Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Zvezde se premikajo, mar ne?
The stars are moving, aren't they?
Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Zvezde se premikajo, mar ne? In najbolj jasno jih vidijo astronavti
The stars are moving, aren't they? And they are most clearly seen by astronauts
Bližajo se topli poletni večeri, ko bomo lahko preštevali zvezde.
Warm summer evenings are approaching, when we will be able to count the stars.
Zaradi vrtenja Zemlje se zdi, da zvezde potujejo, ozvezdja pa se zdijo stalna, saj se po njih celo orientiramo.
Because of the rotation of the Earth, the stars seem to travel, and the constellations seem constant, as we even orient ourselves by them.
Toda ali se ozvezdja res ne spreminjajo? Da bi dobili odgovor, moramo najprej izločiti utrinke in satelite.
But aren’t the constellations really changing? To get the answer, we must first eliminate shooting stars and satellites.
Utrinki so ostanki meteoritov, ki se ob stiku z atmosfero zaradi svoje velike hitrosti in trenja vnamejo in zgorijo.
Shooting stars are the remnants of meteorites that ignite and burn when in contact with the atmosphere due to their high speed and friction.
Satelite vidimo kot svetleče pikice, ki se počasi, a enakomerno premikajo. Vidimo jih, ker odbijajo sončno svetlobo, sami pa ne svetijo.
We see satellites as glowing dots that move slowly but steadily. We see them because they reflect sunlight and do not shine themselves.
Za zvezde pa velja, da oddajajo lastno svetlobo in toploto, ki nastajata z jedrskimi reakcijami na površini.
Stars, on the other hand, emit their own light and heat, generated by nuclear reactions on the surface.
Znanstveniki so ugotovili, da se zvezde znotraj ozvezdij premikajo. Skoraj vse, ki jih vidimo, z različnimi hitrostmi krožijo okoli središča naše galaksije, ki ji pravimo Mlečna oziroma Rimska cesta.
Scientists have found that stars move within constellations. Almost everything we see orbits at different speeds around the centre of our galaxy, which we call the Milky Way.
S severne poloble lahko s prostim očesom avgusta vidimo galaksijo Andromedo, ki je nam najbližja. Z južne poloble lahko opazujejo še dve pritlikavi galaksiji, ki sta videti kot svetlobna oblaka.
From the northern hemisphere in August the naked eye can see the Andromeda galaxy, which is closest to us. From the southern hemisphere, it can observe two more dwarf galaxies that look like light clouds.
Toda zvezde se premikajo zelo počasi. Najhitreje se premika drobna Barnardova zvezda v ozvezdju Ophiuchus, tik nad ozvezdjem Škorpijona.
But the stars are moving very slowly. The fastest moving is the tiny Barnard's Star in the constellation Ophiuchus, just above the constellation Scorpio.
Ta »najhitrejša« zvezda bi potrebovala celih 350 let, da prepotuje razdaljo za debelino tvojega mezinčka.
This “fastest” star would take a full 350 years to travel the distance for the thickness of your little finger.
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