Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Dobre novice iz Slovenije v letu 2021
Good news from Slovenia in 2021
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Po čem si boš najbolj zapomnila leto 2021? Po koroni in vseh zoprnijah, povezanih z epidemijo, gotovo. Toda kateri so bili drugi dogodki, pomembni za vso Slovenijo?
What will you remember most about 2021? After the coronavirus and all the annoyances associated with the epidemic, of course. But what were other important events for the whole of Slovenia?
Na srečo so nas slovenski športniki tudi leta 2021 znova večkrat razveselili z zmagami in medaljami.
Fortunately, Slovenian athletes once again delighted us several times in 2021 with victories and medals.
V Tokiu so na olimpijskih igrah osvojili tri zlate, eno srebrno in eno bronasto medaljo, na paraolimpijskih igrah pa še dve odličji.
In Tokyo, they won three gold, one silver and one bronze medal at the Olympic Games, and two more medals at the Paralympic Games.
Kolesarja Tadej Pogačar in Primož Roglič sta znova zmagala na dveh od treh velikih večetapnih dirk.
Cyclists Tadej Pogačar and Primož Roglič won two of the three big multi-stage races again.
Plezalka Janja Garnbret je dokazala, da je najboljša športna plezalka na svetu.
Climber Janja Garnbret has proven to be the best sports climber in the world.
Nordijski smučarji so na svetovnem prvenstvu šestkrat stopili na zmagovalni oder, odbojkarji so tretjič zaigrali v finalu evropskega prvenstva in tretjič osvojili srebrno medaljo.
The Nordic skiers took the podium six times at the World Championships, the volleyball players played in the European Championship final for the third time and won the silver medal for the third time.
Dobra novica je bila tudi končana obnova Cukrarne. Nekdanja »ljubljanska sramota« na obrežju Ljubljanice je postala nova mestna znamenitost – muzej sodobne umetnosti.
The good news was also the completed renovation of Cukrarna [a former sugar factory]. The former "Ljubljana shame" on the banks of the Ljubljanica has become a new city landmark - the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Za državo Slovenijo je bilo pomembno tudi šestmesečno predsedovanje Evropski uniji. Od 1. julija do 31. decembra je vodila vrsto pomembnih srečanj in se trudila usklajevati različne interese vseh 27 članic Unije pri številnih pomembnih zadevah. Kot država, v kateri je pravica do pitne vode zapisana v ustavo, je na primer dosegla sprejem sklepov o svetovnem pomenu vode. Pomanjkanje vode vpliva na mir in varnost, zato je pomembno učinkovito upravljanje voda.
The six-month presidency of the European Union was also important for the state of Slovenia. From 1 July to 31 December, it chaired a series of important meetings and sought to reconcile the different interests of all 27 members of the Union on a number of important issues. As a country where the right to drinking water is enshrined in the constitution, for example, it has reached conclusions on the global importance of water. Water scarcity affects peace and security, so effective water management is important.
In ne nazadnje: risom v Sloveniji se obetajo boljši časi! Evrazijskega risa (Lynx lynx), so pred izumrtjem rešili s priseljevanjem risov iz Romunije in Slovaške. Prva dva sta prišla spomladi 2019. Letos pa so pet risov naselili na Gorenjskem.
And last but not least: lynx in Slovenia are promised better times! The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), was saved from extinction by importing lynx from Romania and Slovakia. The first two came in the spring of 2019. This year, five lynx settled in Gorenjska.
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