Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Janja Garnbret Prva Plezalka S Petimi Zlatimi Medaljami
Janja Garnbret First Climber With Five Gold Medals
Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
»Nepredstavljivo je, kaj mi je uspelo v tej sezoni,« je dejala Janja Garnbret.
“It is inconceivable what I have achieved this season,” said Janja Garnbret.
Svetovna prvakinja je postala še v težavnostnem plezanju.
The World Champion became even more confident in climbing.
Uspešna je bila tudi Mia Krampl, ki je dosegla drugo mesto.
Mia Krampl was also successful, finishing second.
Že dva dni prej je Janja Garnbret navijače razveselila z osvojitvijo zlate kolajne v balvanskem plezanju.
Two days earlier, Janja Garnbret had already been cheered by fans for the gold medal in bouldering.
V tej disciplini je kot prva športnica na svetu drugič zapored ubranila naslov svetovne prvakinje.
In this discipline, she is the first athlete in the world to defend the title of world champions for the second time.
»Oba naslova mi res veliko, veliko pomenita in res sem vesela, da sem obdržala mirno glavo,« je po osvojitvi naslova dejala plezalka.
"Both titles really mean a lot to me, and I'm really happy to keep my head calm," said the climber after winning the title.
»Jaz samo uživam in plezam tako, kot znam,« je po osvojitvi dveh zlatih medalj na Japonskem dejala mlada Korošica.
"I just enjoy the climb as I know it," said the young girl from Korošica after winning two gold medals in Japan.
Jutri se bo potegovala še za tretje odličje na tem prvenstvu.
Tomorrow she will compete for a third in this championship.
V nedeljo se je že uvrstila tudi na olimpijske igre, ki bodo prihodnje leto v Tokiu.
On Sunday she also made it to the Olympics, which will be in Tokyo next year
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