How to Call Someone “Crazy” in Slovenian

By , 16 Mar 2018, 10:49 AM How to Slovenia
Northern Mockingbird juveniles at a bird bath in Austin, Texas Northern Mockingbird juveniles at a bird bath in Austin, Texas Chiltepinster, 2011, Wikimedia Commins, CC BY-SA 3.0

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With a review of the verb to be

March 16, 2018

Like in any other language, there are several ways of calling someone crazy in Slovenian. Below we listed some and organized them neatly in a table, which will prevent you from making any grammatical mistakes when calling people names.

On the left there are personal pronouns in singular (I, you, she, he), in the middle is the verb “to be” in all three corresponding forms (am, are, is), to the right of these there are commonly used adjectives that have the meaning of “crazy” and below these are adjectives that mean “sane” with the negative version of “to be” verb on their left. Three more idioms follow that do not have this form.

Have fun!


Prismuknjeni Adi Smolar with his popular song “Jaz sem nor”:

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