Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Šolanje jeseni brez šole in sošolcev?
Going to school in the autumn without school and classmates?
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Šole čez dober teden odpirajo vrata, a le za nekatere učence.
Schools will open their doors in a little over a week, but only for some students.
Najprej, 18. maja, bodo šli v šolo prvčki, drugarčki in tretjarčki, nato maturanti, teden zatem verjetno še devetošolci.
First, on May 18th, there will be first graders, second graders and third graders, then those in the last year of high school, and then a week later there will probably be ninth graders.
Mnogi otroci ste zelo žalostni, ker se jim ne boste mogli pridružiti. Šestošolka Stela Sternad pravi: »Meni se to zdi nepravično.«
Many children are very sad that they will not be able to join them. Sixth-grader Stela Sternad says, "I find this unfair."
Sedaj je ministrica Simona Kustec napovedala, da bo tudi jeseni del pouka verjetno potekal na daljavo.
Now the [Education] Minister Simona Kustec has announced that in the autumn too some lessons will probably be held at a distance.
Čeprav je naša anketa pokazala, da to ne povzroča preveč preglavic, starši in strokovnjaki niso navdušeni.
Although our survey shows that this does not cause too many headaches, parents and professionals are not impressed.
Otroci potrebujete druženje z vrstniki in kvalitetno šolanje, pravijo.
Kids need socializing with peers and quality schooling, they say.
Opozarjajo, da ponekod učitelji še vedno pošiljajo le liste z navodili, drugod pa imajo denimo vzpostavljene videoučilnice in se učitelji držijo urnika.
They point out that in some places teachers are still sending only instruction sheets, while elsewhere, for example, they have video classrooms and teachers keep to the schedule.
Sprašujejo se, kaj bo denimo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, ki niso vključeni v posebne zavode. Ti potrebujejo usmerjanje pri šolanju oziroma varstvo, če bodo ostali doma.
They wonder what will happen to children with special needs who are not attending special institutions. They need guidance in schooling or care if they stay at home.
»Šola je in bi morala ostati kljub epidemiji mnogo več kot le prostor za varovanje,« poudarja dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc, predsednica Zveze društev pedagoških delavcev Slovenije.
"Despite the epidemic, school is and should remain much more than just a place to be safe," says Dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc, President of the Association of Teachers' Associations of Slovenia.
»Izobraževanje na daljavo ni šolanje na domu, kjer so starši otrokovi učitelji, ampak vodeno poučevanje. V šoli se otroci učijo živeti skupaj z drugimi in se oblikujejo kot družbena bitja. Učenje v osami tega ne omogoča, hkrati pa ubija učenčevo voljo do učenja. Šola tudi spodbuja razvoj širših potencialov in kreativnosti. Nujno je, da se, ko bodo epidemiološke razmere to omogočale, vsi učenci vrnejo v šole, čeprav po skrajšanem urniku, in doživijo šolo v polnem pomenu besede.«
“Distance education is not home-based education where parents are the child's teachers, but guided teaching. At school, children learn to live with others and to form themselves as social beings. Being alone doesn’t do this, and also kills the student's will to learn. School also encourages the development of broader potentials and creativity. It is imperative that when the epidemiological situation allows, all students will return to school, albeit on a shortened schedule, and experience school in the fullest sense of the word. "
Pa še to, pravi strokovnjakinja: šolski sistem naj se nemudoma začne pripravljati na jesen, da bodo šole tudi v drugačnih razmerah lahko spet opravljale svoje poslanstvo.
Moreover, says the expert: the school system should immediately begin to prepare for the autumn so that schools will be able to fulfil their mission again under different conditions.
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