Slovene-English Dual Text: Vse Je Zgrajeno Iz Atomov

By , 04 Mar 2019, 10:27 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Vse Je Zgrajeno Iz Atomov Wikipedia, public domain

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Stopetdeseti rojstni dan tabele, ki krasi kemijske učilnice

The 150th birthday of table that decorates chemistry classrooms

Written by Katja Žerjavič, translated by JL Flanner

Vse v našem vesolju je zgrajeno iz atomov.

Everything in our universe is built from atoms.

Znanstveniki so izračunali, da je vseh atomov v vesolju približno 1080. To je velika številka, saj enici sledi kar 80 ničel.

Scientists have calculated that there are about 1080 atoms in the universe This is a large number, with 80 zeros.

Tudi v tvojem telesu je ogromno teh majcenih delcev: okrog 1027.

There are also a lot of these tiny particles in your body: around 1027.

Vendar telo sestavlja le 40 različnih vrst atomov. Te imenujemo kemijski elementi. Med njimi je največ kisika, ogljika, vodika, dušika in kalcija.

However, the body is made up of only 40 different types of atoms. We call these chemical elements. Among them, the most common are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and calcium.

Skupno poznamo 118 elementov. Osemindevetdeset jih najdemo v naravi, druge pa smo izdelali v laboratorijih ali jedrskih reaktorjih.

All together know 118 elements. Eighty-eight are found in nature, while others are produced in laboratories or nuclear reactors

Elementi so razporejeni v periodni sistem, ki ga je pred 150 leti zasnoval ruski kemik Dimitrij Ivanovič Mendelejev. Letos zato praznujemo mednarodno leto periodnega sistema. Po svetu se vrstijo dogodki, s katerimi želijo otroci in odrasli počastiti spomin na to odkritje. Do 1. marca imaš še čas, da denimo sodeluješ pri pripravi Mendelejevega mozaika.

The elements are arranged in a periodic system, which was developed by the Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 150 years ago. This is why we’re celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table. There are events around the world that children and adults will take part in to mark this discovery. On March 1st you can, for example, take part in the preparation of the Mendeleev mosaic.


Dmitri Mendeleev. Source: Wikipedia, public domain

Mendelejev je triinšestdeset takrat znanih elementov je v tabelo razvrstil tako, da je tiste s podobnimi lastnostmi postavil skupaj: na eno stran kovine, na drugo pline.

Mendeleev classified thirty-six of the known elements in the table in such a way that he put together those with similar properties: one side for metals, the other for gases.

Šele 30 let kasneje so znanstveniki ugotovili zgradbo atoma in da prav ta določa lastnosti elementov. Tisti, ki jih sestavljajo atomi s podobnim številom protonov, imajo podobne kemične lastnosti.

Only 30 years later scientists discovered the structure of the atom, and that this determines the properties of the elements. Those that are made up of atoms with a similar number of protons have similar chemical properties.

Mendelejev je podrobno opisal tudi elemente, ki jih še niso odkrili. Še ko je živel, so z novoodkritimi zapolnili tri prazne prostore. Zadnjega pa smo umetno pridobili pred komaj štirimi leti. V prihodnosti bomo morda odkrili ali izdelali še kakšnega.

Mendeleev also described in detail elements that had not yet been discovered. During his life, three of the empty spaces were filled with new ones. The most recent element was made artificially just four years ago. In the future we may discover or produce something else.

Simboli elementov so enaki po vsem svetu. Uporabljamo lahko le začetnico (npr. O za kisik) ali začetnico in drugo črko (npr. He za helij) imena. Ta izhajajo iz mnogih jezikov, večinoma pa iz latinščine in grščine.

The symbols of the elements are the same throughout the world. We can also use only the initials (e.g. O for oxygen) or the initials and the second letter (e.g. He for helium). They come from many languages, but mostly from Latin and Greek.

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