Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner
Rezultati volitev 2018
Results of the 2018 Elections
Kljub številnim pozivom, naj gredo volit, saj je to težko izborjena pravica, so mnogi volivci včeraj ostali doma.
Despite numerous calls to go and vote, as this is a hard-won right, many voters stayed home yesterday.
Po podatkih državne volilne komisije je glasovala polovica tistih, ki bi lahko.
According to the National Electoral Commission, just half those who could voted.
Na volitvah v državni zbor je največ glasov prejela Slovenska demokratska stranka (dobrih 25 odstotkov), sledi ji Lista Marjana Šarca (slabih 13 odstotkov).
At the elections for the National Assembly, the Slovene Democratic Party (25%) received the most votes, followed by List of Marjan Šarec (just under 13%).
Nato se vrstijo stranke SD, SMC in Levica, ki so vse prejele približno 10 odstotkov glasov.
The SD, SMC and Levica parties all received about 10 percent of the votes.
V parlament so se uvrstile še NSi, Stranka AB, DeSUS in SNS. Iz njega pa je izpadla SLS.
The NSi, AB Party, DeSUS and SNS will also be included in the Parliament. The SLS will not.
Veliko število strank obeta težave pri sestavljanju vladne koalicije, torej skupine tistih strank, ki bodo prihodnja štiri leta vodila državo.
The large number of parties now face the problem of forming a government coalition, which is a group of parties that will lead the country for the next four years.
Predsednik Borut Pahor bo mandatarstvo oziroma priložnost za sestavo vlade ponudil zmagovalcu volitev Janezu Janši. Ta je v svojem nastopu pred privrženci in novinarji dejal, da bo k sodelovanju povabil tiste stranke, ki imajo v svojih programih podobno usmeritev.
President Borut Pahor will offer the mandate or opportunity to form the government to the winner of the election, Janez Janša. In his speech to supporters and journalists, he [Janša] said that he would invite those who have similar views in their programs.
Številne stranke z levega političnega pola so med predvolilno kampanjo povedale, da v vladi Janeza Janše ne bodo sodelovale.
During the pre-election campaign, many parties from the left said that they would not participate in a Janez Janša government.
Če bo res tako, bo Janez Janša težko sestavil vlado. V tem primeru bo Borut Pahor priložnost ponudil drugouvrščenemu Marjanu Šarcu.
If so, Janez Janša will have difficultly making a government. In this is the case, Borut Pahor will give the opportunity to the second-placed Marjan Šarec.
V prihodnjih dneh se bo torej pokazalo, kdo bo Slovenijo vodil prihodnja štiri leta.
In the coming days it will be revealed who will lead Slovenia for the next four years.
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