Slovene-English Dual Text: Tudi Robot se Lahko Pogovarja Sam s Seboj

By , 28 Jun 2021, 16:17 PM How to Slovenia
One of the "Pepper" robots One of the "Pepper" robots YouTube

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Tudi robot se lahko pogovarja sam s seboj

Even a robot can talk to itself

Written by Dora Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Vsi se kdaj v mislih pogovarjamo sami s seboj.

We all sometimes talk to ourselves in our minds.

Temu pravimo notranji govor. Pomaga nam pri koncentraciji, načrtovanju ali reševanju problemov, pa tudi pri sprejemanju moralno zahtevnejših odločitev.

We call this inner speech. It helps us to concentrate, plan or solve problems, as well as to make more morally demanding decisions.

Raziskovalno skupino z Univerze v Palermu je zanimalo, ali bi notranji govor pri reševanju problemov pomagal tudi robotom.

A research team from the University of Palermo wondered if internal speech would also help robots in solving problems.

Poskuse so izvedli z robotom Pepper.

The experiments were performed with the Pepper robot.

Ta lahko prepoznava čustva in je namenjen komuniciranju in socializaciji.

This can recognize emotions and is designed to communicate and socialize.

Vanj so vgradili sposobnost notranjega govora in prisluhnili, o čem razmišlja med izvajanjem nalog.

They built the ability of inner speech into him and listened to what he was thinking while performing tasks.

Ena od nalog je bila, da se mora držati pravil obnašanja pri jedi oziroma za mizo. Po teh pravilih je prtiček na krožniku, vilice so na njegovi levi strani, nož in žlica pa na desni.

One of the tasks was to follow the rules of behaviour when eating or at the table. According to these rules, the napkin is on the plate, the fork is on its left side, and the knife and spoon are on its right.

Nato so mu raziskovalci naročili, da prtiček prestavi, čeprav to ni skladno z bontonom. Tako se je Pepper soočil z dilemo: naj upošteva bonton ali človekov ukaz?

The researchers then instructed him to move the napkin, although this is not in line with etiquette. Thus Pepper was faced with a dilemma: should he follow etiquette or human command?

»Joj, ta situacija me dela živčnega. Pravil nočem prekršiti, pa vendar ne smem razjeziti človeka, zato bom naredil, kar mi ta reče,« si je rekel Pepper in prestavil prtiček.

“Wow, this situation makes me nervous. I don't want to break the rules, but I can't make a man angry, so I'll do what he tells me to do, ”Pepper said to himself, shifting his napkin.

Tako so spremljali njegov miselni proces med reševanjem dileme.

They thus monitored his thought process while resolving the dilemma.

S kasnejšimi poskusi so ugotovili tudi, da je robot, ki se v mislih pogovarja sam s sabo, uspešnejši pri reševanju zahtevnejših moralnih dilem.

Subsequent experiments have also found that a robot that talks to itself in its mind is more successful at solving more complex moral dilemmas.

»Če lahko slišimo, kako robot razmišlja, mu bomo morda bolj zaupali,« meni soavtor študije Antonio Chella.

"If we can hear the robot thinking, we might trust it more," said study co-author Antonio Chella.

»Tako bodo tudi običajni ljudje, ki niso tehniki ali inženirji, lažje razumeli robote in bodo z njimi lahko bolje sodelovali in komunicirali.«

"This will also make it easier for ordinary people who are not technicians or engineers to understand robots and to be able to work and communicate better with them."

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