Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Praznične luči, prižgite se!
Holiday lights, turn on!
Written by Barbara Petrovčič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Si že v nizkem štartu za veseli december?
Are you already in a low-key start for Happy December?
Božičnega vzdušja ni brez toplih oblačil, dišečih piškotov, božičnih pesmi, z lučkami obsijanega mesta in božične jelke.
There is no Christmas atmosphere without warm clothes, delicious smelling cookies, Christmas carols, the lights of a bright city and a Christmas tree.
V Ljubljani že nekaj dni krasijo mesto, da bi kljub pandemiji koronavirusa meščanom pričarali božično vzdušje.
In Ljubljana for several days now the city has been getting decorated to conjure up a Christmas atmosphere for people, despite the coronavirus pandemic.
Božična smreka na Prešernovem trgu že stoji. Petdeset kilometrov luči je obešenih in danes bodo prvič zasvetile.
The Christmas spruce in Prešeren Square is already standing. Fifty kilometres of lights are hanging and they will light up for the first time today.
A zaradi koronavirusa bo tradicionalen prižig lučk drugačen kot do zdaj. Nobene prireditve ne bo, tudi nagovora župana ne. Na Mestni občini Ljubljana pravijo, da bodo lučke prižgali enkrat sredi dneva in ne v popoldanskih urah kot običajno.
But because of the coronavirus, the traditional turning on of lights will be different than before. There will be no event, not even the mayor's address. The City of Ljubljana says that the lights will be turned on in the middle of the day and not in the afternoon as usual.
»Čeprav zbiranje trenutno ni dovoljeno, bo vseeno lepo. Ljubljančani si bodo okrasitev lahko ogledali na sprehodu in tako začutili malce božičnega vzdušja,« so zatrdili na občini.
“Although gathering is not allowed at the moment, it will still be nice. The people of Ljubljana will be able to see the decoration on a walk and thus feel a bit of the Christmas atmosphere, "said the municipality.
Za letošnjo okrasitev je že drugo leto zapored poskrbel Urban Modic, sin Zmaga Modica, ki je Ljubljano okraševal kar enaindvajset let. Velik del okrasitve ostaja enak kot prejšnja leta, nekaj elementov pa bo novih.
For the second year in a row, this year's decorations were taken care of by Urban Modic, the son of Zmago Modic, who has been decorating Ljubljana for twenty-one years. Much of the decorations remain the same as in previous years, but some elements will be new.
Tema letošnje okrasitve je »ranljivost in trdoživost življenja«.
The theme of this year's decorations is "the vulnerability and durability of life".
Letos so prav tako odpovedani vsi koncerti.
All concerts are also cancelled this year.
Kaj pa silvestrski ognjemet?
What about New Year's Eve fireworks?
Na občini si želijo, da bi se razmere dovolj izboljšale, da bi lahko izpeljali božični sejem in silvestrski ognjemet.
The municipality wants the situation to improve enough to be able to hold a Christmas fair and New Year's Eve fireworks.
Lučke bodo te dni prižgali tudi v drugih mestih po Sloveniji – v Mariboru, Kopru, Novem mestu, Kranju in Celju. Koronavirus pa je povsod preprečil koncerte in druge dogodke, na katerih se je prejšnja leta v prazničnem decembru trlo ljudi.
The lights will also be turned on these days in other cities in Slovenia - in Maribor, Koper, Novo mesto, Kranj and Celje. The coronavirus, however, prevented concerts and other events everywhere, which in previous years were crowded in festive December.
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