Slovene-English Dual Text: Z Big Benom Slovo od Evropske Unije

By , 04 Feb 2020, 10:35 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Z Big Benom Slovo od Evropske Unije CC-by-0

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Z Big Benom slovo od Evropske unije

With Big Ben, farewell to the European Union

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga , translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Januarja ob enajstih zvečer po britanskem času (oziroma opolnoči po srednjeevropskem času) je Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske po 47 letih članstva izstopilo iz Evropske unije.

On January 31, at eleven o'clock in the evening British time (or midnight Continental Europe time), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland left the European Union after 47 years of membership.

Na pročelje hiše na Downing Streetu 10, kjer je sedež britanskega premiera, so najprej projicirali posnetek slovitega Big Bena, kako odšteva minute do brexita, nato pa besedilo himne God Save the Queen (Bog obvaruj kraljico).

On the front of the building at #10 Downing Street, where the UK Prime Minister lives, they first projected a clip of the famous Big Ben counting down the minutes to Brexit, and then the lyrics of the national anthem, God Save the Queen.

Ta zgodovinski  trenutek so eni Britanci proslavljali, drugi obžalovali.

This historic moment was celebrated by some Britons, by others regretted.

»Za mnoge je to osupljivi trenutek upanja, trenutek, za katerega so si mislili, da ga ne bodo dočakali. In seveda mnogi so zaskrbljeni in čutijo izgubo,« je te mešane občutke strnil premier Boris Johnson.

“For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come. And there are many of course who feel a sense anxiety and loss, ” as these mixed feeling were summed up by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Na referendumu pred tremi leti in pol so se namreč državljani le s tesno večino odločili za brexit oziroma za izstop svoje države iz Evropske unije. In ta trenutek je nazadnje le napočil.

In the referendum of three and a half years ago, only a narrow majority voted for Brexit, or for their country to withdraw from the European Union. And that moment has only just begun.

In kaj se je spremenilo s prvim februarjem?

And what has changed since the first of February?

Za zdaj nič. Slovenci na primer še vedno lahko potujemo v Veliko Britanijo samo z osebno izkaznico, pa tudi uporaba mobilnika nas bo tam stala enako kot doma. 

Nothing for now. For example, Slovenians can still travel to the UK with only their ID card, and using a mobile phone will cost us the same as at home.

Tudi Britanci še nekaj časa ne bodo čutili posledic dejstva, da v Bruslju, na sedežu Evropske unije, v evropskem parlamentu in drugih ustanovah Evropske unije ne bodo imeli več svojih predstavnikov.

Even the British will for some time not feel the consequences of the fact that in Brussels, the seat of the European Union, the European Parliament and other institutions of the European Union, they will no longer have their representatives.

Toda do konca leta 2020 se bosta morala London in Bruselj dogovoriti, v kakšnih odnosih bo Velika Britanija s članicami Evropske unije, ki jih je zdaj samo še 27. 

But by the end of 2020, London and Brussels will have to agree on what kind of relations the UK will have with the European Union, which now has only 27 [members].

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