Slovene-English Dual Text: Ptički Na Gregorjevo: To Je Moje Drevo In To Moje Dekle

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Slovene-English Dual Text: Ptički Na Gregorjevo: To Je Moje Drevo In To Moje Dekle CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Ptički na gregorjevo: to je moje drevo in to moje dekle

Birds on Gregory’s Day: this is my tree and this is my girl

Written by Vanessa translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zagotovo poznaš slovensko valentinovo oziroma gregorjevo. Praznujemo ga 12. marca, na god sv. Gregorja. To je dan, ko se ptički ženijo.

You certainly know Slovenian Valentine's Day or St. Gregory's Day. We celebrate it on March 12, the feast of St. Gregory. This is the day the birds get married.

Praznik izhaja iz predkrščanskih časov.

The holiday dates back to pre-Christian times.

Kovači, čevljarji in drugi rokodelci so na ta dan prenehali delati ob svečah in petrolejkah. Praznovali so prihod pomladi, ko se dan podaljša.

Blacksmiths, shoemakers, and other artisans stopped working by candlelight and kerosene lamps that day. They celebrated the arrival of spring as the day lengthened.

Do danes se je ohranilo kar nekaj starih običajev.

To this day, quite a few old customs have been preserved.

Otroci so včasih mislili, da se ptički na ta dan tudi gostijo. Po drevju in grmovju so iskali pogače, ki so jih tja na skrivaj namestili starši, da bi jih razveselili.

Children sometimes thought that the birds were also feasting on this day. They searched the trees and bushes for cakes that their parents had secretly placed there to cheer them up.

Ena najbolj znanih šeg, ki se je ohranila na Gorenjskem, je spuščanje luči.

One of the most famous customs that has survived in Gorenjska is the lowering of lights.

Na predvečer gregorjevega ljudje na gregorčkih spuščajo svečke po vodi.

On the eve of St. Gregory's Day, people place candles on the water.

Tudi rastline in živali se odzivajo na podaljševanje dneva.

Plants and animals also respond to the longer days.

Ptice prepoznavajo, da se je dan podaljšal, saj svetloba in višje temperature vplivajo na hormone. Samčki ptic pevk tako začnejo veselo prepevati.

The birds recognise that the day has lengthened because light and higher temperatures affect their hormones. The male songbirds thus begin to sing happily.

Ptičje petje je bilo ljudem od nekdaj všeč. Nekateri znani skladatelji so ga upodobili v svojih skladbah.

People have always loved birds singing. Some famous composers have depicted him in their compositions.

Vendar ptice ne pojejo zaradi lepote petja. Njihovo petje ima določen namen. Samčki z njim privabljajo družico, obenem pa branijo svoje ozemlje.

However, birds do not sing because of the beauty of their songs. Their singing has a specific purpose. Males attract a mate with it, while at the same time defending their territory.

Sotekmecem tako sporočajo: »To je moje drevo in to je moje dekle!«

They tell their peers, "This is my tree, and this is my girl!"

Večina ptic pevk poje zgodaj zjutraj in pozno zvečer.

Most songbirds sing early in the morning and late in the evening.

Nekatere lahko slišimo tudi ponoči. Takrat pojejo predvsem slavčki, ki veljajo za ene izmed najboljših pevcev.

Some can also be heard at night. At that time, nightingales, who are considered to be one of the best singers, sing.

Oglašajo se še detli, ki svoje ozemlje označujejo s trkanjem v drevesa.

Woodpeckers are also announced, marking their territory by pecking on trees.

Takšno obnašanje lahko opazujemo le spomladi.

Such behaviour can be observed only in the spring.

Kasneje ptice postanejo tišje, saj začnejo gnezditi.

Later, the birds become quieter as they begin to nest.

Med petjem so namreč manj pozorne in lahko hitro privabijo plenilce.

They are less attentive while singing, and can quickly attract predators.

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