This Week’s Ljubljana Protest Focuses on National Bureau of Investigation

By , 22 Aug 2020, 09:06 AM Politics
This Week’s Ljubljana Protest Focuses on National Bureau of Investigation Screenshot

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STA, 21 August 2020 - A number of protesters gathered in Ljubljana's Prešeren Square for the traditional Friday evening protest, this time highlighting the government's oversight of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI, Nacionalnega preiskovalnega urada - NPU)). The crowd, some 3,000 by the organisers' estimate and 1,500 by the police's, accompanied the speeches whistling and shouting "villains".

"We're letting politicians know that interfering in police and their investigations is unacceptable and illegal. The government must not only stop with such actions but also resign," said Teja Jarc of the Young Plus Trade Union.

"This government started pursuing repression as soon as it returned from the summer break to subjugate all social sub-systems, including the police.

"Ever since this government came to power, we have been witnessing autocracy, abuse of power, subjugation of all offices, political staffing, pressure on the media and attempts to frighten all those who are against the disintegration of democracy," she said.

In their invitation to today's protest, the organisers announced that they intended to insist on protests "as long as necessary".

"We won't go along fearmongering, we are not afraid. On the contrary, we had been eagerly waiting for them to return from their villas and swimming pools so that their political houses made of cards will finally crush," they wrote.

People of all ages could be seen at the protest, with half of them wearing face masks. A big banner letting the government know We Are Waiting For You! could be seen.

Following the speeches in Prešeren Square, the protesters proceeded towards the Government Palace in Gregorčičeva Street, where they had more speeches.

Ljubjana police seized a banner with what it termed inadequate content, and established one violation of the law on public assembly and another of public law and order.

All our stories on the NBI and Slovenia, and those on various protests in the country


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