Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
NAJ Slovenska Beseda Leta 2019 Je Podnebje
The Slovenian Word of the Year is “Climate”
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Katera beseda je v minulem letu najbolj opisala spremembe v našem življenju?
Which word has made the most changes in our lives over the past year?
Jezik je namreč živ in se nenehno spreminja, tako kot svet okoli nas.
Language is alive and constantly changing, just like the world around us.
Slovaropisci zato vsako leto tuhtajo, katero besedo bi imenovali za besedo leta.
Every year, dictionary writers think of which word to name word of the year.
Leta 2015 so za besedo leta celo izbrali nebesedo – ? smejkota, ki toči solze smeha.
In 2015, they even chose as word of the year something that was not a word – ? a laughing face that cries tears of laughter.
Besedo leta v angleščini izbirajo ustvarjalci treh velikih slovarjev. Pri Collinsu so izbrali besedno zvezo podnebni protest, pri Oxfordu pa podnebna kriza.
The word of the year in English is chosen by the creators of three large dictionaries. At Collins, they chose the phrase “climate protest” and at Oxford “climate crisis”.
V Merriam-Websterju so izbrali v angleščini spolno nevtralni zaimek they, ki nadomešča zaimka on in ona. Ameriški jezikoslovci so ga izbrali tudi za besedo desetletja.
At Merriam-Webster, they chose the gender-neutral pronoun “they” in English, which replaces the pronouns “he” and “she”. It has also been chosen by American linguists as the word of the decade.
Od leta 2016 izbiramo tudi slovensko besedo leta. Finalistke izbora ZRC SAZU za besedo leta 2019 so postale besede:
Since 2016, we have also selected the Slovenian Word of the Year. The finalists of the 2019 ZRC SAZU selection for the word were:
brezogljični – carbon-free
milenijec – millennial
nebralec – non-reader
novinec – newcomer
podnebje – climate
prisilka – coercion
skiro – scooter
šarcizem – sarcasim
trgovinska vojna – trade war
volk – wolf
Beseda, ki je najbolj zajela duha leta 2019, je podnebje. Zanjo je glasovalo 563 sodelujočih.
The word that most captured the spirit of 2019 is climate. A total of 563 people voted for it.
Beseda podnebje je tudi Delova beseda leta..
The word “climate” is also Delo's Word of the Year.
Najbolj izvirna nova beseda je likotisk – tisk lika oziroma oblike, kar naj bi postal slovenski izraz za 3D tiskanje.
The most original new word is likotisk - the printing of a character or shape, which is to become the Slovenian term for 3D printing.
Najbolj iskana beseda v slovarju Fran je tehnikalije.
The most searched word in the Fran dictionary is technical.
Letos smo pod okriljem Zveze gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije izbirali tudi kretnjo leta. To je ustava.
This year, with the support auspices of the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Slovenia, we also chose the gesture of the year. It's “constitution”.
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