Ilka Štuhec spet na stopničkah
Ilka Štuhec returns to the podium
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner
Smučarski navdušenci so si lahko oddahnili.
Ski fans can relax.
Priljubljena alpska smučarka Ilka Štuhec se je po letu dni in pol znova povzpela na stopničke.
The beloved Alpine skier, Ilka Štuhec, is back on the podium after a year and a half.
Na smuku v Val Gardeni je prepričljivo zmagala.
She won a convincing victory at Val Gardena.
»Od srca se mi je odvalila velika skala,« je dejala smučarka po nastopu.
"A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders (literally: “a great rock has rolled out of my heart") ,” said the skier after her performance.
Dodala je, da si je zastavila visoke cilje. Zdelo se ji je, da so celo previsoki, saj jih ni mogla doseči. Ilka namreč dolgo ni smučala zaradi poškodbe kolena.
She added that she set high goals. It seemed that they were even too high, because they could not be reached. Ilka did not ski for a long time because of a knee injury.
Sedaj ji je zato lažje pri srcu. Ko je stala na zmagovalnem odru, je razmišljala: »Da je čudovito spet super smučati in stati na najvišji stopnički.«
Now it's easier for her. When she stood on the winning podium, she thought: "It's wonderful to ski again and stand on top of the slope."
Ilka Štuhec je v svetovnem pokalu sedaj zmagala osmic, petkrat je na najvišji stopnički stala prav v smuku.
Ilka Štuhec has now won her eighth World Cup, and five of these are for downhill skiing.
Po številu zmag v svetovnem pokalu je zdaj prehitela Matejo Svet in se izenačila z Bojanom Križajem. S petimi smukaškimi zmagami pa je tudi najboljša slovenska smukačica. Tina Maze je zlato medaljo v smuku osvojila le štirikrat.
In terms of the number of World Cup victories, she now has more than Mateja Svet and is equal to Bojan Kriza. With five ski wins, she is also the best Slovenian skier. Tina Maze won the gold medal only four times.
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