Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
V šoli vam od ponedeljka ne bo več treba nositi mask
You’ll no longer have to wear masks at school from Monday
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Novi koronavirus vsak dan izgublja na svoji moči.
The new coronavirus is losing its strength every day.
Epidemiološke razmere so relativno ugodne. Včeraj je bilo v primerjavi s prejšnjim tednom za 23 odstotkov manj okužb.
Epidemiological conditions are relatively favourable. Yesterday, there were 23 percent fewer infections compared to last week.
Ugodno je tudi stanje v bolnišnicah, je na novinarski konferenci sporočil minister za zdravje Janez Poklukar.
The situation in hospitals is also favourable, Health Minister Janez Poklukar told a news conference.
Vlada je zato večino ukrepov že odpravila. Danes je odločila še, da vam od ponedeljka naprej v šolah ne bo več treba nositi mask!
The government has therefore already lifted most of the measures. It also decided today that you will no longer have to wear masks in schools from Monday onwards!
Maske tako lahko med poukom pospravijo učenci, dijaki, študenti in učitelji.
Masks can be put away by pupils, students and teachers during lessons.
Vseeno pa jih morajo obvezno nositi tisti, ki obiskujejo vaje ali prakso v zdravstvenih zavodih, je dodal minister.
However, they must be worn by those who attend exercises or internships in health care institutions, the minister added.
V šolah še vedno veljajo priporočila Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje za zajezitev širjenja virusa.
The National Institute of Public Health's recommendations to curb the spread of the virus still apply in schools.
Medtem pa se spreminja način izdaje potrdila o prebolevnosti. Odslej smo ga pridobili po pozitivnem izvidu na testu PCR, zdaj bo to mogoče dobiti že na podlagi pozitivnega hitrega testa. Tako je urejeno tudi v Evropski uniji.
Meanwhile, the method of issuing a certificate of illness is changing. Until now we obtained it after a positive result on the PCR test, now it will be possible to obtain it on the basis of a positive rapid test. This is also the case in the European Union.
Minister je dodal še, da nikoli ni prepozno za zaščito in cepljenje.
The minister added that it is never too late to protect and vaccinate.
V Slovenijo je namreč prispelo novo cepivo Novavax, ki se razlikuje od prejšnjih, saj gre za klasično cepivo.
Namely, a new vaccine Novavax has arrived in Slovenia, which differs from the previous ones, as it is a classic vaccine.
Te spremembe bodo morali upoštevati cepilni centri.
These changes will need to be considered by vaccination centres.
Prav tako so se začeli v zdravstvenih ustanovah pripravljati na morebiten prihod beguncev iz Ukrajine, ki bi potrebovali zdravstveno oskrbo.
They also began to prepare in medical institutions for the possible arrival of refugees from Ukraine who would need medical care.
Za vse stroške bo poskrbelo ministrstvo za zdravje.
All costs will be covered by the Ministry of Health.
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