Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Na Slovenija ima talent je zmagala Tajda Korče!
Tajda Korče won Slovenia's Got Talent!
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Šov Slovenija ima talent je sinoči dobil novo zmagovalko!
The show Slovenia’s Got Talent got a new winner last night!
Kaj so tekmovalci pripravili za finale osme sezone?
What did the contestants prepare for the finals of the eighth season?
Tina Pezdirec je nastopila s posebej zanjo predelano pesmijo iz filma Ledeno kraljestvo, Martin Arbi s svojo pesmijo Edina, Marko Stanković z rokersko balado Knocking on Heaven’s Door in Ana Grdadolnik z božično zimzeleno uspešnico All I Want For Christmas Is You.
Tina Pezdirec performed a specially adapted song from the film Frozen, Martin Arbi with his song Edina, Marko Stanković with the rock ballad Knocking on Heaven’s Door and Ana Grdadolnik with the evergreen Christmas hit All I Want For Christmas Is You.
Duo s harfo, glasbenici De Liri, sta združili pesmi Orion in Od višine se zvrti.
The harp duo, musicians De Liri, combined the songs Orion and Od višine se zvrti.
Gimnastičarka Tajda Korče je na oder prišla v škatli, akrobatka Tamia Šeme je bruhala ogenj, Maša Ferme je prikazala poslastico s hulahup obroči.
Gymnast Tajda Korče came on stage in a box, acrobat Tamia Šeme breathed fire, Maša Ferme showed a trick with hula hoop rings.
Mama in hči, Suzana in Julija, sta odplesali zgodbo o prepirih med otroki in njihovimi starši.
Mother and daughter, Suzana and Julija, danced a story about quarrels between children and their parents.
Deseti finalist, hrvaški pevec Dino Petrić, ni nastopil, saj se je okužil s koronavirusom. Je pa mešanico slovenskih božično-novoletnih pesmi, ki jo je želel predstaviti v finalu, objavil na YouTubu.
The tenth finalist, Croatian singer Dino Petrić, did not perform as he contracted the coronavirus. However, he posted a mixture of Slovenian Christmas and New Year's songs, which he wanted to present in the finals, on YouTube.
V superfinale sta se uvrstili Tamia Šeme in Tajda Korče. Največ telefonskih glasov pa je zbrala Tajda.
Tamia Šeme and Tajda Korče qualified for the super finals. Tajda collected the most phone votes.
»Še vedno čakam, da se zbudim. Hvala za vsak glas, hvaležna sem za čisto vse,« je po razglasitvi zmage presenečena povedala voditeljema oddaje Petru Polesu in Sašu Staretu. Prav njun zlati gumb jo je iz avdicije popeljal v polfinale.
“I’m still waiting to wake up. Thank you for every vote, I am grateful for everything,” she said to the hosts of the show, Peter Poles and Sašo Staret, after the announcement of the victory. It was their golden button that took her from the audition to the semifinals.
Če imaš tudi ti kakšen talent, se lahko prijaviš za tekmovanje v novi, deveti sezoni oddaje!
If you also have some talent, you can apply to compete in the new, ninth season of the show!
Jan Plestenjak, ki je nastopil med telefonskim glasovanjem, je vse pevske finaliste še povabil, da nastopijo z njim na valentinovem koncertu v Stožicah.
Jan Plestenjak, who performed during the telephone voting, invited all the singing finalists to perform with him at a Valentine's Day concert in Stožice.
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