STA, 8 April 2021 - The government is expected to potentially change the strategy for a gradual easing of restrictive measures based on the epidemiological situation at a session on Thursday, and decide on the education process after 12 April when the circuit breaker lockdown is scheduled to end.
The STA learnt unofficially that the Covid-19 task force has proposed to the government to keep kindergartens and primary schools open even when the epidemiological situation calls for tier red and have secondary school students study under model C, meaning half the class is in school for a week while the other half continues learning from home.
Under the current plan, kindergartens and the first three grades of primary school switch to model C in tier red, while the rest study from home.
The task force proposes that in tier orange, secondary schools also reopen for all students not just the final grades under model C.
The experts would also abolish the 10pm-5am curfew in the tier red for individuals or several members of the same household.
They also propose that bars and restaurants be allowed to serve their customers outdoors in tier orange and that masks no longer be obligatory outdoors if a safety distance is kept.
They also propose a compensation for those in isolation due to infection and those in quarantine because of a risky contact.
The seven-day rolling average of new daily cases was at 889 on Tuesday, which means the country would be in tier orange if it was not for the 11-day circuit breaker lockdown. However, last week the seven-day average exceeded 1,000, which would mean tier red.
The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) estimates there were almost 13,300 active cases in the country on Tuesday.
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