Slovene-English Dual Text: Otroci v Sloveniji Dobro Živijo

By , 24 Apr 2018, 15:57 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Otroci v Sloveniji Dobro Živijo CC by 0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Written by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Otroci v Sloveniji dobro živijo

Children in Slovenia live well

Otroci v evropskih državah ne živijo povsod enako dobro. V nekaterih državah bolje poskrbijo za otroke kot v drugih, otroci pa so bolj zadovoljni z lastnim življenjem, pravi dr. Urban Boljka z Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo.

Children in European countries do not all live equally well. In some countries the children are better able to take care of themselves than others, and are more satisfied with their own lives, says Dr. Urban Boljka from the Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia.

Kako dobro živijo otroci v Sloveniji v primerjavi z evropskimi vrstniki? In kaj sploh pomeni, da otroci živijo dobro?

How well do children live in Slovenia compared to their European peers? And what does it mean that children live well?

»To pomeni, da so materialno preskrbljeni, da so zdravi in varni, da niso izpostavljeni tveganemu vedenju, da se lahko kakovostno izobražujejo in da živijo v urejenih družinskih razmerah, obkroženi s svojimi prijatelji. Pomembno je tudi to, ali otroci sami menijo, da živijo dobro ali slabo,« pojasnjuje raziskovalec.

"This means that they are materially able to be healthy and safe, that they are not exposed to dangerous behaviors, that they can get quality education and live in orderly family surroundings surrounded by their friends. It is also important whether the children themselves feel that they live well or poorly, "explains the researcher.

Raziskovalci so ugotovili, da otroci v Sloveniji živijo dobro. Podobno je pokazala že raziskava organizacija Save the Children.

The researchers found that children in Slovenia live well. A survey by Save the Children also found this.

Slovenija najboljše rezultate dosega na področje materialne varnosti, kar je v nasprotju z informacijami iz medijev, poudarja strokovnjak. Sledi izobraževanje, kjer naši otroci dosegajo zelo dobre rezultate. Najslabši so rezultati na področju zdravega načina življenja.

Slovenia achieves the best results in the area of material security, which is contrary to the information seen in the media, notes the expert [Dr. Urban Boljka]. This is followed by education, where our children achieve very good results. The worst results are those for a healthy lifestyle.

»Otroci so premalo fizično aktivni, pojavlja se problem prekomerne teže, ne prehranjujejo se najbolj zdravo,« pojasnjuje Urban Boljka.

"Children are not physically active, there is a problem with being overweight, and they do not eat the healthiest foods," explains Urban Boljka.

Indeks otrokove blaginje Slovenijo uvršča na 6. mesto, pred nami so Norveška, Finska, Nizozemska, Islandija in Danska.

The Children's Prosperity Index ranks Slovenia 6th, ahead of us are Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Iceland and Denmark.

Kako izboljšati našo uvrstitev?

How to improve our ranking?

»Tistim, ki imajo v družbi moč, moramo sporočiti, kaj nas v naši družbi najbolj moti, v kakšni družbi želimo živeti ter kako s skupnimi močmi takšno družbo soustvarjati. Biti moramo aktivni državljani. Le tako nas bodo slišali in le tako bodo vedeli, kaj spremeniti,« meni dr. Urban Boljka.

"We need to communicate to those who have power in society what is most disturbing in our society, in what society we want to live, and how to cooperate with such communities. We must be active citizens. Only then will they hear us, and only then will they know what to change, "says Dr. Urban Boljka.

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