Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner
Danes je dan, ki se zgodi le enkrat na štiri leta in ki ga ljubitelji športa težko pričakujemo. Danes se začenjajo zimske olimpijske igre 2018!
Today is a day that happens only once every four years, and which is greatly looked forward to by sports fans. Today the Winter Olympics 2018 will start!
Olimpijske igre so športni dogodek, ki na enem mestu zbere najboljše športnike iz vsega sveta. Ti se potegujejo za olimpijske medalje, ki veljajo za najpomembnejše športno priznanje.
The Olympic Games are a sporting event that brings together the best athletes from all over the world in one place. They compete for Olympic medals, which are considered the most important sporting awards.
Prvič so olimpijske igre pripravili v času antike, torej približno 770 let pred našim štetjem. Najboljši športniki so že takrat tekmovali vsaka štiri leta. Vse do leta 394, ko so antične olimpijske igre zamrle.
The Olympic Games were first held during antiquity, about 770 years before our way of counting time [in 776 BC]. At that time, the best athletes competed every four years. This continued until 394 AD, when the ancient Olympic Games died out.
Od leta 1896 naprej potekajo olimpijske igre moderne dobe.
The Olympic Games have been taking place in modern times since 1896.
Letošnje olimpijske igre bodo potekale v Pjongčangu, mestu blizu južnokorejske prestolnice Seul. Tam so na 13 prizoriščih pripravili vse potrebno za izvedbo 102 tekmovanj, na katerih bo sodelovalo več kot tri tisoč športnikov.
This year's Olympic Games will be held in PyeongChang, a city near the South Korean capital of Seoul. At 13 venues the organizer have prepared everything needed for the 102 competitions, where more than three thousand athletes will compete.
Toda olimpijske igre niso samo tekmovanje. So tudi spektakel, ki se začne opoldne po našem času z otvoritveno slovesnostjo. Ta bo na olimpijskem stadionu, kjer pričakujejo 35 tisoč obiskovalcev.
But the Olympic Games are not just a competition. There is also a spectacle that begins at noon our time with an opening ceremony. This will be at the Olympic Stadium, where 35,000 visitors are expected.
Vremenoslovci pravijo, da bodo igre v Pjongčangu najbolj mrzle olimpijske igre doslej. Temperature na današnji slovesnosti naj bi se spustile tudi do -20 stopinj Celzija.
Meteologists say that the Games in PyeongChang will be the coldest ever. Temperatures at today's ceremony are expected to fall to -20 degrees Celsius.
Športniki iz nekaterih držav so v zadnjih dneh zato naglas razmišljali, kako bi se na otvoritveni slovesnosti ogreli. Čeprav udeležba ni obvezna, je namreč nihče noče izpustiti. Med mimohodom z zastavo države, od koder prihajajo, so lahko še posebej ponosni.
In recent days, athletes from some countries have thus wondered how they will stay warm during the opening ceremony. Although participation is not mandatory, nobody wants to miss it. They will feel especially proud when their country’s flag is shown in the parade.
Da bodo lažje dosegali uspehe, potrebujejo podporo navijačev.
However, they need the support of fans in order to make their achievements easier.
Čas je, da se stiskanje pesti prične!
It's time to start cheering!
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