Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Košarkarji budijo olimpijski duh
Basketball players awaken the Olympic spirit
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Veliko ljudji je že zgrabil olimpijski duh.
Many people have already been grabbed by the Olympic spirit.
Še navdušeno in so kričali Kdor ne skače, ni Sloven’c med tekmo slovenskih košarkarjev s Španci.
They already enthusiastically shouted Who is not jumping is not a Slovene during the match of Slovenian basketball players with the Spaniards.
Slovenci so med napeto tekmo vodili le šest minut, a so na koncu vseeno premagali svetovne prvake Špance.
The Slovenes led only six minutes during a tense match, but in the end they still defeated the world champions, the Spanishi.
Tekma je bila dopoldne po našem času, zato ste si jo lahko ogledali v živo in se veselili ko so Luka Dončić, Klemen Prepelič, Žiga Dimec in drugi člani olimpijske reprezentance zabijali koše.
The match was in the morning our time, so you could watch it live and rejoice when Luka Dončić, Klemen Prepelič, Žiga Dimec and other members of the Olympic team scored baskets.
Tekma je bila napeta do zadnje sekunde, ko so slovenski košarkarji slavili zmago z rezultatom 95:87. Novinar Dela Edo Brozovič je ob tem zapisal, da je zmagalo slovensko srce.
The match was tense until the last second, when the Slovenian basketball players celebrated the victory with the result 95:87. Delo journalist Edo Brozovič wrote that the Slovenian heart had won.
V četrtfinalu so se nato pomerili z Nemci.
They then faced the Germans in the quarterfinals.
To tekmo ste si v živo ogledali res najbolj zvesti navijači: tisti, ki ste si nastavili budilko in se zbudili sredi noči, saj se je tekma začela ob 3. uri po našem času.
This match was watched live by the really most loyal fans: those of you who set your alarm clock and woke up in the middle of the night as the match started at 3am our time.
Vsi, ki ste tekmo prespali, si v posnetku lahko ogledate njene najlepše trenutke.
Everyone who slept through the match can see its most beautiful moments in the video.
Tudi tokrat so bili uspešnejši Slovenci. Zmagali so s 94:70.
Once again, the Slovenes were the most successful. They won 94:70.
Tudi drugi slovenski tekmovalci so zadovoljni s svojimi nastopi, na primer atleti Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek, Tina Šutej, Luka Janežič, in jadralki Tina Mrak in Veronika Macarol.
Other Slovenian competitors are also satisfied with their performances, such as athletes Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek, Tina Šutej, Luka Janežič, and sailors Tina Mrak and Veronika Macarol.
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