Futsal Euro 2018: Portugal to Meet Spain in Saturday’s Final (Videos)

By , 09 Feb 2018, 09:02 AM Sport
Kazakhstan v Spain Kazakhstan v Spain Screenshot from YouTube

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Russia vs Kazakhstan for third place on Sunday. 

Portugal and Spain made it to the finals of the UEFA Futsal Euro in Ljubljana on Thursday, with Portugal scoring a 3:2 win against Russia and Spain eliminating Kazakhstan after penalty shoot-out, the STA reported February 8, 2018.

Portugal are in their second finals of the Futsal Euro as they defeated Russia 3:2 in a come-from behind victory.

Aiming to reach fourth straight final, Russia was the first to attack, with Lima scoring in the 4th minute off an assist from Robinho.

Portugal had to wait until ten minutes to go to score the first and equalising goal, with Andre Coelho stealing the ball mid-court and putting it in the net from some ten metres out.

Six minutes later it was Andre Coelho scoring again, this time even from a greater distance, to put Portugal ahead 2:1 and force the Russians to get more offensive.

Russia tried in the last two minutes with the flying goalie, but Bruno Coelho stole the ball and sent it flying into the empty Russian goal to increase Portugal's lead to 3:1.

Russia answered right away, with Lima scoring off an assist by Robinho 50 seconds to go to give Russia a chance of equalising the score, but the last few attempts at the goal were futile.

In the second semi-final match of the day, defending champions Spain earned the final match with Portugal by beating Kazakhstan after penalty shoot-out.

With regulation ending with a 4:4 draw and the ten-minute overtime with a 5:5 draw, Spain win the shoot-out as their goalie saved the first shot and Spaniards being precise in all thee shots.

Spain and Portugal will meet in the finals on Saturday, after the third-place match between Russia and Kazakhstan.


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