How to Get Temporary Residency in Slovenia

By , 23 Jan 2018, 14:45 PM How to Slovenia
Tobačna ulica 5, Ljubljana Tobačna ulica 5, Ljubljana Photo:

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The first thing to do when entering the system. 

January 23, 2018

This article explores the process of getting a temporary residence permit once you are already in the country. If you are a third country citizen (non-EU), the temporary residence application procedure must take place at one of the Slovenian diplomatic representative offices abroad, unless,

  •  you (or your family member) are entering the country after a prolonged stay in another of the EU countries


  •  you have a solid reason for staying (employment, business, family reunion, or any other reasons on this list

So, you are a citizen of an EU country or someone who otherwise qualifies for the in-country temporary residence application. This is what you do to get it:

Locate the nearest (to your current address) administrative unit (upravna enota, with a list of all of the administrative units here). If you are in Ljubljana, that would be at Tobačna ulica 5, aliens department (foreigners: tujci, also look for oddelek za tujce).

The waiting time can be long, so make sure you bring everything you need (or at least everything that seems to be mandatory):

  • a valid passport
  • a passport size photo (for an ID card)
  • health insurance that will be valid on the day when your application is processed (if you don't have any EU valid health insurance yet, get one from Vzajemna insurance company: google “vzajemna poslovalnice” or click here and you'll get their units shown on the related Google map: their 1-year basic health insurance policy will cost you 145.41 EUR, 3 months 73.39 EUR and one-month basic health insurance plan is 35.57 EUR)
  • bank statement (i.e. proof of means of subsistence. The amount has not been specified, but you will need at least a month's minimum income, that is about 500 EUR, although more is better)
  • purpose of stay (for third country citizens, look above, for EU citizens, saying something along the lines of “I like Slovenia..” should be enough)
  • police clearance report (this one is not mandatory if you are an EU country citizen, but it might speed your application if you have one)

- make sure the relevant documents and statements are not older than three months

- if in foreign language, they have to be translated by a certified court translator

When the procedure begins, an EMŠO number will be issued for you (you “exist” in the system from there on). You will need this number in order to carry out any other system related processes, including applying for a tax number.

If you lose it, you can find out how to get a replacement here.

Good luck!


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