Slovene-English Dual Text: Največji Gozd Na Svetu Izginja V Plamenih

By , 27 Aug 2019, 10:28 AM How to Slovenia
Fires in the Amazon Fires in the Amazon NASA

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Največji gozd na svetu izginja v plamenih

The world's largest forest is disappearing in flames

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Mladi za podnebno pravičnost se bodo popoldan zbrali pred brazilskim veleposlaništvom v Ljubljani.

Young People for Climate Justice will gather in the afternoon at the Brazilian Embassy in Ljubljana.

Protestirali bodo, ker menijo, da v Braziliji ne storijo dovolj, da bi zamejili požare v amazonskem pragozdu.

They will protest because they believe they are not doing enough in Brazil to contain fires in the Amazon forest.

Protesti so potekali tudi v Londonu, Amsterdamu, Dublinu. Finska je celo pozvala k prepovedi uvoza mesa iz Brazilije.

Protests have also taken place in London, Amsterdam, Dublin. Finland has even called for a ban on meat imports from Brazil.



V amazonskem pragozdu že več dni zelo gori. Ogenj in gost dim sta vidna celo iz vesolja.

It has been burning in the Amazon for several days. Fire and dense smoke are visible even from outer space.

Amazonski pragozd je pol velik kot Evropa in je največji tropski pragozd na svetu.

The Amazon forest is as big as Europe, and is the largest tropical forest in the world.

Po podatkih brazilskega raziskovalnega inštituta INPE je bilo letos v pragozdu okoli 72 tisoč požarov, kar je 84 odstotkov več kot lani.

According to the Brazilian research institute INPE, there were about 72,000 fires in the primeval forest this year, 84 percent more than last year.

»Požari so posledica krčenja gozda v zadnjih mesecih,« je za BBC pojasnil okoljevarstvenik Ricardo Mello iz Svetovnega sklada za naravo (WWF).

"The fires are the result of deforestation in recent months," the environmentalist Ricardo Mello of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) told the BBC.

Brazilski predsednik Jair Bolsonara je za tuje medije sicer dejal, da je zelo verjetno, da so požare podtaknile nevladne organizacije.

The Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, however, told foreign media that it is highly likely that the fires were started by NGOs.

A te pravijo, da je za požare odgovoren prav Bolsonara. Novi brazilski predsednik je dovolil, da pragozd izsekavajo bolj kot kdajkoli prej. S tem je omogočil več denarja gozdarstvu in kmetijstvu, a škodil naravi.

But they [the NGOs] say that Bolsonaro is responsible for the fires. The new Brazilian president has allowed more deforestation than ever. This means more money for forestry and agriculture, but harms nature.

Amazonski pragozd zagotavlja skoraj 10 odstotkov kisika, ki ga potrebujemo za življenje. Ustvarjajo ga drevesa, ki vsrkavajo tudi ogljikov dioksid iz ozračja in s tem zmanjšujejo segrevanje Zemlje.

The Amazon rainforest provides nearly 10% of the oxygen we need for life. It is created by trees that also absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby reducing the warming of the Earth.

Pragozd je še pomemben, ker nudi dom več kot trem milijonom živalskih vrst in rastlin.

The forest is even more important because it provides a home to over three million animal species and plants.

Kaj lahko ti narediš, da bodo gozdove čim manj izsekavali?

What can you do to minimize deforestation?

Varčuj pri porabi energije in pazljivo izbirajo živila. Brazilski kmetje naj bi pragozd krčili ravno zato, da dobijo površine za pridelavo hrane oziroma za pašo govedi.

Save energy and choose foods carefully. Brazilian farmers are said to have carried out deforestation in order to obtain areas for food production or the grazing of cattle.

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