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Na Evroviziji slavili italijanski rokerji
Italian rockers celebrated at Eurovision
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Po dveh letih smo sinoči spet lahko spremljali evrovizijski spektakel!
After two years, last night we were able to watch the Eurovision spectacle again!
Lani je prireditev zaradi epidemije žal odpadla, letos pa so jo v nizozemskem Rotterdamu organizirali, a pod strogimi omejitvami.
Last year, the event was unfortunately cancelled due to the epidemic, but this year it was organized in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, under strict restrictions.
Prilagojeno je bilo tudi število gledalcev: če dvorana Ahoy sprejme več kot 16.000 ljudi, jih je bilo sinoči v njej le 3500.
The number of spectators was also adjusted: if the Ahoy Hall can accommodate more than 16,000 people, there were only 3,500 of them last night.
Sodelovalo je 39 držav, a se jih je v sinočnji finalni izbor uvrstilo le 26.
39 countries took part, but only 26 made it to last night's final.
Vsaka država je najprej iz domačega studia sporočila točke, ki jih je pesmim dodelila njena strokovna komisija. Potem pa so dodali še število točk, ki so jih prispevali gledalci oziroma poslušalci.
Each country first reported from a home studio the points awarded to the songs by its expert commission. Then they added the number of points contributed by viewers or listeners.
Na polovici je bilo že videti, da bo zmagala Švica, a na koncu je zmaga šla v italijanske roke. Njihovo zmago so sicer ves čas napovedovale stavnice.
Halfway through it looked like Switzerland would win, but in the end the victory went to the Italians. Their victory was always predicted by bookmakers.
Italijanska skupina Måneskin je skupaj zbrala 524 točk (pred Francijo s 499 in Švico s 432 točkami). Svojo skladbo so kot eni redkih odpeli v svojem maternem jeziku.
The Italian group Måneskin scored a total of 524 points (ahead of France with 499 and Switzerland with 432 points). They were one of the few that sane their song in their mother tongue.
Še pred nastopom so za RTV Slovenija povedali, da bi se jim z zmago ves trud poplačal.
Even before the performance, they told RTV Slovenia that a victory would pay off for all their efforts.
“Zmaga bi nam pomenila zelo veliko, ker je bilo težko, da smo prišli tako daleč z glasbo, kot jo igramo. Zmaga nam bo v ponos in potrditev, da se je izplačalo, da smo ostali takšni, kot smo, in da je to dovolj. Bolj kot zmaga nam je pomembno, da ljudje spoznajo našo glasbo in v njej uživajo.”
“Winning would mean a lot to us because it was hard to get as far with the music as we play. Victory will be our pride and confirmation that it paid off, that we stayed the way we were, and that that was enough. More important to us than winning is that people get to know our music and enjoy it.”
Slovenska strokovna komisija jim je podelila največ, 12 točk, slovenski gledalci pa 10 točk.
The Slovenian expert commission awarded them the most points, 12, and the Slovenian spectators 10 points.
Evrovizija se tako prihodnje leto seli v sosednjo Italijo.
Eurovision will move to neighbouring Italy next year.
Tam bomo tudi Slovenci dobili novo priložnost za boljši rezultat.
There Slovenians will also get a new opportunity for a better result.
Naša predstavnica Ana Soklič s skladbo Amen včeraj namreč ni nastopila, saj je obtičala v torkovem predizboru.
Our representative Ana Soklič did not perform the song Amen yesterday, as she was left behind in Tuesday's pre-selection.
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