Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Našli prvi kos meteorita, ki je februarja preletel nebo nad Slovenijo
The first piece of the meteorite that flew over Slovenia in February found
Written by Urša Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Novo mesto ni več samo mesto na Dolenjskem.
Novo mesto is no longer just a town in Dolenjska.
Tako se od sedaj imenuje tudi kos meteorita, ki je skozi ozračje priletel 28. februarja in so ga našli v vasi Prečna pri Novem mestu. Zbudil je veliko pozornosti, saj so mnogi videli, kako leti čez jasno nebo.
It is now also the name of a piece of meteorite that flew through the atmosphere on February 28 and was found in the village of Prečna near Novo mesto. It attracted a lot of attention as many saw it flying across the clear sky.
Najditelj Gregor Kos je na dovozu pred hišo opazil nenavaden kamen. V izvidnico je poslal svojega sina Jerneja.
The finder Gregor Kos noticed a strange stone in the driveway in front of his house. He sent his son Jernei to take a look.
Kamen se je od ostalih v okolici razlikoval, zato sta takoj pomislila, da gre lahko za meteorit.
The stone was different from the others in the surrounding area, so they immediately thought it might be a meteorite.
Najdeni kos tehta 203 grame. Ob vstopu v zemeljsko atmosfero naj bi njegova celotna masa znašala od 5 do 90 ton, premer pa okoli štiri metre.
The piece found weighs 203 grams. When entering the earth's atmosphere, its total mass is estimated to have been between 5 and 90 tons and a diameter of about four metres.
Po prvih analizah sodi med navadne hondrite, ki so na Zemlji najbolj pogosti. Imajo črno zunanjost in svetlo notranjost.
According to initial analysis, it is one of the most common chondrites [stony meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body] on Earth. It has a black exterior and a light interior.
Črna plast se imenuje žgalna skorja. Nastane med letom skozi atmosfero. Zaradi visoke hitrosti površina zagori, minerali na zunanji strani se stalijo in nastane steklasta snov.
The black layer is called the firing crust. It is created during flight through the atmosphere. Due to the high speed the surface burns, the minerals on the outside melt and a glassy substance is formed.
»Poleg črne skorje so vidne tudi drobne kroglice milimetrskih velikosti, imenovane hondrule. Te nastanejo kot posledica mikrogravitacije v vesolju,« pojasnjuje geolog Bojan Ambrožič.
“In addition to the black crust, tiny millimetre-sized balls called chondrules are visible. They arise as a result of microgravity in space, ”explains geologist Bojan Ambrožič.
V okolici Novega mesta se verjetno nahaja še več deset takšnih kosov. Znanstveniki zato domačine prosijo, naj bodo pozorni na nenavadne kamne v svoji okolici.
There are probably dozens more such pieces around Novo mesto. Scientists therefore ask locals to pay attention to strange stones in their surroundings.
Časa za njihove najdbe namreč zmanjkuje, saj jih bo kmalu morda prerasla trava.
The time for finding them is running out, as they may soon be overgrown with grass.
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