Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Benetke pod vodo, in to že drugo leto zapored!
Venice underwater for the second year in a row!
Written by Romana Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Benetke, ena največjih turističnih znamenitosti na svetu, so znova v središču svetovne pozornosti. Tokrat ne zaradi rekordnega števila obiskovalcev, temveč zaradi rekordnih poplav. Tri četrtine mesta je pod vodo.
Venice, one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world, is once again in the spotlight. This time not because of the record number of visitors, but because of record flooding. Three quarters of the city is underwater.
Na slovitem Trgu svetega Marka je bilo vode do kolen, cerkev svetega Marka pa je poplavilo šestič v njeni 1200-letni zgodovini. Od tega so jo štiri poplave opustošile v zadnjih 20 letih! Kako je to mogoče?
At the famous St. Mark's Square the water was knee-deep, and St. Mark's Church flooded for the sixth time in its 1,200-year history. Of these, four floods have ravaged her in the last 20 years! How is this possible?
Hude poplave so neposredna posledica podnebnih sprememb, je prepričan beneški župan Luigi Brugnaro. Poplavna voda, ki je segala kar 1,87 metra visoko, bo v mestu pustila trajen pečat, je še zapisal na Twitterju.
Severe flooding is a direct consequence of climate change, said Venetian Mayor Luigi Brugnaro. The flood water, which reached 1.87 meters high, will leave a lasting mark in the city, he wrote on Twitter.
Situazione drammatica pic.twitter.com/gS63ZK2j3Q
— Luigi Brugnaro (@LuigiBrugnaro) November 12, 2019
Za visoko vodo v Benetkah je kriva kombinacija visoke plime in neurja, ki ga je prinesel jugo, pojasnjujejo meteorologi. Včerajšnja je bila druga najvišja zabeležena v zgodovini mesta. Benetke so bile poplavljene tudi lani.
The high water in Venice is blamed on a combination of the high tide and storms from the south, meteorologists explain. Yesterday was the second highest recorded in city history. Venice was also flooded last year.
Čeprav s podnebnimi spremembami ne moremo povezati samo enega dogodka, so vse pogostejše poplave razlog za zaskrbljenost. Benetke so še posebej na udaru, saj se pogrezajo, morska gladina svetovnih morij pa se dviga.
Although no one event can be linked to climate change, increasing floods are a cause for concern. Venice is particularly in shock as it sinks while the world’s sea level rises.
Morje je v torek zvečer poplavilo tudi Koper, Izolo in Piran. Neuradno naj bi šlo za drugo največjo plimo v zadnjih 50 letih.
The sea also flooded Koper, Izola and Piran on Tuesday night. Unofficially, this is supposed to be the second highest tide in the last 50 years.
Huda neurja so divjala tudi v hrvaški Istri in Dalmaciji. V Dubrovniku so izmerili rekordni val, visok 10,87 metra.
Severe storms also raged in Croatian Istria and Dalmatia. A record wave 10.87 meters high was measured in Dubrovnik.
V Avstraliji pa od minulega petka divja 150 požarov.
In Australia, however, 150 fires have been burning since last Friday.
Požari v avstralskih prostranstvih, rečejo jim bush fires, so v tem letnem času običajna nevšečnost. A zaradi bolj vročega in sušnega podnebja so vse pogostejši in močnejši.
Fires in the Australian outback, called bush fires, are a common nuisance at this time of year. But because of the hotter and drier climate, they are becoming more and more frequent and stronger.
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