Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Saga o brexitu se nadaljuje
The Brexit saga continues
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Saj ni res, pa je, bi lahko rekli po sobotnem dogajanju v britanskem parlamentu.
It can’t be true, it is, one might say, after what happened in the British Parliament on Saturday.
Saga o brexitu se nadaljuje in nihče ne ve, kaj se bo zgodilo 31. oktobra.
The Brexit saga continues and no one knows what will happen on October 31st.
Bo Velika Britanija ostala v Evropski uniji? Ali jo bo zapustila?
Will the UK stay in the European Union? Will she leave it?
To si želi britanski premier Boris Johnson, ki je ob nastopu svojega premierstva dejal, da bi raje ležal mrtev v blatnem jarku, kot prestavil izstop Velike Britanije iz EU.
This is what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants, who said at the start of his term as Prime Minister that he would rather be dead in a ditch than move the UK's exit from the EU.
Britanski poslanci običajno delajo med tednom. Tokrat so prvič po letu 1982 v poslanske klopi sedli v soboto. Glasovati bi morali o najnovejšem dogovoru, ki sta ga v četrtek predstavila predsednik Evropske komisije Jean-Claude Juncker in britanski premier Johnson.
British MPs usually work during the week. This time, for the first time since 1982, they sat on the benches on Saturday. They were going to vote on the latest deal presented by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and British Prime Minister Johnson on Thursday.
A se je znova zapletlo.
But it got complicated again.
Eden od poslancev je namreč na glasovanje dal dopolnilo, ki so ga poslanci nato v večini podprli. Namen dopolnila je preprečiti izstop brez dogovora po pomoti, če parlamentu do 31. oktobra ne bi uspelo sprejeti vse ključne zakonodaje.
One of the MPs proposed an amendment, which was then overwhelmingly supported by the others. The purpose of the amendment is to prevent a no deal Brexit by mistake if all key the legislation was not passed by Parliament by 31 October.
Ker je to dopolnilo onemogočilo sobotno glasovanje o dogovoru, je bil premier Johnson prisiljen poslati pismo predsedniku Evropskega sveta in predstavniku voditeljev EU Donaldu Tusku.
With the amendment complicating Saturday's vote on the deal, Prime Minister Johnson was forced to send a letter to the President of the European Council and the representative of EU leaders, Donald Tusk.
A Johnson tega pisma ni podpisal.
But Johnson did not sign this letter.
Še več, priložil je podpisano pismo, v katerem pravi, da je bil v prošnjo prisiljen. EU je še pozval, naj ne potrdi novega odloga.
Moreover, he enclosed a signed letter stating that he had been forced into making the request. The EU also said there should not be a new delay.
Zapleti okoli brexita bi bili smešni, če ne bi mnogi Britanci in Evropejci menili, da je odhod Velike Britanije iz EU slaba in celo škodljiva poteza.
The complications surrounding Brexit would be ridiculous if many Britons and Europeans did not consider the UK's departure from the EU a bad and even harmful move.
Številni Britanci so zato v soboto v Londonu protestirali in pozivali k ponovnemu referendumu.
A number of Britons therefore protested in London on Saturday, calling for a referendum.
Tisti, ki so glasovali za odhod, pa vztrajajo, da je treba voljo državljanov, izraženo na referendumu, spoštovati.
Those who voted in favour [of leaving], however, insist that the will of the citizens, as expressed in the referendum, must be respected.
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