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Svetovni voditelji iz Davosa prek spleta v Singapur
World leaders from Davos to online and Singapore
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Davos je priljubljeno smučarsko letovišče v Švici. Januarja se vanj zgrnejo tudi številni politiki in gospodarstveniki ter misleci, da bi se pogovarjali o pomembnih stvareh.
Davos is a popular ski resort in Switzerland. In January, many politicians and businessmen, as well as thinkers, gather to discuss important issues.
Med drugim so na Svetovnem gospodarskem forumu govorili Greta Thunberg in David Attenborough o ukrepih za zaščito planeta in Jack Ma o umetni inteligenci.
Among others, Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough spoke at the World Economic Forum about measures to protect the planet, and Jack Ma about artificial intelligence.
Zaradi novega koronavirusa se je tudi forum vplivnih preselil na splet.
Due to the new coronavirus, the forum for influential people has also moved online.
Švedska najstnica, ki je nedavno postala polnoletna, je zbrane vplivneže nagovorila tudi letos. Spomnila jih je, da še vedno ignorirajo podnebno krizo, ki je posledica njihovega ravnanja v preteklosti.
The Swedish teenager, who recently became an adult, addressed the gathered influencers again this year. She reminded them that they are still ignoring the climate crisis that is resulting from their actions in the past.
»Tukaj sem, da vas spomnim na obljube, ki ste jih dali svojim otrokom in vnukom, in da vam povem, da nismo pripravljeni sprejemati kompromisov,« jim je sporočila.
"I am here to remind you of the promises you have made to your children and grandchildrenm and to tell you that we are not prepared to accept compromises," she told them.
Januarja lani so se v Davosu pogovarjali tudi o pojavu novega koronavirusa na Kitajskem, prav veliko pozornosti pa mu niso posvetili.
In January last year, the appearance of the new coronavirus in China was also discussed in Davos, but not much attention was paid to it.
To, kot kaže, ni bila modra odločitev. Novi koronavirus se je namreč v letu dni razširil po vsem svetu, terjal ogromno življenj, povzročil veliko gospodarske škode in marsikaj preoblikoval.
This, it seems, was not a wise decision. The new coronavirus has spread around the world in one year, claiming a huge number of lives, causing a lot of economic damage and transforming many things.
Letos zaradi njega nihče ni priletel v Davos. Svetovni voditelji, ki so se običajno radi neformalno družili, se sedaj prek klicev in v klepetalnicah pogovarjajo, kakšen bo svet po koroni. Ta način nekaterim ni najbolj blizu, zato se je foruma udeležilo precej manj gostov kot prejšnja leta.
No one flew to Davos this year because of it. World leaders, who used to like to socialize informally, are now using calls and chat rooms to discuss what the world will be like after corona. This method is not so welcoming for some, and therefore the forum was attended by far fewer guests than in previous years.
Njegovi organizatorji še vedno načrtujejo srečanje v živo – le da to ne bo več v Davosu, ampak v Singapurju.
Its organizers are still planning a live meeting - only it will no longer be in Davos, but in Singapore.
Selitev svetovnega gospodarskega foruma v Azijo nakazuje, da je korona na novo razporedila moč svetovnih velesil.
The relocation of the World Economic Forum to Asia suggests that corona has redistributed the power of the world’s superpowers.
Kitajski predsednik Ši Džinping je v Davosu že napovedal, da bo prav njegova država v prihodnje na čelu tistih, ki se bojujejo proti podnebnim spremembam.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has already announced in Davos that his country will be at the forefront of those fighting climate change in the future.
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