Slovene-English Dual Text: Z Lučkami v Veseli December

By , 03 Dec 2018, 18:00 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Z Lučkami v Veseli December © Janez Zalaznik, Ljubljana Tourism Photo Library,

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Z lučkami v veseli December

With lights in Festive December

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner and G Translate

Čeprav so številni trgovski centri v prazničnih lučkah zažareli že sredi novembra, se veseli december v Ljubljani začenja zadnji dan predzadnjega meseca v letu.

Although in many shopping centres in the festive lights have been burning since mid-November, we are looking forward to December in Ljubljana starting on the last day of the last month of the year.

Ob 17.15 bo župan Ljubljane Zoran Janković slovesno prižgal novoletne lučke. Gorele bodo do 6. januarja, ko se zaključijo novoletni prazniki.

At 17:15 [30 November], Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković will solemnly turn on the New Year's lights. They will stay on until January 6, when New Year's holidays are over.

Na Kongresnem trgu pa je že zaživela tudi zmajska Ledena dežela.

In Congress Square a dragon’s Land of Ice has also been brought to life.

Related: Turning on the Christmas lights in Slovenia

Tudi drugi kraji se bodo za dober mesec dni odeli v svojo najlepšo praznično podobo.

Other places will for a good month put on their most beautiful festive appearances.

Veseli december je namreč čas radosti in druženja, pa tudi spokoja, upanja in miru. V mesecu, ko je dan najkrajši in noč najdaljša, svetlobo v temo prinašamo prav z množico okrasnih lučk.

Happy December is a time of joy and socialising, as well as rest, hope and peace. In the month when the day is shortest and the night is the longest, we bring light into the dark with a host of decorative lights.

Letos smo veliko pozornosti namenjali tudi plastičnim odpadkom. »Ti prodirajo v vse pore našega življenja. O tem priča tudi izbor Collinsovega slovarja za besedo leta. Ta je namreč postala beseda ‘single-use’, kar pomeni ‘za enkratno uporabo‘,« pojasnjujejo naravovarstveniki, ki so zato začeli s kampanjo Plastika naša vsakdanja.

This year we paid a lot of attention to plastic waste. "This gets into all parts of our lives. The Collins's Dictionary of the word for the summer is evidence of this. It was the term 'single-use', which means 'one-time use'," explain some conservationists, who started a campaign about plastics in everyday life.

Related: December at Ljubljana Castle is full of festive spirit

In tudi zato so se organizatorji decembrskih prireditev v Ljubljani potrudili in poskrbeli, da bo embalaža, ki jo bodo uporabljali na prazničnih stojnicah, iz razgradljivih materialov.

That is why the organizers of the December events in Ljubljana made every effort to ensure that the packaging that they will use on the festive stalls will be made of degradable materials.

Iz teh bo celo ognjemet. Tako so se odločili, da bi med uživanjem decembrskih radosti čim manj škodili okolju.

This approach also extended to the fireworks that will be used. [The organisers] thus decided to minimize harm to the environment while enjoying the joys of December.

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