Kranjska Gora Has Highest Rate of Vaccinated, Reconvalescent Adults, Zavrč Lowest

By , 17 Dec 2021, 18:35 PM Politics
Degree of vaccination by municipality Degree of vaccination by municipality

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STA, 17 December - Ahead of the Vaccination Days campaign, health authorities have released an overview of adult vaccination rates or shares of over 18s who have recovered from Covid-19 by municipality. The ski resort of Kranjska Gora has the highest rate of fully-jabbed or reconvalescent adults, while the lowest share was recorded in the tiny municipality of Zavrč.

!! During Vaccination Days your local health centre will be offering vaccinations for longer periods of the day, from 19 – 23 December, and some places will also be doing it overnight !!

From the start of the vaccination rollout in Slovenia through 8 December this year, the Kranjska Gora municipality in the north-west managed to push its vaccination or reconvalescence rate among adults to nearly 80%.

In second place is the Vipava municipality in the west (some 79%), followed by Idrija (77%), an area some 40 kilometres west of Ljubljana.

The lowest rate was recorded in Zavrč (53%), a tiny municipality in the north-east, situated not far away from Slovenia's oldest town Ptuj. The nearby municipality Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah has only a slightly higher rate - 55%.

All five areas with the lowest shares are relatively small municipalities located in eastern Slovenia, whereas most of the five municipalities with the highest rates are situated in the west.

Data on the rates in question has been released by the National Institute of Public Health ahead of Vaccination Days, a nationwide campaign to be held between 19 and 23 December and aimed at boosting vaccination rates. The figures according to municipalities are available at


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