So boljši pametni ali neumni telefoni?
Are smartphones better than dumb-phones?
By Mojca Štruc and translated by JL Flanner
Ljudje si vedno želimo nekaj novega, zato razvijamo nove ideje in nove predmete.
People always want something new, so we develop new ideas and new items.
Zadnja leta uporabljamo vse več pametnih naprav. Pametni so zdaj že televizorji pa tudi avtomobili in celo sesalniki …
We've been using more and more smart devices in recent years. Now televisions are already smart, as well as cars and even vacuum cleaners...
Najraje pa imamo pametne telefone.
We like smartphones the most, however.
Če bi v Sloveniji izbrali sto ljudi in bi poskušali ugotoviti, koliko jih uporablja pametne telefone, bi takih našli 73.
If you selected one hundred people in Slovenia and asked how many used a smartphone, you’d find 73 did.
Pametni telefoni so priljubljeni, ker lahko z njimi marsikaj počnemo. Igramo lahko igrice, uporabljamo različne aplikacije, surfamo po spletu ali družabnih omrežjih, fotografiramo in še marsikaj.
Smartphones are popular because we can do many things with them. We can play games, use various applications, surf the web or social networks, take pictures, and much more.
Obstajajo pa tudi čisto drugačni telefoni. Pravimo jim neumni telefoni. A čeprav so neumni, so uporabni, saj lahko z njimi telefoniramo ali pošiljamo sporočila, in lahko so tudi zelo lepi.
There are also very different phones. We call them dumb phones. And although they are stupid, they are useful because they can make phone calls or send messages, and they can also be very attractive.
Lep neumni telefon sta si zamislila oblikovalca Joe Hollier in Kai Tang, ker se jima je zdelo, da je svet prepoln tehnologije in da so mnogi že postali od nje odvisni.
One beautiful dumb phone was developed by designers Joe Hollier and Kai Tang, because it seemed to them that the world was too full of technology and that many people had already become dependent on it.
Če dan preživimo priklopljeni na telefone, bomo tako najbrž preživeli tudi preostanek življenja, menita oblikovalca. Po njunem mnenju bi morali mobilne telefone večkrat odložiti; pravzaprav bi morali kar pozabiti nanje in namesto tega uživati v dejavnostih, ki nas osrečujejo.
If we spend all day with our phones, then we will probably spend the rest of our lives with them, the designers think. In their opinion, mobile phones should be put aside several times; in fact, we should forget about them and instead enjoy the activities that make us happy.
Da bi nam to olajšala, sta izdelala telefon, ki je za današnji čas zelo neobičajen, saj se z njim recimo ne moremo priklopiti na družabna omrežja.
In order to make this easier for us, they created a phone that is very unusual for today, because, for example, it can not connect to social networks.
Poimenovala sta ga Light, ker naj bi bilo z njim naše življenje lahkotnejše.
It was named Light because it is supposed to make it easier for us to live.
Telefon je zasnovan tako, da bi ga čim manj uporabljali, zato bi lahko po njunem mnenju z njim preprečevali odvisnost od uporabe pametnih naprav in aplikacij.
The phone is designed to be used as little as possible, and thus the designers think it can prevent us from being dependent on the use of smart devices and applications.
A še vedno je to tudi po njunih besedah drugi telefon, ki naj bi ga v trenutkih sprostitve uporabljali namesto prvega, pametnega.
But this is still, in their words, a second phone, which should be used in moments of relaxation instead of the first one, a smart one.
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