From July 1st 2020, retirees, holders of the European Disability Card and war veterans can apply for a free annual intercity passenger ticket.
Eligible are retirees those over the age of 65, war veterans and the disabled with a European Disability Benefit Card on the condition that they are not employed, have registered businesses or act in as private company directors or managers.
The applicants can access the application form at the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure or get one at bus and train stations where all the usual tickets are sold.
Applicants can submit their applications in person at the ticket offices, via e-mail or in regular mail to the Ministry of Infrastructure with “brezplačna vozovnica Slovenia” on the envelope.
In case applicants will be filling the application form in person at a ticket sales office, an ID card, a war veteran's card or a European disability benefits card will have to be presented.
If applying via e-mail, the completed application form should be sent to with “brezplačna vozovnica Slovenija” in the subject line.
The cost of issuing the card is €3 and an additional €3 postage needs to be paid if the beneficiary chooses the card be sent to their address by the postal service.
Free tickets are not transferable.