Klevevž: Take a Warm Water Bath in Nature

By , 07 Mar 2018, 16:23 PM Travel
Klevevž on August 8, 2011 Klevevž on August 8, 2011 Miran Hladnik, CC BY-SA 2.5 si

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A warm water spring for brave winter swimmers in Dolenjska. 

March 7, 2018

There are several spa destinations in Slovenia, with the highest density in the Pannonian basin in the east of the country, and another few in the sub-Pannonia area of the Lower Carniola region, Dolenjska that is, with the regional capital of Novo mesto.

The thermal water in Slovenia is not of volcanic origin, but instead heated by the Earth’s crust, as the temperature of rocks increases with the depth, at the rate of about 30 degrees Celsius per kilometre throughout the 30-50km of the continental crust.


Temperatures at the depth of 1000 metres, Geological Survey of Slovenia

In Europe, the term “thermal water” is used for all waters with their original temperature higher than 20 degrees, everything colder than that falls under the sub-thermal water category. There are 51 locations with proven thermal water in Slovenia, 18 of which are thermo-mineral (e.g. the Rogaška spa resorts which also produce Radenska and DonatMg mineral drinking waters).

Although warm water springs have long proved useful to the local farmers as warm puddle baths and laundromats for cold winter days, several centuries of thermal water healing folklore led to the capture of many existing springs in fancy spa pools, as well as the drilling of more wells to support the expanding health tourism of the region.

Several warm water springs in Dolenjske and Šmarješke toplice (Lower Carniola Spas) deliver water of around body temperature from about 1000 metres below the surface through tectonic cracks. Nearby, however, there is a place called Klevevž, where warm water is released through one such crack into the wild.


Klevevž, January 2, 2017   Photo: Vid Pogačnik, CC BY-SA 4.0


The water of Klevevž is not of body temperature, as it originates from an area that is located closer to the surface. With its 24.8 degrees, however, it remains one of the official thermal springs in the country, albeit just cold enough to be left to the brave ones to claim it for themselves, once the winter is here.

The fun that can be had at this spot, away from the eyes of all authorities, be they hotel-based or governmental, can be seen at this birthday party enjoyed by young and old on February 1, 2010.


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