Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Šolska vrata se bodo spet zaprla
The school door will close again
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Javno življenje se bo v prihodnjih dneh že tretjič povsem ustavilo. Med 1. in 12. aprilom se bomo lahko gibali le v svoji regiji.
Public life will come to a complete standstill for the third time in the coming days. Between April 1 and 12, we will only be able to move around in our own region.
Odprte bodo samo najnujnejše storitvene dejavnosti, kot so živilske trgovine, pošte in banke, nekoliko okrnjen bo javni prevoz.
Only the most urgent service activities, such as food shops, post offices and banks, will be opened, and public transport will be slightly curtailed.
Hkrati s tem se bodo zaprle tudi šole, otroci pa se boste šolali na daljavo.
At the same time, schools will be closed and children will be educated at a distance.
Pri tem bodo tri izjeme, je naštela ministrica za izobraževanje Simona Kustec. Vrtci in prva triada osnovnih šol bodo odprti za nujno varstvo, odprti bodo še zavodi za otroke s posebnimi potrebami.
There will be three exceptions, said Education Minister Simona Kustec. Kindergartens and the first triad of primary schools will be open for emergency care, as well as institutions for children with special needs.
Smo v bitki s časom. Tempo cepljenja zagotavlja, da bomo stopnjo precepljenosti, ki resno pomaga pri zaustavljanju epidemije, dosegli v juniju. Do takrat je treba sprejeti dodatne ukrepe predvsem zaradi razširjenosti angleškega seva koronavirusa, ki se širi hitreje in predstavlja večji pritisk na bolnišnične kapacitete.
We are in a battle with time. The pace of vaccination ensures that full vaccination, which will really help to stop the epidemic, will be reached in June. Until then, additional measures need to be taken mainly due to the prevalence of the English coronavirus strain, which is spreading faster and putting more pressure on hospital capacity.
Neukrepanje bi pomenilo najmanj nekaj 100 dodatnih smrti do junija, je napovedal Janša po današnjem sestanku s predstavniki parlamentarnih strank, predsednikom republike in vladno svetovalno skupino za covid-19.
Failure to act would mean at least some 100 additional deaths by June, PM Janša announced after today's meeting with representatives of parliamentary parties, the President of the Republic and the government's advisory group for covid-19.
Leto epidemije pušča posledice. Epidemična fizična in psihična izčrpanost nas prav gotovo vse najedata. Zadnje dni so podatki skrb vzbujajoči. Z ukrepi si kupujemo čas, da precepimo najbolj rizične skupine prebivalstva.
The year of the epidemic is having repercussions. An epidemic of physical and mental exhaustion is certainly consuming us all. In recent days the data is has been worrying. With these measures, we are buying time to vaccinate the most at-risk groups of the population.
Po 12. aprilu se vsi osnovnošolci in dijaki vračajo v šolske klopi, razen če bi prišlo do kakšne izredne situacije, so zagotovili vsi sodelujoči na današnji novinarski konferenci.
After April 12, all elementary and high school students will return to school, unless there is an emergency, all participants at today's press conference assured.
Čeprav okužbe v šolah predstavljajo le majhen delež vseh okužb, so bile zaprte vse od sredine oktobra.
Although school infections account for only a small proportion of all infections, they have been closed since mid-October.
Letos so se vanje postopoma vrnili najprej otroci s posebnimi potrebami, nato prvo triletje, zatem vsi preostali razredi osnovnih šol in zaključni letniki srednjih šol, nato pa še preostali oddelki.
This year, children with special needs gradually returned to them, then the first three years, then all the remaining classes of primary schools and the final years of secondary schools, and then the remaining departments.
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