Slovene-English Dual Text: Bolje Par Dobrih Kosov Kot Polna Omara Cenenih Cunj

By , 08 Mar 2021, 16:11 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Bolje Par Dobrih Kosov Kot Polna Omara Cenenih Cunj CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Bolje par dobrih kosov kot polna omara cenenih cunj

Better a pair of good pieces than a closet full of cheap rags

Written by Sandra Hanžič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Poznaš rek manj je več?

You know the saying less is more?

Tega bi lahko uporabili tudi pri napolnjenosti naših omar.

This could also be used when filling our closets.

V raziskavi o ravnanju z odpadnimi oblačili so raziskovalci namreč ugotovili, da smo v Sloveniji leta 2019 zavrgli kar 12,3 kilograma oblačil na osebo. Evropsko povprečje znaša »le« 11 kilogramov.

In research on the management of waste clothing, the researchers found that in Slovenia in 2019 we discarded as much as 12.3 kilograms of clothing per person. The European average is "only" 11 kilograms.

Poceni oblačil ne bomo imeli dolgo v omari, saj se hitro uničijo, popravilo pa se pogosto ne splača. Njihovo pogosto menjavanje potegne za sabo še veliko porabo vode, energije in kemikalij, ki jih uporabljamo pri njihovi proizvodnji. Obenem oblačila prej ali slej postanejo odpadek in na odlagališčih povzročajo dodatne težave.

We won’t have cheap clothes in the closet for long, as they are quickly damaged and repair is often not worth it. Their frequent change entails the high consumption of the water, energy and chemicals that we use in their production. At the same time, clothes sooner or later become waste and cause additional problems in landfills.

Bolje je imeti par dobrih kosov kot polno omaro cenenih cunj – pa čeprav izgledajo kul, pravi Katja Sreš iz društva Ekologi brez meja.

It's better to have a couple of good pieces than a closet full of cheap rags – even though they look cool, says Katja Sreš from the Ecologists Without Borders association.

Zakaj? Zato, ker običajno pri izdelavi takšnih oblačil na drugem koncu sveta ne pazijo ne na zdravje delavcev ne na naše zdravje, saj vsebujejo polno kemikalij.

Why? Because usually when making such clothes on the other side of the world they don’t pay attention to either the health of the workers or our health, as they contain a lot of chemicals.

Če se že moramo odreči oblačilom, ki so še uporabna, svetuje izmenjavo med prijatelji ali prodajo prek spleta. Lahko jih tudi podarimo humanitarnim organizacijam ali odložimo v zabojnike za tekstil.

If we have to give up clothes that are still useful, she advises exchanging then among friends or selling them online. They can also be donated to humanitarian organizations or placed in textile containers.

Oblačila, ki so že čisto uničena, pa odpeljemo v najbližji zbirni center za odpadke.

Clothes that are already been completely damaged can be taken to the nearest waste collection centre.

Raziskavo so izvedle organizacije Ekologi brez meja, Focus in Pravična trgovina, ki že leta opozarjajo na probleme hitre mode.

The survey was conducted by Ecologists Without Borders, Focus and Fair Trade, which has been drawing attention to the problems of fast fashion for years.

To so hiperprodukcija, nizke cene in slaba kakovost oblačil. Vse našteto pa vpliva na planet.

These are overproduction, low prices and poor quality clothing. All of the above affect the planet.

Zato 23. aprila pripravljajo Dan v rabljenih oblačilih in pozivajo vse, da si takrat nadenete rabljena oblačila.

Therefore, on April 23, they are preparing a Day in Used Clothes and urge everyone to wear used clothes at that time.

Če bomo dlje nosili svoja oblačila, bomo lahko zmanjšali količino odpadkov!

If we wear our clothes longer, we will be able to reduce the amount of waste!

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