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Italijani so evropski nogometni prvaki
The Italians are European football champions
Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
En mesec smo lahko uživali ob mojstrovinah najboljših nogometašev stare celine.
For a month we were able to enjoy the masterworks of the best footballers of the old continent.
16. evropsko prvenstvo v nogometu je potekalo v 11 različnih evropskih mestih. Euro 2020 se je začel v Rimu in zaključil v Londonu, v finalu pa sta se pomerili prav reprezentanci iz Italije in Anglije.
The 16th European Football Championship took place in 11 different European cities. Euro 2020 started in Rome and ended in London, and in the final the national teams from Italy and England competed.
Za naslov evropskega prvaka se je sicer borilo 24 držav.
24 countries competed for the title of European champion.
Tekma bi se težko začela bolje za Angleže. Že v drugi minuti je Luke Shaw zadel gol. Leonardo Bonucci je nato v 67. minuti izenačil na 1 : 1. Tekma se je nazadnje končala neodločeno in tudi podaljški niso prinesli zmagovalca. Odločile so šele enajstmetrovke: Italijani so bili s tremi zadetki boljši od Angležev, ki so dosegli dva.
The match could hardly have started better for the English. Luke Shaw scored in the second minute. Leonardo Bonucci tied the game at 1 - 1 after 67 minutes, when he converted an incredible pass from the right. It was only decided by the penalties: the Italians were better with three goals than the English, who scored two.
Finale na stadionu Wembley v Londonu si je ogledalo kar 65.000 navijačev.
The final at Wembley Stadium in London was watched by as many as 65,000 fans.
Angleški nogometaši so bili v precejšnji prednosti, saj so imeli veliko podporo domačih navijačev. Nogometaši iz Italije se kljub temu niso prestrašili in so dali vse od sebe.
The English footballers had a significant advantage as they had a lot of support from the home fans. The footballers from Italy, however, were not intimidated and did their best.
Italijani so drugič zmagali na evropskem prvenstvu, po tistem, ko jim je to uspelo leta 1968. Italija tudi sicer velja za eno najuspešnejših nogometnih reprezentanc. Osvojila je že štiri svetovna prvenstva.
The Italians won the European Championship for the second time, after they succeeded in 1968. Italy is also considered one of the most successful football teams. It has already won four world championships.
Angleži so tokrat prvič zaigrali v finalu evropskega prvenstva, toda sanje številnih navijačev se niso uresničile. Nazadnje so se zmage na velikem tekmovanju veselili leta 1966, ko so angleški nogometaši postali svetovni prvaki.
The English played in the final of the European Championship for the first time, but the dreams of many fans did not come true. The last time they celebrated victory in a major competition was in 1966, when the English footballers became world champions.
Zgodovina evropskih nogometnih prvenstev je dolga 60 let. Naslov je osvojilo deset različnih reprezentanc.
The history of European football championships is 60 years long. Ten different national teams have won the title.
Na tem velikem tekmovanju je leta 2000 nastopila tudi Slovenija.
Slovenia also took part in this great competition in 2000.
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