Slovene-English Dual Text: Čista Voda Je Naša Pravica

By , 06 Apr 2021, 13:48 PM How to Slovenia
A campaign to protect Slovenia's water A campaign to protect Slovenia's water

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Čista voda je naša pravica

Clean water is our right

Written by Zorc-Rupnik, 9th grade, Brezovica Primary School near Ljubljana, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dragi odrasli!

Dear adults!

Pred vami je izjemno odgovorna naloga: ubraniti morate VODO, da si jo bomo lahko tudi čez leta ali desetletja natočili iz pipe.

You have an extremely important task ahead of you: you have to protect WATER so that for years and decades we can run it out of the tap.

Voda ni last nikogar in je obenem last vseh. Zato si ne sme nihče vzeti pravice in opustiti skrbi zanjo ali celo pomagati tistim, ki jim je mar samo za denar, da jo onesnažijo. Tega, dragi odrasli, ne smete dovoliti. Na vas je, da SE ODLOČNO POSTAVITE V BRAN VODI, sicer bomo morali zaradi vaših zgrešenih odločitev trpeti prav mladi.

Water is not owned by anyone and is owned by everyone at the same time. Therefore, no one should take the right and give up caring for it, or even help those who only care about money to pollute it. You must not allow this, dear adults. It is up to you to DEFINITELY ACT IN DEFENSE OF THE WATER, otherwise we will have to suffer because of your wrong decisions.

You can also listen to this text in Slovene, as read by the author

In vi, ki ste glasovali za zakon, ki ogroža naše vode, morate vedeti nekaj: DOVOLJ STE STARI, da bi se lahko odločali pametnejše. Je vredno celotnim generacijam odvzeti tako osnovno dobrino, kot je voda? Se boste lahko pogledali v ogledalo?

And you who voted for a law that threatens our waters need to know something: YOU ARE OLD ENOUGH to be able to make smarter decisions. Is it worth depriving entire generations of such a basic commodity as water? Will you be able to look in the mirror?

Mene bi bilo – pa sem še otrok – ZELO SRAM, če bi nekoga namerno in zavestno oškodoval. Če prav vem, niste bili izvoljeni zato, da bi škodili Slovencem, ampak prav za nasprotno: da bi delali dobro za vse, ne samo zase.

I would be - and I am still a child - VERY ASHAMED if I intentionally and knowingly harmed someone. If I know correctly, you were not elected to harm Slovenes, but just the opposite: to do good for everyone, not just for yourself.

Pomislite na svoje otroke, vnuke, pravnuke … Si res želite, da bodo o vas razmišljali kot o nekom, ki je pomagal onesnažiti vodo v Sloveniji?

Think of your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren… Do you really want them to think of you as someone who helped pollute the water in Slovenia?

Saj se zavedate, da smo še ena redkih držav, ki se lahko ponaša s tako čisto vodo? Zato JI MORAMO STOPITI V BRAN! In zato vas prosim, dragi odrasli, da se s svojim podpisom pridružite akciji VODE NE DAMO.

You realize that we are a rare country that can boast such clean water? That's why WE HAVE TO ACT IN HER DEFENSE! And that is why I am asking you, dear adults, to join the WE DO NOT GIVE WATER campaign with your signature.

Ker je časa malo in je država zaprta, pred vrati pa so še prazniki, je treba podpise oddati do sobote, 3. aprila 2021.

As time is short and the country is closed, there are still holidays coming, signatures must be submitted by Saturday, April 3, 2021.

Kje vse jih lahko pustite, si oglejte na spletni strani.

See where you can leave them on the website.

Hvala, ker boste dokazali, DA VAM JE MAR.

Thank you for proving THAT YOU CARE.

Hvala, ker se zavedate, da vaša generacija ni edina na svetu – česar se nekateri žal ne.

Thank you for realizing that your generation is not the only one in the world - which some unfortunately do not.

Hvala, ker boste poskrbeli za zadostno število podpisov, da bomo lahko sprožili postopek za razpis referenduma.

Thank you for providing us with a sufficient number of signatures so that we can initiate the procedure for calling a referendum.

Hvala v mojem imenu in v imenu mnogih prihodnjih generacij.

Thank you on my behalf and on behalf of many future generations.

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