V šoli naj ne zmanjka časa za dobro voljo in smeh
At school you should keep time for good will and laughter
Written by Maja Makovec Brenčič, Minister of Education, translated by JL Flanner
Poletne počitnice se končujejo in že v ponedeljek boste lahko sošolkam in sošolcem hiteli pripovedovati, koliko zanimivega ste doživeli.
Summer holidays are over, and on Monday you will be able to tell your classmates [note: the Slovenian has both male and female for this, as seen later with friends and teachers] how what interesting things you got up to.
Verjamem, da so počitnice, kot vedno, minile še prehitro. A zagotovo se že veselite ponovnega snidenja s šolskimi prijateljicami in prijatelji.
I believe that the holidays, as always, have gone too fast. But you are certainly looking forward to re-engaging with school friends.
Kaj pa vaše nove učiteljice in učitelji, razredničarke in razredniki, že veste, kdo bodo?
What about your new teachers and classmates, do you already know who they will be?
Najbolj vznemirjeni pred začetkom novega šolskega leta ste verjetno prvošolke in prvošolčki. Z vstopom v šolo postajate »ta veliki«, naučili se boste brati, pisati, računati in še veliko drugih zanimivih reči.
The most nervous before the beginning of the new school year are probably the first-graders. By entering school, you become "a big one", and you will learn to read, write, count and many other interesting things.
Bodite radovedni, čim več sprašujte, sodelujte, poslušajte in prepričana sem, da vam v šoli ne bo niti malo dolgčas. Učiteljice in učitelji že težko čakajo, da vam prisluhnejo, pomagajo in odgovarjajo na vaša vprašanja.
Be curious, ask as much as possible, participate, listen, and I'm sure you will not be bored at school anymore. The teachers cannot wait to hear, help or answer your questions.
Dragi otroci, želim vam uspešno šolsko leto, naj bo šola prijeten izziv. Pri tem pa ne pozabite biti otroci ter prijatelji drug drugemu, da se boste v šoli vsi dobro počutili. Pomagajte si, sodelujte in bodite prijazni drug z drugim, tako s sošolkami in sošolci kot tudi učiteljicami in učitelji.
Dear children, I wish you a successful year, and let your school be a pleasant challenge. While there, do not forget to be children and friends with each other, so that everyone can feel good. Help, participate, and be friendly with each other, with your classmates as well as teachers.
Poleg osvajanja znanja pa naj vam nikoli ne zmanjka časa tudi za dobro voljo in smeh.
And in addition to gaining knowledge, you should never have too little time for good will and laughter.
Pa srečno!
Well, good luck!
Vaša Maja
Yours, Maja
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