Slovene-English Dual Text: Kravate za Ženske

By , 10 Mar 2018, 13:02 PM How to Slovenia
Ties for women, by Metka Tratnik Ties for women, by Metka Tratnik

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Kravate za Ženske

Ties for Women

Written by Mojca Štruc and translated by JL Flanner

Danes praznujemo dan žena. Dan ni namenjen le poklanjanju šopkov, temveč je to praznik ekonomske, politične in socialne enakopravnosti spolov.

Today we celebrate the Women’s Day. The day is not intended only for giving bouquets, but it is a holiday calling for the economic, political and social equality of the sexes.

Moški in ženske po naravi nismo enaki. A naša različnost ne sme pomeniti, da je kateri od spolov vreden več ali manj.

Men and women are naturally not the same. But our differences should not mean that one of the sexes is worth more or less than the other.

Ko se borimo za enakopravnost, si želimo, da bi ženske za enako delo prejele enako plačilo kot moški, da bi imele enake možnosti zaposlitve, enak obseg opravkov v prostem času, enako možnost uspeha v družbi.

When fighting for equality, we want women to receive the same pay as men for equal work in order to have the same job opportunities, the same amount of leisure time work, and the same chance of success in society.

Za to se je že pred več kot sto leti zavzemala tudi Clara Zetkin. Prav ona je predlagala dan, posvečen vsem ženskam.

Clara Zetkin thought like this more than a hundred years ago, and she also proposed a day dedicated to all women.

Enakopravnost med moškimi in ženskami še vedno ni povsem dosežena. Več žensk ima višjo izobrazbo od moških, za svoje delo pa povprečno prejemajo nižjo plačo. Ženske opravijo tudi več gospodinjskih del in več časa namenijo skrbi za otroke.

Equality between men and women is still not fully achieved. Although more women have a higher education than men, but on average receive lower wages for their work. Women also do more household chores and spend more time caring for children.

Drugače pa je pri Metki Tratnik iz Velenja. Verjame, da imajo ženske v življenju popolnoma enake naloge kot moški. S partnerjem si vse naloge doma enako razdelita. Oba njena sinova znata pospraviti posodo, starejši pa tudi že likati.

Metka Tratnik is from Velenje. She believes that women should do exactly the same tasks as the men in their lives. All the jobs at home are shared equally with her partner. Both her sons know how to wash the dishes, and the older one is already doing the ironing.

Nekoč je prodajala moške kravate, a se ji je zdelo, da ji ne gre najbolje. Obenem je opazila, da ženske pogosto ne vedo, kako bi se oblekle za v službo, da bi bile hkrati elegantne in ženstvene. Domislila se je, da bi ustvarila kravate za ženske.

She used to sell men's ties for a while, but did not think it was best thing for her to do. At the same time, she noticed that women often do not know how to dress for work, to be both elegant and feminine. She thus thought she would create ties for women. [See more here]

Tudi Metka Tratnik ve, da so si moški in ženske različni. Meni, da so ženske bolj natančne. A to ne pomeni, da je bolje, če opravljajo vsa dela namesto moških.

Metka Tratnik also knows that men and women are different. She thinks women are more precise, but this does not mean that it is better if they do all the work instead of men.

Najbolje je sodelovati in se spoštovati. Kajti prav vsak človek je enkraten, tako ženska kot moški.

It is best for them to work together and be honored. For every human being is unique, both male and female.

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