Slovene-English Dual Text: Bakterije na Elektriko

By , 25 Mar 2019, 21:27 PM How to Slovenia
A thermal spring in Yellowstone Park A thermal spring in Yellowstone Park steppinstars CC-by-0

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Bakterije na elektriko

Bacteria [running] on electricity

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Raziskovalci so v termalnih vrelcih našli bakterije, ki dihajo in se prehranjujejo z elektriko.

Researchers have found bacteria in thermal springs that breathe and feed on electricity.

Narodni park Yellowstone v Združenih državah Amerike ima veliko termalnih izvirov, ki so posledica največjega izbruha vulkana v zgodovini Zemlje.

Yellowstone National Park in the United States has many thermal springs as a result of the largest volcanic eruption in the history of the Earth.

V teh bazenih vroče vode živijo različne vrste termofilnih bakterij. To so bakterije, ki živijo pri visokih temperaturah.

The hot water in these pools is home to various types of thermophilic bacteria. These are bacteria that live at high temperatures.

Temperatura v termalnih vrelcih se giblje med 45 °C in 95 °C. Zaradi termofilnih bakterij so termalni vrelci pogosto močnih svetlih barv.

The temperature in thermal springs varies between 45 °C and 95 °C. Because of the thermophilic bacteria, thermal springs often have strong, bright colours.

Raziskovalci so v štiri vrelce položili kovinske palice, priključene na elektriko. Te so predstavljale vir elektronov oziroma električnega toka.

The researchers placed metal bars connected to electricity in four hot springs. These were sources of electrons or electric currents.

Po 32 dneh se je na tej palici zbrala raznolika skupina bakterij, ki so se prehranjevale z elektroni.

After 32 days, a variety of bacteria that feed on electrons were gathered on these rods.

Usmerjeno gibanje elektronov imenujemo električni tok. Predstavljamo si ga lahko kot tok vode v cevi, le da je namesto tekočine neskončno številko malih kroglic, imenovanih elektroni.

The directional motion of electrons is called an electric current. We can imagine it as a flow of water in a tube, but instead of a liquid, there is an infinite number of small balls called electrons.

Elektroni so ključni za nastajanje energije v našem telesu.

The electrons are the key to generating energy in our body.

Ljudje in živali jih pridobivamo tako, da zaužijemo sladkor. Iz sladkorja se elektron vključi in sproži proces nastajanja energije v celicah. Na koncu pristane na molekuli kisika in ga izdihnemo.

Humans and animals obtain electrons by consuming sugar. From this sugar electrons bond and initiate the process of energy generation in cells. Finally, the electrons jump onto oxygen molecules and are exhaled.

Termofilne bakterije v termalnih vrelcih v parku Yellowstone pa elektrone vzamejo s površine, na kateri rastejo, in jih izločajo v okolico. Na ta način ustvarjajo neke vrste šibek električni tok.

The thermophilic bacteria in the thermal springs of Yellowstone Park take electrons from the surfaces on which they grow, and emit them into the environment. In this way, they create a kind of weak electric current.

Takšne bakterije bi lahko v prihodnosti pomenile prenosni in neodvisni vir električne energije. Njihova vloga pa je pomembna tudi pri razgrajevanju nevarnih odpadkov.

In the future such bacteria could be a portable and independent source of electricity. They could also be important in disposing of hazardous waste.

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