29 October.
        BELGRADE, Serbia - Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar will start a two-day visit to Serbia for talks with his counterpart Nebojša Stefanović. On Tuesday, they will inspect joint Slovenian-Serbian police patrols at the Preševo crossing with North Macedonia.
        LJUBLJANA - Former Maribor Mayor Franc Kangler will be heard by the parliamentary inquiry looking into alleged abuse in his prosecution.
        LJUBLJANA - An international two-day conference on the consequences of First World War bearing on Central Europe will open as part of Year of Neighbourly Dialogue between Austria and Slovenia.
        LJUBLJANA - The shareholders' meeting of NLB bank is to decide on a rise in remuneration for supervisory board members.
        LJUBLJANA - The Ljubljana City Council will debate draft budgets for 2020 and 2021.
        LJUBLJANA - The Ljubljana Fashion Week will start, until 25 October.
        LJUBLJANA - The Biennial of Slovenian Independent Illustration will open; until 8 November.
        LJUBLJANA - Bežigrad Cinema will launch a week of Japanese film by screening Tremble All You Want.
        BOVEC - Chris Anthony will present his documentary on 10th Mountain Division of US Army below Mt Mangart.

TUESDAY, 22 October
        TOKYO, Japan - President Borut Pahor is expected to visit Japan to attend the enthronement ceremony for Japanese Emperor Naruhito.
        ZAGREB, Croatia - Defence Minister Karl Erjavec is to make a visit to Croatia to meet his counterpart Damir Krstičević.
        LJUBLJANA - The National Assembly will resume session to debate amendments to the property appraisal act, among other things.
        LJUBLJANA - Newspaper publisher Dnevnik will declare the winner of the Gazelle Award for Slovenia's fastest-growing company; PM Marjan Šarec to be on hand, along with three ministers.
        LJUBLJANA - Vienna Days in Ljubljana will get under way with a concert by the Klangkollektiv orchestra, to be declared open by Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig; until 24 October.

WEDNESDAY, 23 October
        LJUBLJANA - The National Assembly will debate amendments to the personal income tax act and corporate income tax act.
        MARIBOR - Gertrud Rantzen, the head of the German-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, will talk about the countries' cooperation and the economic outlook for 2020.
        LJUBLJANA - Chile Eboe-Osuji, president of the International Criminal Court, will visit Slovenia for meetings with Foreign Minister Miro Cerar and Justice Minister Andreja Katič.
        LJUBLJANA - A civil initiative is expected to present signatures in support of an increase in pensions to PM Marjan Šarec and National Assembly Speaker Dejan Židan.
        LJUBLJANA - A meeting between the mayors of Ljubljana and Vienna, Zoran Janković and Michael Ludwig, will launch a two-day conference themed Vienna and Ljubljana, cities tailored to people.
        LJUBLJANA - A press conference of the 30th Ljubljana International Film Festival, to be held between 13 and 24 November.
        LJUBLJANA - The Music Academy of the University of Ljubljana will mark its 80th anniversary.
        LJUBLJANA - An international three-day conference on Slovenian studies will kick off.
        LJUBLJANA - The Statistics Office will release the latest consumer confidence index.
        LJUBLJANA - The 50th iteration of the fair Nature-Health will open, to run until 26 October.

THURSDAY, 24 October
        BRUSSELS, Belgium - Defence Minister Karl Erjavec will take part in a two-day NATO ministerial.
        STRASBOURG, France - National Assembly Speaker Dejan Židan will take part in the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament from Council of Europe countries, until 25 October.
        LJUBLJANA - The National Assembly will debate amendments scraping bonus for social benefit recipients who work.
        LJUBLJANA - The Slovenian World Congress will hold a two-day conference of Slovenian scientists and businessmen from all over the world.
        MARIBOR - Pre trial hearings for former NBKM bank CEO Matjaž Kovačič and other former executives and several Croatian citizens in the Croatian affairs case.
        KRANJ - The Slovenian Writers' Association will present the Jenko Prize for best poetry collection for the past two years.
        LJUBLJANA - The first edition of the Slovenian sign language grammar book will be launched.

FRIDAY, 25 October
        LJUBLJANA - The National Assembly will debate amendments to pension and labour market laws and amendments related to student work and scholarships.
        LJUBLJANA - The Statistics Office will release the latest business sentiment index.
        LJUBLJANA - A two-day conference on palliative care will get under way.

SATURDAY, 26 October
        LJUBLJANA - Actor Rade Šerbedžija will give a concert at Cankarjev Dom with his ensemble Zapadni Kolodvor.

SUNDAY, 27 October
        MARIBOR - The Maribor Theatre Festival will come to a close with an awards ceremony.
        LJUBLJANA - The public broadcaster RTV Slovenija will hand out the Ježek Award for lifetime achievement in various genres of radio and TV creativity.
        LJUBLJANA - The Ljubljana Marathon, the biggest running event in the country.

20 Oct 2019, 07:20 AM

STA, 18 October 2019 - Pre-trial hearings were held at the Ljubljana District Court on Friday in an insurance fraud scheme case in which a young woman cut off her hand at the beginning of the year to claim insurance. Two suspects pleaded not guilty, one was absent, while the hearing for the 21-year-old woman was suspended for procedural reasons.

 The 21-year-old Julija Adlešič, who cut off her hand, and her 29-year-old partner Sebastien Abramov, who allegedly put her up to it, came to their separate hearings from custody.

Previously: In twist to story of woman who cut off hand, boyfriend may have shot previous girlfriend

The other two suspects who allegedly took part in the scheme are Abramov's mother Tinka Huskić Colarič and his father Gorazd Colarič. The father did not attend the hearing but since he appealed the indictment the court took his absence as a non-guilty plea.

Adlešič's hearing was, however, adjourned until Monday after her lawyer warned that the court file lacked a document allowing Sedin Kičin, a local court prosecutor, to lead a procedure at the district court.

Kičin told the press after the hearing that the document had been issued and presented to the court but would now be presented to the judge as well.

Adlešič, Abramov and Huskić are accused of five counts of fraud and Colarič of one count that affected multiple insurance companies.

They face up to eight years in prison.

Media first reported about the story in March. Abramov reportedly made life and accident insurance policies for Adlešič with five insurance companies at the end of last year.

In January, when the insurance was valid and the first instalments paid, Adlešič cut off her left hand just above the wrist with a circular saw at Colarič's home.

Colarič took Adlešič to the hospital, leaving the cut-off part of the arm at home. But police, who were also informed of the incident, picked it up and brought it to the hospital, where doctors managed to sew it back on.

Only days later, the four suspects filed damages claims with the five insurance companies. But they did not receive any money, as police already started investigating the case.

If the police had not interfered, the 21-year-old would have received EUR 1.2m in damages and several hundred thousand euro in monthly rent.

Adlešič had been claiming she had an accident while sawing off tree branches.

Colarič claims in his appeal he had not been presented his rights properly, that he has a hearing impairment and was mentally retarded.

Prosecutor Sedin Kičin said he had been present during his questioning and had got the impression that Colarič heard the questions, understood them and provided relevant answers.

Abramov's lawyer meanwhile demanded exclusion of some evidence, including interviews with Adlešič's parents, claiming they had not been warned that they are not obligated to testify against their daughter's partner.

The parents also turned to the media with their story, saying Abramov was heavily manipulating with their daughter.

Ambramov is meanwhile also being tried for the murder of his girlfriend Sara Veber, who died in March 2015 in what Abramov claims was a shooting accident.

20 Oct 2019, 01:14 AM

Check the date at the top of the page, and you can find all the "morning headlines" stories here. You can also follow us on Facebook and get all the news in your feed.

A schedule of all the main events involving Slovenia this week can be found here

This summary is provided by the STA:

Beethoven's "gift" to Ljubljana comes out in facsimile edition

LJUBLJANA - The Ljubljana Academy of Music published a facsimile of a copy of Ludwig van Beethoven's manuscript of Symphony No. 6 containing the composer's handwritten corrections, allegedly Beethoven's present to the Philharmonic Society in Ljubljana in gratitude for being admitted as its honorary member in 1819. Kept by the National and University Library (NUK), the Ljubljana copy of the Pastoral Symphony is one of the two preserved copies of Beethoven's autograph score. The English-Slovenian facsimile edition was launched in Ljubljana on Friday.

Lafarge planning to resume operations in Trbovlje

TRBOVLJE - Delo reported that Lafarge Cement, the Slovenian subsidiary of the Switzerland-headquartered multinational LafargeHolcim, asked for an environmental permit to resume cement grinding, storage and dispatch in Trbovlje at the beginning of next year. In February 2015 Lafarge Cement suspended operations, due to a ban following a loss of an environmental permit. Eko Krog, the environmental NGO that has been fighting the company for years, fears it might try to use the permit for other purposes.

Marifarm aiming to make own medicines

MARIBOR - The Maribor-based pharmaceutical company Marifarm is gradually implementing its strategy of becoming a drug manufacturer instead of just packaging drugs. So far, it has been manufacturing drugs for other pharmaceutical companies, but Marifarm plans to enter the market with its own drugs. The company was privatised in 2016, being acquired by Arterium International, a company registered in Amsterdam, which invested over EUR 11 million in three years. In August the ownership passed to the Vienna-based Aquer GMBH group, while Arterium International remains Marifarm's strategic partner.

Notary fees go up for first time in decade

LJUBLJANA - Notary fees rose slightly today for the first time in more than a decade. Some of the notary fees have not been adjusted to inflation since 2002 and have also gone down several times. The rise has been agreed in intensive talks between the Notary Chamber and the Justice Ministry. For example, the fee for verification of signatures on a contract worth up to EUR 4,590 rose by a euro to EUR 6. The cost of compiling a contract worth between EUR 114,750 and EUR 367,200 went up from EUR 275 to EUR 314.

Golden Drum festival closes with award ceremony

PORTOROŽ - McCann Worldgroup was declared the most successful agency network for the forth consecutive year as the 26th Golden Drum festival came to a close in Portorož on Friday night. Milan-based Publicis Italy took the Golden Rose for the best advertising agency and SOK Media from Helsinki won the Golden Dragon Award for the best independent advertising agency. The two-day festival, hosted by the Slovenian Advertising Agency, attracted around 1,000 visitors.

Visiting Ljubljana? Check out what's on this week, while all our stories on Slovenia, from newest to oldest, are here

If you're learning Slovenian then you can find all our dual texts here

19 Oct 2019, 16:27 PM

In 1834 the first trade school in the Slovenian lands was established in Ljubljana by Jacob Franz Mahr, its owner and first principal. The language used in the school was German, and the school was intended for wealthier kids of the local bourgeoisie to learn trade skills on the one hand, and assimilate on the other, and in line with Austrian de-nationalisation efforts targeting the empire’s Slavic majority subjects.

In 1855 Mahr bought one of Ljubljana’s most renowned hotels at today’s Krekov Trg by the central vegetable marketplace, where he moved his school.  The building soon gained its current name, that is the Mahr House, and in 1865 the upper two floors were built.

In 1918 the Mahr House was taken over by the city government, which moved in several of its offices. Since 2003 the ground floor of the house hosts one branch of the Slovenian Tourist Information Centre, while the upper floors have been transformed into several apartments.

Mahr House, 2018     Photo: Ljuba Brank, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

From 1865 to the WWI the school also ran a bilingual department, following the ultraquistic doctrine of introducing the primary language of the Slovenian pupils as a tool for more effective learning in the preferred language, German. Ultraquism as denationalising bilingualism in schools still remains a relevant issue of the Slovenes living in Austrian Carinthia.

The rarely used word ultraquism originates in the Latin sub utraque specie, meaning “in both kinds”, and originally referred to a Christian dogma proposed by pre-protestant Hussites (after the Czech Jan Hus) who maintained that the Eucharist should be administered “in both kinds”, that is as bread and wine to all the congregation, including the laity, since at the time the wine was only for the priests to enjoy.

19 Oct 2019, 13:46 PM

If you're not in town for the week of this guide (21- 27 October, 2019) then you can see all the editions here, and if there's event or activity you want to promote in a future edition of What's on in Ljubljana please get in touch with me at flanner(at) or try and find me on Facebook. If you want something a little different and easy to print, then a comprehensive PDF of events for the next seven days, as prepared by Ljubljana Tourism, is here. If you're in town and want to follow the news then check out our regular morning headlines for Slovenia here.

Jump to listings

The annual Month of Design continues until 8 November, with details here.

Next Sunday, 27 October, the Ljubljana Marathon comes to town, so expect major disruption on the roads, and there are also some related events on Saturday.

There’s not much in Visit Ljubljana’s official schedule for the week beyond Open Kitchen on Friday, which I think is the final one of the year. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty to do around town, as you’ll find if you scroll or jump to the regular listings on click through on the various venues. A small selection of things is also highlighted below.

A new show at Plečnik’s House shows visualisations of some the buildings and structures he wanted to build in Ljubljana, but was unable to. See some of those here.

Verdi’s La Traviata is on stage at the SNG Opera & Ballet on Monday, 11:00 in the morning, while on Saturday (19:30) they have Smetana’s The Bartered Bride.

Wednesday, 20:00, Kino Šiška is hosting two solo shows by members of Swans, Michael Gira and Norman Westberg. Sunday evening the same place, same time, will see The Brand New Heavies.

 slovenain memes slovene memes jazjaz (4).jpg

Learn Slovene with memes, here

Friday, 18:30, will see the start of another evening of fun at Orto Bar, with a line-up that includes Deströyer 666, Dead Congregation, and Nocturnal Graves. You can see the headline act above.

Interested in Slovenian craft beer? Find out what’s new with Damir, of Lajbah and more.

Saturday night Klub K4 will have a live set from Dacho & Levanael.

New films opening this week include Haunt, a reminder that Halloween is coming up, and Bacek Jon film: Farmagedon, aka Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon, which is most likely dubbed on all screens.

While the Old Town is quaint, and full of music, where does Ljubljana really shop? One popular answer is BTC City, a vast complex of malls, entertainment facilities and more, including more than 70 different food vendors, offering everything from Slovenian to Thai, Indian to Italian, Mexican to Chinese. Check out my recent visit here.

Looking for something different to eat? Trubajeva cesta, running right by Dragon Bridge, has the greatest concentration of "ethnic food" places in Ljubljana, and thus perhaps the country. Check out our walk through guide as of June 2019.

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Photo: JL Flanner

Ljubljana is forecast to be the fastest-warming city in the world over the next few decades.

You're in the town of Slavoj Žižek, but do you find yourself lost when conversation turns to the philosopher? If so, check out our collection of quotes and clips to learn more.

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Screenshot from YouTube


Cinemas and films

You can read about all the cinemas in town here, while a selection of what’s playing this week is below, and note that kids' movies tend to be shown in dubbed versions, while non-English language movies for older viewers will have Slovenian subtitles.Parents should also pay attention to Kinobalon, which is Kinodvor's regular weekend series of film screenings and events for children, from babies on up, with special parent/child events, "first time in a cinema" screenings, and babysitting. Learn more about it here, and see the current schedule here.

Note - most children's films will be dubbed (sinhronizirano) - for subtitles look for 'podnapisi'.

Kinodvor –This is an arts cinema, not far from the train station, that shows new features as well as hosting the occassional festival.

Kinoteka – And not far from Kinodvor you can find this revival cinema, which shows art house classics along with some deep dives in the archives.

Kino Bežigrad - A relatively small theatre, but one which usually has the biggest of the new releases.

Kolosej -The multiplex out at BTC City Mall shows all the big movies, with well over a dozen titles on the schedule, although note that there are far more movies than screens, so some of the older ones mayonly be playing once or twice a week.

Komuna – The cinema in a basement behind Nama department store shows two or three different features a week, usually including the biggest titles.

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Looking for a souvenir you'll really enjoy? Take a look at Broken Bones Gin, the first gin made in Ljubljana (learn more here, and try it at the Central Market or selected downtown bars).

Friday night SHXCXCHCXSH will be playing at Klub K4


Compared to some European capitals it can seem that nightlife in Ljubljana ends rather early, especially along the river, but there are still bars that stay open late and clubs were you can dance until dawn, and perhaps the best place to stumble across something interesting is the legendary Metelkova. Be aware it's a grungy kind of place and not for all tastes, but also that there's considerable variety to found within the various clubs there, from death metal to electropop, gay cabaret to art noise. You can read "the rules" of the place here. And if you're curious about how the place started then read our story, and look at some pictures, about last year's 25th anniversary.

DJs at the top of the Castle (more)

Božidar - DJ events aren't too common here, but when they happen they often have a big name.

Channel Zero – DJs shows here include regular dub nights as well as electronic music.

Gala Hala – Another Metelkova venue, you can sometimes hear bhangra and Bollywood here, but more often funk, hip hop, breakbeat and so on.

Klub Cirkus – The more commercial end of clubland, and a venue that aims to serve the student party scene. Expect house, anthems, and bangers.

Klub K4 – The home of techno, old and new, along with various other electronic genres,

Koncertna Dvorana Rog– There are irregular DJ sets at this underground (not literally) venue at the far end of Trubarjeva cesta, and they range from techno to goa to drum'n'bass.

Orto Bar80s and 90s throwback nights can often be found here, along with rock-based DJ sets.

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Live music

Balassi Institute – Free Hungarian music, when available, from the Hungarian cultural institute just a short walk downriver from Dragon Bridge.

Cankerjev dom – The main arts venue in the country hosts classical, opera jazz, folk and occassinally pop.

CvetličarnaRegional pop and rock concerts can be found here.

Channel Zero – This Metelkova venue sees live shows from punk and rock bands, as well as others.

Gala Hala – Another Metelkova venue with indie bands of various styles.

Kino Šiška – One of the top live venues in the city, with a varied programme that include indie, rock, pop, experimental, hip hop, and so on.

Klub Gromka – Live music is often metal, from sludge to stoner, death to thrash, while punk bands also appear, as do others.

Križanke – The venue that hosts the Ljubljana Festival often has classical music, and some rock, in the open air.

Ljubljana CastleJazz, funk and pop every Friday night.

Orto Bar– The home of live rock, metal, punk and other guitar-based genres.

Pinelina dnevna soba – LIve music is rare here, but it does happen.

Slovenska filharmonijaClassical music in the centre of town.

SNG Opera and Ballet - As the name suggests, here you'll find the best of opera and ballet in the country.

Španski borci - While dance is more common here, they also have some contemporary and experimental music shows.

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See more pictures of Old Ljubljana here

Theatre and dance

Cankerjev dom- The main arts venue in the country always has something of interest going on.

Gledališče IGLU - IGLU Theatre – Saturday night this group is usually putting on an English improv show somewhere in town, but it’s generally promoted after this is written, so check the Facebook before putting on your shoes.

Kino Šiška – One of the top live venues in the city also hosts some dance performance, often of the more experimental variety.

Mini Teater Ljubljana –The English schedule of varied performances, for adults and children, for the month is here.

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre - Puppetry has a long and noble tradition in Slovenia, and you can see performances for children and adults (including non-puppet shows) drawing from the Theatre's rich repetoire as well as new productons.

SNG Opera and Ballet - As the name suggests, here you'll find the best of opera and ballet in the country.

Španski borci - The home ofcontemporary dance(and the EnKnapGroup) in Slovenia.

Pocket Teater Studio– There are regular flamenco evenings at perhaps the smallest venue town, but note that the number of seats is very limited, and thus you should make a reservation via or 070 325 522.

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Harm reduction and drug testing

Drogart is an organization that aims to minimise harm on the party scene, and offers drug-testing services and reports on their webpage. It’s in Slovene, but you can Google translate it or work things out yourself, and our story on the group is here.You can find the latest warnings on fake drugs and high strength pills and powders (in Slovene) here. However, be aware that all the usual drugs are illegal in Slovenia.CBD is legal, though, and our retailer of choice can be found on Trubarjeva cesta - read more about Sena Flora here.

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Photo: Igor Andjelič. See more of his work here

Things to do with children

You can find our Top 12 list of things to do with kids in Ljubljana here. If want to read more about the philosophy behind the wonderful House of Experiments look here, while our trip to the Museum of Illusions is documented here, and there’s always riverside walks, pizza and ice cream. With regard to the latter, take a look at our guide to six places that serve good ice cream in winter, and thus are serious about the dessert.

Mini Teater Ljubljana – The season sees a lot of puppet performances for children, in Slovene, at this theatre not far from Križanke. The English schedule for the month is here.

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre - The puppet theatre near the Central Market and next to the Castle funicular has a full programme or shows, for children and adults, with the schedule here.

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LGBT+ Ljubljana

If you're looking for more general links on "gay Slovenia", including a history of the scene and various projects, then you can find that here, while our stories about the community can be found here.

Klub Monokel – This lesbian bar in Metelkova is open every Friday, although sometimes there are other events

Klub Tiffany –And the gay bar next door is also open on Fridays. Other things coulds also be planned, so click on the name to find out.

Pritličje – This seems to be the only "always open" LGBT-friendly cafe / bar / events space in town, and perhaps the country, so it's a good thing it's such a good one, open from morning to night, and with fliers and posters letting you know what's happening outside the narrow confines of, say, a general interest online what's on... guide.

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Screenshot from Google Maps, showing the location of the Castle vineyard

Ljubljana Castle

The city’s main attraction is said to be the top tourist draw in the country overall, and to my mind it earns a spot near the top just for the history and views. But beyond that the current owners, the City of Ljubljana, have laid out a varied, interesting and enjoyable programme of events, one that rewards regular revisits. On until 17 November Mighty Guardians of the Past: Castles in the Slovenian Lands, a presentation that delivers on the promise of its title.

I try and get up there every Saturday morning to clear my head and move my feet on the trails, and never tire of that end of the hill. At the other end, where the Castle sits, there’s a lot more than fresh air on offer. There are guided tours, restaurants, a café, Castle museum, puppet museum, a Watchtower you can climb to the highest point in the city, art shows, dances, live music, movies under the stars, festival days and more – enough to reward multiple trips up the hill through the year. All of these activities and events can be found on the Castle website, while on TSN you can see “25 things to know about Ljubljana Castlehere, and “Ten Ways to Enjoy Ljubljana Castle” here.

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Museums and galleries

Most public galleries and museums are closed on Mondays, although not the National Museum.

From 15 October to 17 November various venues around town will be hosting events related to Transform 2019: Trans-form:action, featuring students from academies from Zagreb, Sofia, Bucharest, Skopje, Istanbul and Ljubljana. Details.

Bežigrajska galerija 2 – Take a trip to Vodovodna cesta 3 between 3 October and 13 November you can see “selected works by the Prešeren awards recipients originating from Slovenian Istria, coming from the collections of the Piran Coastal Galleries and the Prešeren Award Winners of Fine Arts Gallery Kranj.” The free to enter show includes the following work.

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Živko Marušič, Ujetniki dima III, 1986, oil on canvas, 130 x 148 cm © Marko Tušek

Cankerjev dom – On until 3 March 2020 there's an exhibition on Ancient Greek Science and Technology. Details here.


Plečnik's desk. Photo: JL Flanner

Plečnik’s House is worth a visit if you want to learn more about the architect who gave Ljubljana much of its character, and it's also in a really nice part of town, Trnovo, just a short walk or cycle upriver. Read about our guided tour here. On until January 2020 you can see plans and models for some of the things Plečnik planned but never built in Ljubljana. Take a look at some pictures here.

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Balassi Institute – The Hungarian culture centre is next to a Spar and Hofer, and not far from Dragon Bridge, and always has something interesting going on. Learn more here. This month there's also an exhibition with more works like the one shown below for a show described as follows: “The concept of the exhibition “Awkwardly Close” in Balassi Institute is exactly the self-conscious unease coming from artistic and content similarities between the works of Kata Bereczki, and the Slovenian artistic collective Son:DA."

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City Gallery - Until 10 November you can see After the Canal, there was only "our" world: “The exhibition is an invitation to explore a variety of historical and geographical connections between Europe, especially its Easts, and the Middle East, particularly Egypt, with the Suez Canal as the trigger, while contemplating their reflections in the mirror of the present.”

City Museum – The Museum in French Revolution Square an interesting permanent exhibition on the history of Ljubljana, from prehistoric times to the present day, with many artefacts, models and so on that bring the story alive.You can read about my visit here


The Faces of Ljubljana in the City Museum. Photo: JL Flanner

Galerija Kresija – The gallery between the Triple Brdge and City Hall has some architecture-related activities this week.

Galerijia Y – Walk along to Trubarjeva cesta 79 and until 19 October you can see some contemporary art from four Slovenian painters, with all the works for sale. See some of them here.

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Drink like a pro - find gallery openings. Photo: JL Flanner

Ljubljana Castle on until 17 November Mighty Guardians of the Past: Castles in the Slovenian Lands, a presentation that delivers on the promise of its title.

MAO – The Museum of Architecture and Design has much of what you'd expect, along with some temporary shows and a good cafe.

Moderna galerija – The main branch of this gallery, to be found near the entrance to Tivoli Park, has a good collection of modern art, as well a nice café in the basement. The 9th Triennial of Contemporary Art U3 is also on here until 12 January 2020. Titled Dead and Alive: “The exhibition unfolds around three contradictory states of now – the dead and alive state of conceptualism, analogue and liquid materiality, and the subconscious as the battlefield of cognitive capitalism. Because – how do art and avant-garde progress? By making sensible what is beyond. At the end of the day, Dead and Alive is a quantum time search for an engaged form.” More details here, on one of the works on show below.

Aleksandra Vajd, Collage by K. E. Graebner Nature the Unknown Acquaintance (1971) and a unit of five hand-dyed photograms titled ‘rivalry of superior vs. inferior’, 2017.jpg

© Aleksandra Vajd, Collage by K. E. Graebner Nature the Unknown Acquaintance (1971) and a unit of five hand-dyed photograms titled: ‘rivalry of superior vs. inferior’, 2017

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Alan Ford was recently at the National Gallery - read more about this comic book here.

National Gallery – The country’s main gallery has “the best” of what’s on offer from the Middle Ages to non-contemporary modern visual arts, and is in a great location for exploring other areas, just by Tivoli Park and opposite the main branch of the Moderna galerija. You can read about our visit to the room containing sacred art from the Middle Ages hereArt for the Brave New World runs until 5 January 2020: “The exhibition will present the beginnings and development of an early government art collection in Slovenia, which, despite the economic and political crisis, was created in the 1930s by artistic and professional personalities gathered around Dr Marko Natlačen, the last ban of the Drava Banovina.”

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The real Robba Fountain can be found in the entrance to the National Gallery - the one you see in the Old Town is a genuine fake, as seen below and reported here.

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Photo: JL Flanner

National Museum of Slovenia – There’s plenty to see in the permanent collection here, from Roman times, Egypt and more. Running until 3 November is Roma Aeterna: Masterpieces of Classical Sculpture. With sculptures from the collection of the Santarelli family in Rome, ranging from the age of the Roman Empire to that of neoclassicism. Meanwhile, the museum's Metelkova branch, located between one branch of the Moderna galerija and the Ethnographic Museum has some rooms on Church art, furniture and weapons, with the latter including more guns than you'll see anywhere else in town, and quite a thrill if coming from a nation where such objects are not household items.

Natural History Museum – On until the end of December 2019 is Our Little Big Sea, which takes a look at the oceans.

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 Roma Aeterna: Masterpieces of Classical Sculpture - see below

National Museum of Contemporary History - Tucked away in park Tivoli, you can see a permanent exhibition on Slovenians in the 20th century.

Slovene Ethnographic Museum – The museum has two permanent exhibitions. One of these is called Between Nature and Culture, and has a great collection of objects from Slovenia and around the world, well worth the trip up to the third floor to see it (as recounted here). From April 18 until October 19 (2019) you can also see a show calledShamanism of the Peoples of Siberia, from the Russian Museum of Ethnography, Saint Petersburg. The place is located near the newer branch of the Moderna galerija and Metelkova. You can read about this fascinating show here.

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Union is "the Ljubljana beer", but now both it and Laško are owned by Heineken. There are many local brews on offer around town, though, if you want to explore IPAs, stouts, wheatbeers, sours and so on Photo: JL Flanner

Vžigalica Gallery – Until 27 October you can explore a spatial installation from the Berlin-based artist Sinta Werner.

Union Experience – The Ljubljana-based brewer has a museum showing the history of the company, with the ticket also including access to part of the factory and a few samples of the product. You can read about our visit here.

Volčji Potok Arboretum - Running until 3 November you can see a large collection of cacti here.

It's not a formal museum, but if you're interested in "Yugo-stalgia" then you'll enjoy a trip to Verba, a small, privately run space that's crammed with objects and pop culture items from the era, and is conveniently located at the start of one of the short walks to the castle. It's also a great place to take pictures, if you leave a donation, and you can read more about it here.


Verba. Photo: JL Flanner

Alternative Ljubljana isn't a museum or gallery, as such, but instead turns the city streets into a museum and gallery. Learn more about their tours of street art, history and LGBT Ljubljana here.

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Photo: JL Flanner

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Other things to do in Ljubljana

Learn more about Ljubljana with "25 things to know about Slovenia's green city of dragons", or take a look at our guide to spending from four to 48 hours here.


If you like the city's architecture then check out this great book, Let’s See the City - Ljubljana: Architectural Walks & Tours, with our review here and a page from the book shown above. We took a walk with one of the authors who showed us how much there is to learn and enjoy if you slow down and pay attention - read about that here.

Open Kitchen brings market stalls selling food and drink from some of the best restaurants in town every Friday, from 11am to 11pm, in the square between the cathedral and the river - just follow your nose and the crowds. Read more about it here.

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Photo: Open Kitchen

Ljubljana has some beautiful buildings from the early 20th century, in the Secessionist style, like the one below. Learn where to find them here.

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Photo: Neža Loštrek

For something a little more brual, check out Republika trg / Republic Square, in the heart of the political quarter.


Photo: JL Flanner

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Photo: JL Flanner

Some view of the city you can only get from the river. If you'd like to take a boat ride then read about my experience here. If you'd like to spend an evening painting with others, then take a look at Design with Wine, which organises painting parties on Trubarjeva cesta,

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If you want to see some antiques, then check out the wonderful Antika Carniola, as discussed here. The man behind it, Jaka Prijatelj, has a fine eye for life on this street, as you can see on his Facebook account.

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Photo: JL Flanner

If you’re in town and want to go jogging or walking in nature, why not take another look at the Castle, with a brief guide to the trails here. If you want something bigger, head to Tivoli Park.

And if you're bored with the Old Town, why not take a walk, cycle or boat ride to nearby Špica and enjoy the riverside life. Learn more about that here. spica.jpg

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Nataraja Studio

Want to stretch and breath? Then check out our list of drop-in yoga classes for tourists, visitors and the uncommitted. We go to Nataraja Studio, by Dragon Bridge, and here's a story about it.

Prefer to have someone else stretch you? The check out the totally legit massages you can get from Sense Wellness - either in one of their spas or in you home, office or hotel. (And - to repeat - these are legit and non-sexual in nature)

There are some golf courses near Ljubljana, but even ones further away are not far, as seen in our list of all the golf courses in Slovenia, which usually run until the first snow. CC-by-0 Golfing-Putting-Golf-Golf-Course-Golf-Ball-Hole-1284011.jpg

Photo:, public domain

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Most of Slovenia is only a few hours from Ljubljana, and you can easily visit Lake Bled, Lipica Stud Farm, Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle, the coast and other locations, while if you'd like to take a photo of from that bench in Bled, then you can learn how to get there here. If you’re looking for something more ambitious, then check out our recent guide to the 17 members of the Association of Historical Towns of Slovenia. We've also written guides on spending from four to 48 hours in Bled and Piran.

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Photo: Google Image Search

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Getting around

If you want to get a Ljubljana Tourist Card, which gives you travel on the city buses and entry to a lot of attractions, then you can read more about that here, and if you want to use the bike share system, as useful for visitors as it is for residents, then you can learn more by clicking this. Visitors with reduced mobility will be pleased to find that downtown Ljubljana is generally rated as good with regard to accessibility, and that there’s a free, city-sponsored app called Ljubljana by Wheelchair highlighting cafés, attractions and so on with ramps, disabled bathrooms and Eurokey facilities, which you can read about and download here. Manual wheelchair users can also borrow, for free, an attachment that will motorise their equipment, as reported here.

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Screenshot from a Twitter video

If you’re driving into town and don’t know where to park, our guide to how to park in Ljubljana is here.


Ljubljana is a small and relatively safe city, but if need to contact the police then there’s a special number for foreigners, and that’s 113.

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Photo: JL Flanner

There aren't many places to eat after midnight, and most of them are by the train station, as reported here.

Want / need cigarettes but the stores have closed? Here's an incomplete list of bars downtown that will satisfy your craving for the demon weed. While if you’re having trouble with the ATMs then here’s a guide to the Slovene you’ll see on screen. If you get a hangover then find out where to get paracetamol (and prescription drugs) in Ljubljana here, while details on emergency birth control can be found here.

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