Slovene-English Dual Text: Energija iz Umetnega Lista

By , 21 Nov 2019, 18:00 PM How to Slovenia
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Energija iz Umetnega Lista

Energy from an artificial leaf

Written by Urša Adamič,, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Znanstveniki so razvili tehnologijo, ki posnema proces fotosinteze v zelenih listih rastlin.

Scientists have developed a technology that mimics the process of photosynthesis in the green leaves of plants.

Na ta način bi lahko v prihodnosti iz zraka izločali toplogredni plin ogljikov dioksid in ga pretvarjali v gorivo, ob tem pa bi celo nastajal kisik, ki ga dihamo.

In this way, in the future, emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide could be converted into fuel, and even the oxygen we breathe could be produced.

To je zelo pomembno, saj je ravno včeraj 11 tisoč znanstvenikov z vsega sveta, tudi iz Slovenije, znova opozorilo, da moramo sprejeti temeljite ukrepe za ohranitev našega planeta, sicer nam grozi podnebna katastrofa.

This is very important, because yesterday 11,000 scientists from all over the world, including from Slovenia, again warned that we must take thorough measures to preserve our planet, otherwise we are in danger of climate catastrophe.

Zmanjšanje izpusta toplogrednih plinov, kot sta ogljikov dioksid in metan, je eden od ključnih korakov, ki jih moramo narediti, če želimo ohraniti planet.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, is one of the key steps we need to take to keep the planet safe.

Gorivo lahko pridobivamo na podoben način, kot rastline proizvajajo sladkorje, ki so njihov vir energije.

We can produce fuel in the same way that plants produce sugars, which are their source of energy

Vodja raziskovalne skupine Yimin Wu je za angleški časopis Independent povedala: »S tehnologijo smo dosegli približno 10-odstotno uspešnost pretvorbe sončne energije v gorivo. To je že precej boljši izkoristek od tistega, ki je prisoten v naravni fotosintezi in znaša približno en odstotek.«

The head of the Yimin Wu research group told the English-language newspaper The Independent: "Technology has achieved about 10% success in converting solar energy into fuel. This is already a much better yield than that present in natural photosynthesis, at about one percent."

In kako vse skupaj deluje? Iz vode in ogljikovega dioksida pod vplivom svetlobe nastajajo kisik in energetsko pomembne molekule. Pri rastlinah je to sladkor, pri novi tehnologiji pa metanol.

And how does it all work? Under the influence of light, water and carbon dioxide produce oxygen and energy molecules. For plants, this is sugar and for the new technology it is methanol.

V prihodnosti bo tehnologija, ki so jo razvili, lahko pomembno prispevala k omejevanju segrevanja ozračja zaradi toplogrednih plinov.

In the future, the technology they developed will be able to make a significant contribution to limiting the warming of the atmosphere due to greenhouse gases.

Poleg tega bi lahko predstavljala tudi pomemben nov vir energije. Metanol denimo danes že uporabljajo kot gorivo v nekaterih dirkalnih avtomobilih.

In addition, it could also represent an important new energy source. For example, methanol is already used as a fuel in some race cars today.

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